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Spong 17-05-12 22:02

I assume people are talking about the discussion larafan & I had? LOL @ the way you people react to opinions that differ from your own. You should all take a page out of larafan's book. Does he ever resort to making posts like you guys just have?

He's always happy to discuss stuff in a levelled way, and as much as he & I have opposing views, he has my respect for bringing his thoughts to the fray and using them to counter my opinions. But the thing is, the opinions don't matter in a way because we're both talking about something we love. That's what we're here to do.

You lot weren't even involved in the conversation and you're acting all butthurt and reacting like kids. Seriously, get over it guys.

larafan25 17-05-12 22:03


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6173293)
She looks very clean...

She probably waded through the river a bit or something.

Her stab wound still seems fresh.

Linoshi Croft 17-05-12 22:04


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6173297)
She probably waded through the river a bit or something.

Her stab wound still seems fresh.

Well if she took the time to clean'd think where the spike went through her would be dealt with also.

Lukass 17-05-12 22:04

@Spong - Believe it or not, but I wasn't talking about you.

TippingWater 17-05-12 22:05


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6173294)
Were you talking about this picture?

I don't see any HD in it! The Quality sucks!...

That's what I call HD...

:o The pseudo-HD in the new screen is horrible.

Spong 17-05-12 22:06


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6173300)
@Spong - Believe it or not, but I wasn't talking about you.

I wasn't aiming it specifically at anyone, that's why I named no names and asked the question at the beginning of my post. If my assumption was wrong then forget everything I said. Which is what most people do by default anyway no doubt :p

Lukass 17-05-12 22:07

Hm, I just realized the grey thingies on the ground near the arrows are wooden beams, so there might be some building or broken pagoda or something. I wonder why they picked this particular screenshot.

Linoshi Croft 17-05-12 22:07

Plus, anyone else notice the arrows conveniently leaning up the wall near the flowers...

just*raidin*tomb 17-05-12 22:08


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6173283)
Wouldn't part of growing up be accepting different opinions even if you don't like them? :/

Kind of my point.

Also nitpicking is annoying. Jesus I mean lets look and pick at things that don't even matter and assume the worst is going to come from everything.

Your avi awesome btw.


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6173286)
Alrighty, time for a positive remark, I do love her muscle definition in the new screenshot :).

Yeah it looks quite nice.

Cristina 17-05-12 22:09


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6173306)
Plus, anyone else notice the arrows conveniently leaning up the wall near the flowers...

I have noticed :p

larafan25 17-05-12 22:09


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6173299)
Well if she took the time to clean'd think where the spike went through her would be dealt with also.

It might still be bleeding and the blood might have stained...mebes.

I do question though...

If the wolf hub is day 4 (it's either day 4 or 3) and Lara has the primitive axe, better bow, holster, and strap, how fast do we gain items?

Maybe that is not an accurate depiction of the progression though.

The render we're supposed to see sometime with Lara standing by a river, it says she has a reinforced bow or something of that kind, which makes me think of a reinforced steel bow, perhaps she gets another bow upgrade?

I sort of like this upgrading of tools by getting a completely better item, but I wonder what happens to the old item.

leglion 17-05-12 22:10


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6173306)
Plus, anyone else notice the arrows conveniently leaning up the wall near the flowers...

The man with the bow was most likely carrying some arrows. So they fell out seeing as he's hanging upside down.

larafan25 17-05-12 22:12


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6173314)
The man with the bow was most likely carrying some arrows. So they fell out seeing as he's hanging upside down.

and landed so conveniently lying against the wall (not that I care as I assume they were placed on the ground as he was using them or something).

Though that makes you wonder why the people who killed him wouldn't have also taken the arrows, unless they just didn't see them.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6173305)
Hm, I just realized the grey thingies on the ground near the arrows are wooden beams, so there might be some building or broken pagoda or something. I wonder why they picked this particular screenshot.

I thought they were bridge planks, and if you look at the rock they're by, it's like a thin rock wall which to me screams rock "spires".

So maybe this is near the area with the bridge Lara runs across and finds Roth?

Lukass 17-05-12 22:13


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6173315)
I thought they were bridge planks, and if you look at the rock they're by, it's like a thin rock wall which to me screams rock "spires".

So maybe this is near the area with the bridge Lara runs across and finds Roth?

I think the river is the same river we see on the night hub screenshots.

leglion 17-05-12 22:15


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6173315)
and landed so conveniently lying against the wall (not that I care as I assume they were placed on the ground as he was using them or something).

Though that makes you wonder why the people who killed him wouldn't have also taken the arrows, unless they just didn't see them.

I thought they were bridge planks, and if you look at the rock they're by, it's like a thin rock wall which to me screams rock "spires".

So maybe this is near the area with the bridge Lara runs across and finds Roth?

Hmm good point. But that's hardly convenient. There's only one arrow. Convenience would be it being placed right below him.

larafan25 17-05-12 22:16


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6173317)
I think the river is the same river we see on the night hub screenshots.

I doubt that.

The river in the night hub comes down from the mountain and where it ends seems to be out into the ocean (though we can't actually see it).

It seems that Lara would have come into the hub from the area to the left of the base camp when you're standing in front with your back facing the camp, down that little pathway.

Though maybe this is up beyond the waterfall near the top of the river?


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6173319)
Hmm good point. But that's hardly convenient. There's only one arrow. Convenience would be it being placed right below him.

I think if it was lying below him it would make sense that it came off of him, but because it's placed leaning up against a wall, it seems more placed.

I also think it's more than one arrow, two or three.

Lukass 17-05-12 22:18


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6173319)
Hmm good point. But that's hardly convenient. There's only one arrow. Convenience would be it being placed right below him.

There are two, but that probably doesn't make any difference anyway :p

+ those two wooden thingies...

just*raidin*tomb 17-05-12 22:18


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6173295)
I assume people are talking about the discussion larafan & I had? LOL @ the way you people react to opinions that differ from your own. You should all take a page out of larafan's book. Does he ever resort to making posts like you guys just have?

He's always happy to discuss stuff in a levelled way, and as much as he & I have opposing views, he has my respect for bringing his thoughts to the fray and using them to counter my opinions. But the thing is, the opinions don't matter in a way because we're both talking about something we love. That's what we're here to do.

You lot weren't even involved in the conversation and you're acting all butthurt and reacting like kids. Seriously, get over it guys.

To be fair, I think you seem to get butthurt over others opinions. So much so that you act as if your opinions they are facts.

I have plenty of tolerance and patience for discussing opposing opinions but none for cocky bigotry.

It's whatever.

larafan25 17-05-12 22:21

So this might not actually be a hub, but could just be an area between hubs, right?

I hope we don't feel so con fined being surrounded by rock walls like we were in TRU Mexico.

Turning up the contrast and brightness reveals a lot, but I love this area behind Lara that we can see a bit of...

Spong 17-05-12 22:22


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6173325)
To be fair, I think you seem to get butthurt over others opinions. So much so that you act as if your opinions they are facts.

I don't try and claim my opinions are facts, and when I counter what other people say, in the face of having no facts to hand I use simple logic. In fact, in that discussion I had with larafan I said...


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6173195)
That's how the hunting comes across to me at the moment. I can't say that's what it is until I play the game. Until then, everything about it screams rubbish.

Maybe you missed that.

leglion 17-05-12 22:23


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6173321)
I doubt that.

The river in the night hub comes down from the mountain and where it ends seems to be out into the ocean (though we can't actually see it).

It seems that Lara would have come into the hub from the area to the left of the base camp when you're standing in front with your back facing the camp, down that little pathway.

Though maybe this is up beyond the waterfall near the top of the river?

I think if it was lying below him it would make sense that it came off of him, but because it's placed leaning up against a wall, it seems more placed.

I also think it's more than one arrow, two or three.

Hmmm, maybe it had something to do with combat before he got strung up... I dunno. I need to know more about the area to come up with a for sure theory. There isn't much you can pull from that screen.

Lukass 17-05-12 22:23

@larafan25 What makes you think it's not a hub? I think it is part of the night hub, but in daytime? The game is all about hubs.

larafan25 17-05-12 22:25


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6173333)
Hmmm, maybe it had something to do with combat before he got strung up... I dunno. I need to know more about the area to come up with a for sure theory. There isn't much you can pull from that screen.

I just imagine the guy putting arrows down and sitting there, or crouching and firing, then he is attacked or ambushed and strung up int the tree.

It's a nice shot though, definitely could be one of those iconic moments.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6173334)
@larafan25 What makes you think it's not a hub? I think it is part of the night hub, but in daytime? The game is all about hubs.

I don't think it's the night hub, this seems more like a forest. It's definitely before she gets to the night hub, I think.

Also, we know that there are more linear sections between hubs, this could be one of the transitional areas.

I just thought it could be a hub or not, we'll find out soon though.

Here's the shot with the contrast and brightness changed because I think it looks cool...

Lukass 17-05-12 22:27

There's one pretty high rock on that screenshot.

Spong 17-05-12 22:27


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6173336)
...this seems more like a forest. It's definitely before she gets to the night hub, I think.

Also, we know that there are more linear sections between hubs, this could be one of the transitional areas.

That's what it looks like to me, one of the linking pathways :tmb:

leglion 17-05-12 22:29

I doubt that it's in between a hub. An important event is happening(she's getting the bow) So I'd say it's in a hub. Maybe one we don't know about yet.

larafan25 17-05-12 22:29

^I could see this being a hub having some shacks and a mill along the stream....

See that leaf falling?

I can just imagine standing in that area as the trees sway and the sunlight and shadows flicker back and forth against the ground and Lara, the sound of the water flowing and watching the leaves drifting to the ground. Beautiful. It's a nice sounding change from the harsh weather in the night hub.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6173342)
There's one pretty high rock on that screenshot.

Yeah, I'm doubting we'll get up there.


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6173343)
That's what it looks like to me, one of the linking pathways :tmb:

Indeed, it's that little pathway which gives me the idea.

Well for a simple transitional space it's nice.

Stevo505 17-05-12 22:30


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6173336)

I wish the game looked like this... it looks so pretty. Maybe future games will be brighter.

Richard_Croft 17-05-12 22:30

So, people earlier said that there were butterflies.
Well if you look closely you can see that they're flies and there are many around the body

just*raidin*tomb 17-05-12 22:31

You can adjust your settings and make it look prettier. I do that with pretty much every game I play depending on the color/lighting.

Spong 17-05-12 22:31


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6173345)
I doubt that it's in between a hub. An important event is happening(she's getting the bow) So I'd say it's in a hub. Maybe one we don't know about yet.

True. But Crystal could have us going on some other mission and the discovery of the bow happens while journeying to a hub for another reason.

There's all kinds of possibilities :tmb:

I want there to be a cave behind that waterfall.

Stevo505 17-05-12 22:32


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6173349)
You can adjust your settings and make it look prettier. I do that with pretty much every game I play depending on the color/lighting.

Oh that's right... I can adjust those settings on my hdtv. I'll just have to play with it until it looks better :p But somehow it might ruin the mood of the game.

larafan25 17-05-12 22:33


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6173347)
I wish the game looked like this... it looks so pretty. Maybe future games will be brighter.


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6173349)
You can adjust your settings and make it look prettier. I do that with pretty much every game I play depending on the color/lighting.

lol! This is what I was just thinking! :p

Sad. ._.


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6173348)
So, people earlier said that there were butterflies.
Well if you look closely you can see that they're flies and there are many around the body

I think they're moths like in the scavenger den

leglion 17-05-12 22:40


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6173350)
True. But Crystal could have us going on some other mission and the discovery of the bow happens while journeying to a hub for another reason.

There's all kinds of possibilities :tmb:

I want there to be a cave behind that waterfall.

It looks like there is a cave.

I prefer flies to moths. They give off a more ewwy feeling.

TippingWater 17-05-12 22:41


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6173336)

:cln: Now I can finally say that I love the new screen :D.

larafan25 17-05-12 22:41

It would be sweet if there was a cave there.

Upon returning the shot to it's original brightness, I look in the distance and see all that fog and how tall the trees go, I think this is the spooky/ foggy forest we were expecting from TR9. Maybe...

just*raidin*tomb 17-05-12 22:41

I'm having a hard time understand how high off the ground she is and then it's confusing me with how large the space is. :/

Stevo505 17-05-12 22:44


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6173367)
I'm having a hard time understand how high off the ground she is and then it's confusing me with how large the space is. :/

Yeah same here. Maybe we'll get some gameplay from this area.

TippingWater 17-05-12 22:44


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6173348)
So, people earlier said that there were butterflies.
Well if you look closely you can see that they're flies and there are many around the body

:yik: I think that you are right.

larafan25 17-05-12 22:46


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6173367)
I'm having a hard time understand how high off the ground she is and then it's confusing me with how large the space is. :/

Pretend the guy hanging is Lara in the E3 demo, I'm sure it's about the same height.

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