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larafan25 07-05-12 01:17


Originally Posted by danny.rex (Post 6154113)

Oh come on, that's pretty much like some of the classic TRs showing what you just picked, instead of a picture they named it.

This icon is more intrusive and I don't think we need it for a torch which doesn't go into our inventory.

danny.rex 07-05-12 01:19


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6154127)
Let's be honest. The blocks you can interact with in the classics always have slightly different color in compare to the ones you won't move. I always recognized which one I can interact with without trying them one by one.

I think it was usually the lighting messing up, usually the movable objects looked lighter. But I do remember some places where they looked the same.


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6154151)
This icon is more intrusive and I don't think we need it for a torch which doesn't go into our inventory.

TR4 and 5 had the icon for the torch too :p maybe is something just for the introduction and won't happen every time you grab a torch, but we will see

Lukass 07-05-12 01:20

What's the matter? We can decline the hint icons. It's gonna be the first thing I'm going to do before I start to play.

Weemanply109 07-05-12 01:20

So hint icons can be disabled?

Lukass 07-05-12 01:22


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6154162)
So hint icons can be disabled?

Without a doubt.


Originally Posted by danny.rex (Post 6154157)
I think it was usually the lighting messing up, usually the movable objects looked lighter. But I do remember some places where they looked the same.

Yeah, there were some places where it was hard to recognize which boxes you can interact with, but it wasn't often at all.

leglion 07-05-12 01:22


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6154151)
This icon is more intrusive and I don't think we need it for a torch which doesn't go into our inventory.

It's smaller though...

larafan25 07-05-12 01:22

^What's smaller?


Originally Posted by danny.rex (Post 6154157)
I think it was usually the lighting messing up, usually the movable objects looked lighter. But I do remember some places where they looked the same.

TR4 and 5 had the icon for the torch too :p maybe is something just for the introduction and won't happen every time you grab a torch, but we will see

I don't remember it happening with the torch, but I don't think this torch goes into our inventory, and the icon is larger and super annoying. I don't want any icons, I can see what I pick up. :/


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6154162)
So hint icons can be disabled?

Not that I know of, I believe Karl said they go as you progress, the game plays intuitively or something.

Lukass 07-05-12 01:24

So we were able to disable them in LAU and we won't do that in Tomb Raider? Pffft.

leglion 07-05-12 01:27


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6154168)
^What's smaller?

I don't remember it happening with the torch, but I don't think this torch goes into our inventory, and the icon is larger and super annoying. I don't want any icons, I can see what I pick up. :/

Not that I know of, I believe Karl said they go as you progress, the game plays intuitively or something.

The icon.

larafan25 07-05-12 01:27


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6154173)
The icon.

I think the icon in the reboot is larger than the icon in the classics...without a doubt.

motoleo 07-05-12 01:30

Our mighty Crystal isn't doing all this work for nothing. This will be breaking their backs to deliver this game to you. Crystal has prepped for a new display release with several updates. You will see a significant performance boost in the gaming mechanics.

Prepare to recover as we shift from yellow light to green light.

Stevo505 07-05-12 01:30


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6154179)
I think the icon in the reboot is larger than the icon in the classics...without a doubt.

But we'll be playing it on bigger TVs, so the icon takes up less space ;)

leglion 07-05-12 01:31


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6154179)
I think the icon in the reboot is larger than the icon in the classics...without a doubt.


larafan25 07-05-12 01:32


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6154189)
But we'll be playing it on bigger TVs, so the icon takes up less space ;)

You might be. :pi:


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6154190)

Lukass 07-05-12 01:32


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6154188)
Our mighty Crystal isn't doing all this work for nothing. This will be breaking their backs to deliver this game to you. Crystal has prepped for a new display release with several updates. You will see a significant performance boost in the gaming mechanics.

Prepare to recover as we shift from yellow light to green light.

Stop it already :/

larafan25 07-05-12 01:32


motoleo 07-05-12 01:43

Square-Enix has been sending out its E3 schedule to websites, making them aware of the games the publisher will show there, and titles such as Hitman: Absolution and Tomb Raider were on the list.

Also, one article today on Nerd Trek

larafan25 07-05-12 01:46

What's happening with TR being on the list? ._/

Stevo505 07-05-12 01:47

Isn't it kind of obvious TR would be there? :p

motoleo 07-05-12 01:49


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6154222)
Isn't it kind of obvious TR would be there? :p

The news is that Square Enix just sent them out though. Versus XIII was not on their list. This is coming from the Chief Editor and Founder of GamesThirst you know. :p

larafan25 07-05-12 01:49

Yep. We knew this. That article points out a lot of old stuff too, lol.

Thanks for posting it though, I wonder who that Hale girl is.

leglion 07-05-12 01:51


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6154192)

Not only is the classic icon larger, it's also animating.

larafan25 07-05-12 01:52


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6154229)
Not only is the classic icon larger, it's also animating.

The reboot icon is a giant black rectangle stretching across the screen, it's also an icon whereas the image in the classic games was just the object you found magnified and spinning.

Nobody needs that torch icon.

Lukass 07-05-12 01:54


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6154222)
Isn't it kind of obvious TR would be there? :p

Not for some people. Some people actually dare to have doubts about Tomb Raider being at E3 2012.

larafan25 07-05-12 01:57


When CD said they'd be at E3...

The told us they wouldn't tell us when the next wave would begin...

They really meant E3...

Stevo505 07-05-12 01:57


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6154238)
Not for some people. Some people actually dare to have doubts about Tomb Raider being at E3 2012.

That would be the stupidest move ever.

Lukass 07-05-12 02:00


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6154243)

When CD said they'd be at E3...

The told us they wouldn't tell us when the next wave would begin...

They really meant E3...

It's just silly :/ Wait...31st May is BEFORE E3 :p

and the icon is not THAT huge as you stated.

But like I said, I don't want them neither and I'm going to disable them all before I even start to play.

larafan25 07-05-12 02:02

Talkin bout the uther icon yo.

But I don't like either of them.

leglion 07-05-12 02:03


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6154233)
The reboot icon is a giant black rectangle stretching across the screen, it's also an icon whereas the image in the classic games was just the object you found magnified and spinning.

Nobody needs that torch icon.

It's an icon as far as I'm concerned because it looked just like one. The reboot icon is a slender bar stretching less than a quarter way through the screen which is semi transparent, non animating, and non colourful. I think it's obvious which is more obstructive.

Lukass 07-05-12 02:03

The other icon is even smaller that the one I posted, so I don't quite understand, but ta-da, ok.

larafan25 07-05-12 02:06


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6154258)
It's an icon as far as I'm concerned because it looked just like one. The reboot icon is a slender bar stretching less than a quarter way through the screen which is semi transparent, non animating, and non colourful. I think it's obvious which is more obstructive.

I don't think it's obvious.

In my opinion the torch icon takes up more space than it needs to, because it has that long rectangle piece is is larger than the floating skull. In my opinion a magnified image of the object you just picked up floating in the corner is more immersive than an icon which is faux-gritty with white writing and stuff.

But it really just doesn't need to be there and is annoying.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6154260)
The other icon is even smaller that the one I posted, so I don't quite understand, but ta-da, ok.

The other icon stretches across the screen, that's why it's bothersome to me.

leglion 07-05-12 02:06


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6154254)
Talkin bout the uther icon yo.

But I don't like either of them.

Why's that, too big for you?

larafan25 07-05-12 02:10


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6154263)
Why's that, too big for you?

It's too icony and too big.

It doesn't even need to be there, If I manage to get as far as picking up the actual torch, then I damn-well know it's a torch and I know I have it.

leglion 07-05-12 02:22


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6154268)
It's too icony and too big.

It doesn't even need to be there, If I manage to get as far as picking up the actual torch, then I damn-well know it's a torch and I know I have it.

And a big animating/rotating colorful shiny skull isn't too icony and obstructive? Okay.

All i know is that one distracts me more than the other.

But i was talking about the other icon.

larafan25 07-05-12 02:24

The other icon is more distracting too, in my opinion.

leglion 07-05-12 02:26


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6154278)
The other icon is more distracting too, in my opinion.

lol i can't with you. I just looked at the big colourful shiny yellow skull(which rotates) next to the other icon and I'm wondering why I'm even arguing about this.... Good night.

Lukass 07-05-12 02:29

Over bloody icons that we'll be able to disable? Really?

leglion 07-05-12 03:49


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6154285)
Over bloody icons that we'll be able to disable? Really?

Well we don't have anything bigger to argue about! Hurry up CD before we start arguing about LAra's 5th left eyelash! :mad:

Jk CD. I'm patiently waiting. XOXO take your time. :gki:

TRexbait 07-05-12 04:06

Icons are actually kind of important. BECAUSE WHAT IF WE CAN'T DISABLE THEM OH MY GOD.

That icon size in the reboot screen seems fine, but it really is necessary for something like a torch. =/

just*raidin*tomb 07-05-12 04:51

I'm not a fan of huge icons in the hud in games, but I've gotta say...the icons in Tomb Raider are some of sexiest I've seen.

...meaning I think they actually look nice and don't really distract from the game at all, but that's just my opinion. I might not even disable them.

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