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Tonyrobinson 10-04-12 10:39

Friday October 12th 2012. My twentieth birthday! :D

Don't most games drop on a Friday. :p

Lukass 10-04-12 10:53

I just hope it's not gonna get delayed D':

NCFirebolt21 10-04-12 10:57

I will never forgive SEE/CD nor buy another game of theirs if there's even one small glitch with Tomb Raider... bloody hell, they've been screwing with us for the last year, the least they could do is give us a new trailer or render but no, they hold a new contest! WTF?

tomee 10-04-12 11:04


Originally Posted by NCFirebolt21 (Post 6094584)
I will never forgive SEE/CD nor buy another game of theirs if there's even one small glitch with Tomb Raider... bloody hell, they've been screwing with us for the last year, the least they could do is give us a new trailer or render but no, they hold a new contest! WTF?

el oh el. Do you live in fairyland princess?

NCFirebolt21 10-04-12 11:11

^No, but I expect this game to be a masterpiece... Actually, when you have games like Skyrim, Arkham City and Uncharted out there, you have to expect a masterpiece from a franchise like this...

lcroft_lc 10-04-12 12:06


Originally Posted by Khaled (Post 6094562)
so, no way to release the game before " Fall " . Fall starts in Sep 22 .
I hope that TR release in Sep . :pi:

Me too. The sooner it released the more I have the chance to play the game before I die.

klona 10-04-12 12:34


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6094691)
The sooner it released the more I have the chance to play the game before I die.

I always think of it that way. :vlol:

lcroft_lc 10-04-12 14:12


Originally Posted by Adamaru (Post 6094496)
Why so?

I believe AAA titles usually release on Tuesday.

September 25th is the first Tuesday of Fall 2012. Beside Karl said before they have big plans around Tomb Raider in Japan on that period of time.

October 9 is the 3rd Tuesday of Fall 2012. Beside this Tomb Raider is 9th major TR title. So its just a possibility.


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6094722)
I always think of it that way. :vlol:

We always should be prepared for the call from above. :)

Khaled 10-04-12 16:05


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6094691)
Me too. The sooner it released the more I have the chance to play the game before I die.


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6094722)
I always think of it that way. :vlol:

Lol . I know The excitement and waiting are kill you and makes you say that . We will play TR if we have a long life . :D

NRO. 11-04-12 12:37


Tomb Raider – Last year the Tomb Raider demo wowed almost everyone at E3. But Crystal Dynamics still has an uphill battle on their hands. Rebooting a series always has the potential to turn out disastrous. And even though Lara’s adventures were starting to become stale, some gamers may feel like the new Tomb Raider is too different. Also we haven’t seen any of the game’s combat, but it’s safe to say Lara won’t be hiding behind cover while playing whack-a-mole with an assault rifle, and hurling grenades over her shoulder. Will gamers be receptive to the survival gameplay?

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