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Mikky 08-05-12 19:35

lf25 was joking, btw. :pi:

larafan25 08-05-12 19:37


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6157311)
lf25 was joking, btw. :pi:

No I wasn't, where have you been? :confused:


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6157306)
But we'll likely see a trailer and gameplay before then so what a **** time to have an exclusive.

I know a lot of magazines say exclusive when what they actually mean is STUFF YOUVE PROLLY ALREADY SEEN BUT WE HAVENT PUBLISHED.

cuz they lie~


just*raidin*tomb 08-05-12 19:37

EDIT AGAYANNN: ^ Okay yeah.

So there's not a magazine at all?

So confused...

EDIT: there totally is a magazine. I looked a few pages back.

Mikky 08-05-12 19:38

^ You're winding me up, right? :p


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6157318)
No I wasn't, where have you been? :confused:

Just... stop it. :pi:

Lukass 08-05-12 19:39

There will be magazine. :pi:

larafan25 08-05-12 19:39


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6157323)
^ You're winding me up, right? :p

Just... stop it. :pi:

just*raidin*tomb 08-05-12 19:40

Mikky, the joke is on you. :'D

larafan25 08-05-12 19:40



klona 08-05-12 19:41


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6157306)
cuz they lie~

Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable!

Mikky 08-05-12 19:41


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6157328)

Oh... :pi:

Wow, that really is the most pointless exclusive then. :/

larafan25 08-05-12 19:42


Chances are someone will have that magazine at least by the end of May. So although we'll have a trailer on the 31st, we might have exclusive coverage from that magazine about stuff we haven yet to see at E3.

just*raidin*tomb 08-05-12 19:44

True ^ Maybe.

Originally Posted by klona (Post 6157338)
Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Unacceptable!
But yeah I know, it sucks. It's all a marketing ploy. :/

larafan25 08-05-12 19:45

I love that gif. I love the video better. Voice.

Mikky 08-05-12 19:45


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6157342)

Chances are someone will have that magazine at least by the end of May. So although we'll have a trailer on the 31st, we might have exclusive coverage from that magazine about stuff we haven yet to see at E3.

You speak French, right? What does that writing say on that preview page?

larafan25 08-05-12 19:47


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6157357)
You speak French, right? What does that writing say on that preview page?

It says....


Originally Posted by Writing
Va te faire merde, non, je ne veux pas.

just*raidin*tomb 08-05-12 19:49


Mikky 08-05-12 19:49


I'm pretty sure it's against the rules to swear in other languages too, you know? :pi:

larafan25 08-05-12 19:50


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6157374)

I'm pretty sure it's against the rules to swear in other languages too, you know? :pi:

Says the non French-speaking moderators. :pi:

yeah you're right let's make a conversation out of it.

just*raidin*tomb 08-05-12 19:50

I took two semesters of french in high school. Where is the image at?

Bomb Fighter 08-05-12 19:51


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6157340)
Oh... :pi:

Wow, that really is the most pointless exclusive then. :/

Why do you think itīs pointless? They may have infos that we wonīt realise from the trailer and pictures from areas not yet shown.

larafan25 08-05-12 19:51


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6157380)
I took two semesters of french in high school. Where is the image at?

I don't know that it was in French but it was already translated.

Mikky 08-05-12 19:52

^ Where?


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6157377)
Says the non French-speaking moderators. :pi:

yeah you're right let's make a conversation out of it.

Um... Okay?


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6157380)
I took two semesters of french in high school. Where is the image at?

This one.

I just wanna know if it says anything like, "exclusive images" or whatever. :p


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6157383)
Why do you think itīs pointless? They may have infos that we wonīt realise from the trailer and pictures from areas not yet shown.

I just meant that E3 is on June 5th, so...

Bomb Fighter 08-05-12 19:52

Translation (again):

Extreme reporter Raph, tries to fit in the character who has been exciting males since 1996. And if the lucky man doesnīt have the same tromphs,he assures his exclusives infos worth every part of the world.

just*raidin*tomb 08-05-12 19:54

Oh well it's already been translated, dunno where the translation is, but from what I can tell it's nothing interesting except for stating that they're going to be reporting about exclusive information...

^thur it iz

That's not a very good translation though. lol I guess it doesn't translate well to english.

Mikky 08-05-12 19:54

Thank you. :D

What does, "tries to fit in the character who has been exciting males since 1996" even mean? Fit her into what exactly?

larafan25 08-05-12 19:57

Here's a better translation...


Originally Posted by English
Refer to the extreme, his raph enflilera minishort to enter the skin of a character who is writhing males since 1996. And if the lucky did not have the same advantages, we expect that its proprietary information will be worth all the necklines of the world.

Just Kidding.

I'm already cutting my neck off.

just*raidin*tomb 08-05-12 19:59

That's a lot better ^ haha


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6157409)
Thank you. :D

What does, "tries to fit in the character who has been exciting males since 1996" even mean? Fit her into what exactly?

It's just a really bad translation.

I think what it's really saying is "learns about the character who has been exciting males since 1996" or something of that nature.

Bomb Fighter 08-05-12 20:14


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6157424)
That's a lot better ^ haha

It's just a really bad translation.

I think what it's really saying is "learns about the character who has been exciting males since 1996" or something of that nature.

I was trying my best, sorry.

Itīs a metaphor, so itīs hard for me to translate. None of these languages is my native. But I think it means that he had the opportunity to play the game. Like: He was able to try being Lara, girl who agitated men since...

Weemanply109 08-05-12 20:20

That exclusive info in that mag better be ****ing exclusive then, otherwise they might aswell bomb their HQ.

just*raidin*tomb 08-05-12 20:21


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6157477)
I was trying my best, sorry.

Itīs a metaphor, so itīs hard for me to translate. None of these languages is my native. But I think it means that he had the opportunity to play the game. Like: He was able to try being Lara, girl who agitated men since...

Oh I didn't mean anything personal by it. I'm sorry. :o Some things are weird when you translate them because you have to reword the sentence and switch things around for them to make sense grammatically, sometimes. This is one of those cases.

Maybe "really bad" was a bit of an exaggeration. :p

Weemanply109 08-05-12 20:25

Basically he means the french doesn't really translate well into a proper English sentence. So it's not your fault, bb.

tomee 08-05-12 20:57

These translations are hilarious. :vlol:


has been exciting males since 1996

Stevo505 08-05-12 21:11


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6157380)
I took two semesters of french in high school. Where is the image at?

I took 6 ;D

Lukass 08-05-12 21:14

I took 0 and I couldn't care less because there's not going to be anything exclusive in the magazine. Duh :(

just*raidin*tomb 08-05-12 21:18


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6157644)
I took 6 ;D

Over achiever... we only had french 1 and 2, both of which were only available via online public school. So I took them virtually and had to submit speaking assignments. It kind of sucked. :p

Stevo505 08-05-12 21:19


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6157652)
I took 0 and I couldn't care less because there's not going to be anything exclusive in the magazine. Duh :(


Lukass 08-05-12 21:26

huh? :( ;___;

Weemanply109 08-05-12 21:39

This thread is sooo confusing.

Lukass 08-05-12 21:42

And depressing and boring ;__; I'm gonna leave TRF until 31st May :/

Love2Raid 08-05-12 21:47

Yeah, French translates quite badly to English, literally. :p
It says that he 'enters the skin of', we have a similar expression in Dutch. XD

Anyway, the meaning of 'infos exclusives' should be clear enough for all of us though, and that's what it's all about I suppose. Who cares that some guy named Raph puts on a pair of booty shorts. Oh wait, we're on TRF.

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