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Mikky 04-04-12 22:54


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6084101)
I don't think it's strange for people to assume something requires more work or focus because the devs are silent.

I do. I mean, there's been no other indications that there are problems with development. They reached alpha stage back in January, remember?

just*raidin*tomb 04-04-12 22:55


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6084099)
So, because they've gone silent, you assume there are problems with the game's development? I think you might be jumping to conclusions, but okay.

It's just an assumption. It's not like I'm perceiving it as fact, just a possibility. :p

Mostly because if it is delayed I'll be less upset if I plan for it anyway...this is how I operate.

larafan25 04-04-12 22:57


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6084105)
Yes. I know. I totally agree.

And do you mean that we didn't actually see the game in motion until the E3 before its release? If so, that's somewhat comforting. I guess we didn't notice it so much because all other media we got before it.

Yep. I believe in the beginning of 08 we got lots of magazine articles, the first wave featuring the Mexico demo which we did not see. The second wave, coming before E3 featuring the Med Sea level. Then I believe it was the Mediterranean Sea ....

leglion 04-04-12 22:59


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6084114)
I do. I mean, there's been no other indications that there are problems with development. They reached alpha stage back in January, remember?

And Karl said everything was going smoothly.

just*raidin*tomb 04-04-12 23:02


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6084122)
Yep. I believe in the beginning of 08 we got lots of magazine articles, the first wave featuring the Mexico demo which we did not see. The second wave, coming before E3 featuring the Med Sea level. Then I believe it was the Mediterranean Sea ....

That is so strange to see. :p

I remember when someone posted that offscreen gameplay of the underpus room. ;_ ;

That interview is so boring though. No offense Lindstrom.

larafan25 04-04-12 23:03

KS: "The game just broke, so there is a delay, sorry everyone".

I can't get over how likely it is.

Uhh noooo....:/

I like how Meagan puts Karl's name as initials, because I read it and think Kristen Stewart.


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6084132)
That is so strange to see. :p

I remember when someone posted that offscreen gameplay of the underpus room. ;_ ;

That interview is so boring though.

Was it leaked footage? D:

Lukass 04-04-12 23:05

I'm also very curious what's going on with the new website. They said "a few weeks" a few weeks ago. :/

larafan25 04-04-12 23:06

A few weeks is anything more than 1 week I guess...

Mikky 04-04-12 23:07

I bet the new site won't even be that amazing. :p

larafan25 04-04-12 23:08

It'll just be a fancy flash site I'm sure...

with box art and release dates...

D: :eek:

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