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Tabuu 30-09-12 03:57


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6456854)
Love that article. :tmb:

juust read its pretty nice article

trlestew 30-09-12 04:17

I dislike how he pretty much grouped all the fans of the original Tomb Raiders as perverts. I liked them for their challenge and almost surreal scenarios. Never have I found myself staring at the spikes on her chest.

Evan C. 30-09-12 04:18


Originally Posted by trlestew (Post 6456903)
I dislike how he pretty much grouped all the fans of the original Tomb Raiders as perverts. I liked them for their challenge and almost surreal scenarios. Never have I found myself staring at the spikes on her chest.

Haha, this. I mean, her boobs where the pyramids, for god's sake.

SeanCordernay 30-09-12 04:27

I'm currently watching "The Book of Eli," and, wow, how Denzel uses the bow in that movie to kill people is just so effortless. I hope Lara is like that in this game (eventually)...

Tabuu 30-09-12 04:29


Originally Posted by SeanCordernay (Post 6456912)
I'm currently watching "The Book of Eli," and, wow, how Denzel uses the bow in that movie to kill people is just so effortless. I hope Lara is like that in this game (eventually)...

uu and me both i love this movie

SeanCordernay 30-09-12 04:33


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6456914)
uu and me both i love this movie

Same. It has many great moments. I would love to see TR take inspiration from something like this in the future.

Evan C. 30-09-12 04:35

Or if she by mistake take a spicy flower, she could do something like this:

lcroft_lc 30-09-12 05:07


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6456511)

Oh I just had a to add a ****ing apostrophe, I'll be damned.

edit: You can tell she's high up, maybe on a building in the second shot, and what are those towers in the first shot!? D:

I guess the hardest difficulty is full of QTE's. :tea:


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6456573)
It says:

Aim Calibration
Invert Y axis


Nah the second one is AIM SENSITIVITY.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6456582)
What is the Invert Y axis? I never cared to find out.

Oh Lukass! Don't tell me you are playing games for less than 1 year. :vlol:

skylark1121 30-09-12 05:38


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6456511)

Oh I just had a to add a ****ing apostrophe, I'll be damned.

edit: You can tell she's high up, maybe on a building in the second shot, and what are those towers in the first shot!? D:

Those screens look really interesting! :eek:

In the second screen, it looks like she's wearing the orange top from the leaked concept arts in '09! D:

MyRaider4Life 30-09-12 06:27

Are those screens above from the den? They look like the den. D:

LNSNHGTDS 30-09-12 07:59


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6456944)
In the second screen, it looks like she's wearing the orange top from the leaked concept arts in '09! D:

Not really, I think it's just her skin but not clearly visible due to the quality.

Lukass 30-09-12 11:13


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6456953)
Are those screens above from the den? They look like the den. D:

It's the beginning of the demo, when she's looking at the ships and planes after she escaped the cavern.

TippingWater 30-09-12 11:36


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6456728)


This was the best game at the expo. I needed another go.

Crystal Dynamics have listened to critics - not the kind of critics who whinge about guns not being powerful enough, or controls feeling awkward: Smart critics, proper critics; the kind of people who look at the games industry and see problems beyond just coding errors. Tomb Raider's version of Lara Croft is the most convincing female lead I've ever seen in a game: She's strong, and capable, but not in any false, sassy, sexy way - she isn't Aeon Flux, or Bayonetta.

There was a wonderful/dreadful moment where, having finally contacted her friend via radio, they agreed on where to meet up. But Lara couldn't face the journey; having just killed a deer (with absolutely no nonsense) and cosied up by the campfire, the thought of leaving made her frightened. "Can't you just come and get me, please?" she tearfully asked her friend. And I felt for her, in ways I'd never expected to. As a schoolboy, Lara's trademark brand of D cups and duel pistols made me curious; as an adult, it made me angry. To see the industry's most damning archetype behave so humanely, it felt like games were finally making progress; Lara Croft is a wonderful character - pragmatic, emotional, attractive and female. I can't wait to spend more time with her.

the game industry might not be ready to properly process an actual character, especially one with an X chromosome. But ignore all that. From what I've seen, twice, Tomb Raider could be the saving grace of computer game gender relations.

Verily, I loved Tomb Raider. When it comes out next March, I expect it to be one of the best action games I've ever played, and the first, best example of a sympathetic and dimensional female game character. That's a lot to live up to, but Tomb Raider can do it. Get ready.
Nice read :). I love reasding positive stuff about the game now and then :).

Cristina 30-09-12 14:21


Originally Posted by skylark1121 (Post 6456944)
Those screens look really interesting! :eek:

In the second screen, it looks like she's wearing the orange top from the leaked concept arts in '09! D:

I think is just her armpit :ton:

skylark1121 30-09-12 15:52


Originally Posted by Cristina (Post 6457482)
I think is just her armpit :ton:

The quality isn't very good, but if you zoom in really closely, there is no blue fabric. It really looks orange....

But, again, it may just be the quality. :p

Rai 30-09-12 16:07

It's been said that in certain light the grey top looks different colours - blue, so maybe the lighting made it look pinky. Or maybe her grey top got so filthy she took it off and the white one underneath looks pinky in that light. :pi:

larafan25 30-09-12 17:37


Guys what is that!? D:

A little tomb? A body in a hole!? D:

edit: Another shot...

Looks like a bit of a hole/ cave you'd slide into, and there seems to be a body, wearing something similar to Toasty/ Crispin Corpse.

edit: Or maybe it's just a small trap? Bear trap? It's kind of an optical illusion.

just*raidin*tomb 30-09-12 17:51

I can't really see anything. When is it? Like the 00:00 time.

Lost_Paradise 30-09-12 17:52

Interesting, could be the beginning of a sidequest maybe ?

larafan25 30-09-12 17:52

Go to, likw 30:25 and start pausing. It's hard to tell if it's small and upclose, or a person and far away, but there is rock wall right there so if it's far away it must be a hole.

Might be able to see the hole from far away...

edit: This just in, remember the hole with the staircase people saw in the Microsoft demo? This seems to be covered by similar vines or something...
Look under the "fingerprinted to: Eurogamer Expo"

edit: NVM It's around the corner and definitely a rabbit hole ala Alice in Wonderland!

CBS_TombRaider 30-09-12 18:12

Larafan and his fabulous screenshots have returned :p

I can't say I see too much though, it's a very dark hub (must revisit during day time :pi: ). It amazes me how you manage to spot all these things though. Whatever that thing in the hole is, it looks more like a bear trap than a body to me.

larafan25 30-09-12 18:29

Here is a frame by frame bit...

just*raidin*tomb 30-09-12 18:33

O.o probably just a bit of scenery.

larafan25 30-09-12 18:34

I assume there is a secret down there, some sort of journal or something with some back story.

CBS_TombRaider 30-09-12 18:36

Oh yeah, I see it clearly now. Though I still can't identify whatever that is supposed to be. I'm hoping that entrance stretches into an underground cavern or tunnel, but it's probably just an alcove... what if it's one of those relics we can find? There were relics in Coastal Forest, yes? :)

larafan25 30-09-12 18:43


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6457858)
Oh yeah, I see it clearly now. Though I still can't identify whatever that is supposed to be. I'm hoping that entrance stretches into an underground cavern or tunnel, but it's probably just an alcove... what if it's one of those relics we can find? There were relics in Coastal Forest, yes? :)

Would be cool if it was a cave.

Yep, there was a Soldier's Journal to be found near the Sheltered Ridge Basecamp.

just*raidin*tomb 30-09-12 18:44

Could just be bones that the wolves have there or something.

larafan25 30-09-12 18:45


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6457878)
Could just be bones that the wolves have there or something.

I didn't even think of it being a wolf den, that makes plenty of sense. Reminds me of TRA.

CBS_TombRaider 30-09-12 18:51


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6457881)
I didn't even think of it being a wolf den, that makes plenty of sense. Reminds me of TRA.

Haha yeah. There should be a medipack for ultimate nostalgia :pi:

Also, the soldier's journal is in the first part of the Coastal Forest hub. The place where you shoot the deer at. I found it in the demo, but it's not very informative :p

larafan25 30-09-12 18:52


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6457904)
Haha yeah. There should be a medipack for ultimate nostalgia :pi:

Also, the soldier's journal is in the first part of the Coastal Forest hub. The place where you shoot the deer at. I found it in the demo, but it's not very informative :p


You found the journal!? D:

Where was it and what did it say!? D:

CBS_TombRaider 30-09-12 18:57


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6457907)

You found the journal!? D:

Where was it and what did it say!? D:

I posted a write-up of my demo experience somewhere in this thread. Right before the livestream went on, I think. But if you're not in the mood to search for, that's fine :p

It's called Yamazaki's journal, and once you find it (it's in the toppled over truck right next to you when you tumbled down, trying to grab the bow) you can let a voice-over play. I think there ar 8 parts of it, but don't quote me on that. I'm not entirely sure anymore. Anyways, Yamazaki somehow got on the island, and he's desperate to get off it. He tells of his father's farm or something, how he wants to return. He also warns you of the island, all very mysterious and stuff. His final word is "run" :pi:

I think there might be something supernatural about the island then, given the scavengers probably wouldn't incite that kind of fear. Fingers crossed? :o

larafan25 30-09-12 18:58


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6457915)
I posted a write-up of my demo experience somewhere in this thread. Right before the livestream went on, I think. But if you're not in the mood to search for, that's fine :p

It's called Yamazaki's journal, and once you find it (it's in the toppled over truck right next to you when you tumbled down, trying to grab the bow) you can let a voice-over play. I think there ar 8 parts of it, but don't quote me on that. I'm not entirely sure anymore. Anyways, Yamazaki somehow got on the island, and he's desperate to get off it. He tells of his father's farm or something, how he wants to return. He also warns you of the island, all very mysterious and stuff. His final word is "run" :pi:

I think there might be something supernatural about the island then, given the scavengers probably wouldn't incite that kind of fear. Fingers crossed? :o


So interesting!

How is it in the truck? Do you have to go in the truck? Or is it just sitting there?

just*raidin*tomb 30-09-12 18:59

Sounds super interesting. I'll definitely read those. So there's audio voice overs for them?

klona 30-09-12 18:59


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6457904)
Haha yeah. There should be a medipack for ultimate nostalgia :pi:

Also, the soldier's journal is in the first part of the Coastal Forest hub. The place where you shoot the deer at. I found it in the demo, but it's not very informative :p


Tear 30-09-12 19:09

...Klona. Read the last 3 posts before yours.:vlol::p

CBS_TombRaider 30-09-12 19:13


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6457917)

So interesting!

How is it in the truck? Do you have to go in the truck? Or is it just sitting there?

The truck is lying on its side, but you can enter it from behind. So you need to like circle around it (follow the river, then turn left), and then sort of jump in the back cabin. The journal is inside :p

For the others, I know it sounds super lame, but it's honestly already becoming pretty vague in my head :o Nothing much concrete was said, so it's sort of hard to remember. The guy, Yamazaki, is basically frightened to death, and sort of wishes he could go back to his regular life at his father's farm. He warns you of the island, with his final words being something along the lines of "To whomever may read this. Run.".

It's ominous, but not very informative. It also doesn't mention how Yamazaki got there in the first place, but probably much like Lara and the others, he crash-landed there with a boat/plane.

I'm pretty sure there were more parts to the journal, which probably are on the island somewhere else.

TippingWater 30-09-12 19:24


"I've fallen in some water. Oh dear, how terribly awkward.."
* le lulz :vlol: :p

larafan25 30-09-12 19:34

^omg lol


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6457954)
The truck is lying on its side, but you can enter it from behind. So you need to like circle around it (follow the river, then turn left), and then sort of jump in the back cabin. The journal is inside :p

For the others, I know it sounds super lame, but it's honestly already becoming pretty vague in my head :o Nothing much concrete was said, so it's sort of hard to remember. The guy, Yamazaki, is basically frightened to death, and sort of wishes he could go back to his regular life at his father's farm. He warns you of the island, with his final words being something along the lines of "To whomever may read this. Run.".

It's ominous, but not very informative. It also doesn't mention how Yamazaki got there in the first place, but probably much like Lara and the others, he crash-landed there with a boat/plane.

I'm pretty sure there were more parts to the journal, which probably are on the island somewhere else.

Oh I see, I bet given the fact that it's in a truck, he was there for something related to WW2, and not actually shipwrecked on the island.

I just realized, back when the new website debuted something mentioned Lara, as if she was mere flotsam, categorizing and identifying her, seems more like something the scavengers would do now that we've heard about the collectors, who are sent to scavenge recruits and oil, etc...

Only TR lover 30-09-12 20:41



larafan25 30-09-12 20:42

She looks great in the firelight of that scene, and her gorgeous cat-like eyes.

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