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Spong 15-03-12 19:21


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6039114)
Okay but your book doesn't matter because you didn't write any of that opening post.

Funny you should say that because...


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6039114)
The person who wrote that means "widely open" in a different way, a way which I have clearly stated and it's obvious.

You're Driber are you? You absolutely know that?


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6039114)
If you think you have no artistic abilities, you'd find you have less chance in a competition in which the winning entry is judged...

What's that got to do with the number of Tomb Raider sites the competition is open to? At the very least, he could've made a thread here (or any other TR-related place) to mention the competition.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6039114)
...Thwerefore it is open to a wider audience.

If you're a member of the Eidos board, yeah.

larafan25 15-03-12 19:33


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6039139)
Funny you should say that because...

You're Driber are you? You absolutely know that?

If we have a post, which is written one way, and we both have different ideas as to the context of the post. You're theory contradicts the post, and mine goes along with it, which one seems more likely to be true?


What's that got to do with the number of Tomb Raider sites the competition is open to?
What has anything got to do with the number of Tomb Raider sites? What I posted was a characteristic of the competition which makes it more open, "widely open". You're assuming "widely open" is about how accessible the competition is outside of that forum.


At the very least, he could've made a thread here (or any other TR-related place) to mention the competition.
Are you even allowed to do that? Isn't that advertising you're own website? Not to mention if the competition was held here I doubt Justin would be going over to other forums advertising the competition.

If you're a member of the Eidos board, yeah.[/QUOTE]

Spong 15-03-12 19:51


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6039162)
You're theory contradicts the post, and mine goes along with it, which one seems more likely to be true?

We have no definition of what "widely-open" is supposed to mean from Driber himself. You perceive it as who is allowed to enter the comp, I perceive it as where the comp is available. Neither contradicts it.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6039162)
What has anything got to do with the number of Tomb Raider sites? What I posted was a characteristic of the competition which makes it more open, "widely open". You're assuming "widely open" is about how accessible the competition is outside of that forum.

We're seeing different interpretations of the phrase. You're assuming as much as I am. Why don't you post at the Eidos board and ask Driber to clarify what he means? Until he nails it, neither of us can say we're right. But I have a sneaking suspicion I'm closer to the truth purely because of recent discussions I've had with him.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6039162)
Are you even allowed to do that? Isn't that advertising you're own website?

I would guess that the official Eidos board would be an exception to that rule somehow, don't you? Especially when it comes to posts made by the Admin.

larafan25 15-03-12 20:10


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6039211)
We have no definition of what "widely-open" is supposed to mean from Driber himself. You perceive it as who is allowed to enter the comp, I perceive it as where the comp is available. Neither contradicts it.

Okay, but the way I interpret "Widely open" allows what Driber said to actually make sense. What you interpret it as, causes you to think the it doesn't make sense (or as much sense) because you don't think one forum is "widely open".

It's a simple matter of positive vs. negative, you have a negative outlook on this (and everything).


We're seeing different interpretations of the phrase. You're assuming as much as I am. Why don't you post at the Eidos board and ask Driber to clarify what he means?
Because it doesn't matter. Having a clear answer doesn't matter in most cases (and arguments), including this one because it doesn't matter. What matters is how we perceive what is said and the effect that has on who said it and what is being said. If you interpreted it the way I do, all would be well and fine, there'd be no nitpicking about what he said, as it would make perfect sense. But if we interpret it your way, there is a problem, or we have a problem with it. It makes unnecessary hardship TBH.

That seems to be the theme of the month, or year. Making things unnecessarily bad for ourselves, whether it's a big deal or not, simply because of the way we perceive something.


Until he nails it, neither of us can say we're right.
Yes we can, though we may not actually be right, and it really doesn't matter.


But I have a sneaking suspicion I'm closer to the truth purely because of recent discussions I've had with him.
Oh, okay.

But you think anyone in their right mind would say "widely open" as in "All over the Interwebz" when it's only on one forum?

My interpretation makes more sense and is backed up by other information in the post, your idea is backed up by....doubt...and a negative view of what is written (as in it is an error or makes no sense).


I would guess that the official Eidos board would be an exception to that rule somehow, don't you? Especially when it comes to posts made by the Admin.
No, I wouldn't. I don't remember the forums being close before, nor do I remember links being allowed to be shared.

In fact there was a link to the first developer Q&A posted here and the entire thread was removed if I can remember correctly.

Spong 15-03-12 20:31

^Bored with the discussion now. Neither of us is right or wrong, that's the long & short of it, so it's pointless us spamming like this. I will quote this much though...


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6039285)
But you think anyone in their right mind would say "widely open" as in "All over the Interwebz" when it's only on one forum?

Of course they would. They're never gonna admit the truth because it shows them in an awkward, possibly even discriminating, light. The driving force behind the comp, as always, is to get new registrations.

lcroft_lc 16-03-12 17:18

Meagan replied my tweet just now and she said she is hoping to upload the next podcast on Tuesday.

Tons of info coming in Tuesday. :yah: :jmp:

Linoshi Croft 16-03-12 17:20


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6041215)
Meagan replied my tweet just now and she said she is hoping to upload the next podcast on Tuesday.

Tons of info coming in Tuesday. :yah: :jmp:

I wouldn't be so sure..

Lukass 16-03-12 17:20


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6041215)
Meagan replied my tweet just now and she said she is hoping to upload the next podcast on Tuesday.

Tons of info coming in Tuesday. :yah: :jmp:

Are you fuuuuuuuuuuu joking? I thought we're getting the podcast today :/

lcroft_lc 16-03-12 17:26


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6041219)
Are you fuuuuuuuuuuu joking? I thought we're getting the podcast today :/

Nope. She just back from SXSW yesterday. Still she needs to finish it.

I asked her this-

@MeaganMarie Will there be a new Podcast within next few days?
Here's her reply to me-

@ShaikhSiddiky Yep! Hoping to have it up on Tuesday. I have one last bit to record. :)

Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6041218)
I wouldn't be so sure..

There are always tons of info. 45 minutes plus full of informations about TR or behind the scene. ;)

Linoshi Croft 16-03-12 18:56

There is :confused:

Usually its just going through what we know or completely unrelated...

Spong 16-03-12 18:58


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6041240)
45 minutes plus full of Karl talking about beer and pink ponies. ;)

Fixed :tmb:

Lukass 16-03-12 19:00


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6041476)
There is :confused:

Usually its just going through what we know or completely unrelated...

I loled so hard at the "There is :confused:"

And it's true, there never was anything that would make me "Ah, didn't know this, interesting..."

So yeah, agree with Linoshi.

larafan25 16-03-12 19:05

There were definately bits of info that surprised or enlightened each of us, in at least one of the habit podcasts.

klona 16-03-12 19:24

I hope the next podcast has new music and is in HQ. :p

amiro1989 16-03-12 19:28


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6041240)
Nope. She just back from SXSW yesterday. Still she needs to finish it.

I asked her this-
Here's her reply to me-

There are always tons of info. 45 minutes plus full of informations about <scratch>TR</scratch> of behind the scenes, and a tad, like a pinch of information about the new TR game, and ponies. ;)


jhs270694 16-03-12 19:36

So anything interesting happened today? Were the 'questions' answered from Eidos?

Mikky 16-03-12 19:42

So, the next podcast will be released on Tuesday? Oh...

klona 16-03-12 19:46

It was supposed to be released on 17th... wasn't it? :(

amiro1989 16-03-12 20:06


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6041608)
It was supposed to be released on 17th... wasn't it? :(

Come on give them a break! You know how hard it is to actually unveil nothing in a 45 minutes podcast!.... It's super hard, but they do it so well.


noonbob 16-03-12 20:08


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6041597)
So, the next podcast will be released on Tuesday? Oh...

aww :3 that pic is too cute :p

Rai 16-03-12 20:16


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 6041580)
So anything interesting happened today? Were the 'questions' answered from Eidos?

Apparently not yet.

NRO. 16-03-12 20:32

OMG! I bought this magazine today and I was just browsing trough it and I stumbled across this article about TR! There are some new screens there and a wonderful shot of Lara. Scanned it immedeatly! :jmp:
I'm sooooo sorry

Mikky 16-03-12 20:33

Not even funny. :pi: Okay, it's a bit funny. :P

amiro1989 16-03-12 20:35

Very very mean.

Rai 16-03-12 20:50

Going by the above two replies, NRO's post is a prank? I can't even see the pictures :vlol:

TippingWater 16-03-12 20:59


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6041768)

LOL smurf.png :vlol:!

b.gluch 16-03-12 22:02

who is that anyway?

NRO. 16-03-12 22:17

Photoshopped picture of Imogen Poots.

Stevo505 16-03-12 22:26

That was the funniest thing I've ever seen. Yeah.

larafan25 16-03-12 22:40 anyone excited about E3?

I mean....are they going to be on stage showing combat, or in that circle thing?

Does it matter?

It's going to be so weird, seeing the game.

I wonder what the combat demo will look like and I wonder how far into the game it is, and I wonder how many QTE it will have. :pi:

Spong 16-03-12 22:44


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6042089) anyone excited about E3?

Not really.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6042089)
I mean....are they going to be on stage showing combat, or in that circle thing?

No idea.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6042089)
Does it matter?

No, we'll see it no matter how they showcase it.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6042089)
It's going to be so weird, seeing the game.'ll be totally mind mashing. Or something.

larafan25 16-03-12 23:01

^Yes, it will be mind mashing, and blowing. There will be tons of people complaining! :mis:

Anyone know what this symbol means?

I mean if I were to play the game, it wuldn't be much of a hint as I don't even know what the symbol means. It's saying to push the cage, but how would you know how? I'm sure it would be easier to just use a symbol which tells you the button to press instead of implying what action to do.

Also, now that we have seen the fire symbol and the cocoons highlighted, I'm going to get the torch and run back to the first room of the game and light that hanging cocoon behind Lara.

Mikky 16-03-12 23:02

It's a push symbol.

larafan25 16-03-12 23:03

Yes, the symbols are for people who can't read. :pi:

Linoshi Croft 16-03-12 23:04

Thankfully the fugly things are optional.

Spong 16-03-12 23:05


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6042157)
It's a push symbol.

Crystal really do think we're a bunch of knuckle-dragging retards. Seeing crap like those icons is insulting, even in screenshot form. Thank Christ all that can be disabled.

Rai 16-03-12 23:05


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6042157)
It's a push symbol.

I think Larafan worked that bit out :p. Maybe it's whatever is the action button,

And yes, it's good to know the icons are optional. Hopefully from the very start. :pi:

Lukass 16-03-12 23:05

God, this is all so boring :/ I don't even know why I'm even bothered to log on...

Mikky 16-03-12 23:06

^ Tell me about it. :/


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6042160)
Yes, the symbols are for people who can't read. :pi:

No, the symbols are for people too dumb to figure out what to do.


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6042168)
I think Larafan worked that bit out :p. Maybe it's whatever is the action button,

Then why ask? :p

larafan25 16-03-12 23:06

^^I've been level editing all day and you promised me a podcast today, so I need an outlet.


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6042165)
Thankfully the fugly things are optional.

Are they?

I heard they were intuitive.

They go as you progress.

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