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Rai 26-11-12 20:30

I wonder if this scrappy way of melee fighting is slightly based on a, Lara being younger and so maybe a little less sophisticated and b, a way to make her more believable as a character? I mean throwing dirt in someone's face is something anyone would do. It's also reminiscent of Larson in TRA.

Mikky 26-11-12 20:30

I just listened to the podcast and I really enjoyed it. It's almost overwhelming when you learn what they went through just to make the boxart, but I think it definitely makes me appreciate it more now that I understand their ideas behind it. Who would of thought they did a photshoot for it, too? Wow. And the finalized boxart will be slightly different! OMG! Well, they'll just change her belt slightly, but still. :p

But, anyway, something that made me so, so, so, so excited is something Meagan said when they were discussing one of Lara upgrades.


MEAGAN MARIE: I love the one where she ducks down and throws dirt in people’s eyes. That’s such a scrappy, fun move.
It's just that in 2009, after those early artworks got leaked, I remember making a thread suggesting a move where Lara does exactly that, and not many people thought it was a good idea, whether because they thought it was silly or just unlikely to be implemented, but anyway, the fact that it's actually in the game is just so awesome. :D I mean, imagine doing that and then stabbing an arrow into a guy's head like she did in the E3 demo. I think that's going to become my default way of killing every enemy in the game. :p

Look, here's the thread:
You all laughed at my idea. Who's laughing now, biatches?

And OMG! Someone else suggested the using rocks as a weapon idea! Is this really just a coincidence? :vlol:

Also, something else of interest is that Karl said we'll be able to go through the game without upgrading Lara's attributes, except obviously things like the pickaxe and stuff. I think it would make for an very good achievement/trophy, and even if there isn't one, I think I'd like to go through the game like that once just to see how challenging it is.

But yeah, very nice questions and very nice podcast.

JsotoTRSaga 26-11-12 20:36


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6537350)
It's also reminiscent of Larson in TRA.

Ah yes, my thoughts exactly when reading that. I suppose that's what they meant about the game having some references or tribute to the past series.

Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6537347)
Yeah!! I mean, it's very cool to see that the "young fresh" Lara we thought to be like super cute it's going to be even more kickass than the one from 1996. I mean, the island is going to take the wild side of her, I wonder how that is going to develop in future games. Damn I can't believe I am still surprising after all this months, and that plus the narrative element of telling her arch trough the gameplay it's like too much to be truth.

Exactly, them CD haters will also have no excuse to say Lara isn't badass anymore like they used to say in the past. I'm glad we are all excited again.

Denis 26-11-12 20:38

lol.. payback..

LNSNHGTDS 26-11-12 20:53


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6537126)
... Uh.. Say that one more time?

I mean that, do they make a different version for PC and another for Mac, and if so it's propably due to Apple's I'm-oh-so-better-than-everything-else logic ;) .

Cochrane 26-11-12 20:55


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6537386)
I mean that, do they make a different version for PC and another for Mac, and if so it's propably due to Apple's I'm-oh-so-better-than-everything-else logic ;) .

For every game, one has to make a new version for every targeted operating system, whether that is Windows, Mac OS X or some form of Linux (or, in the mobile space, iOS and Android). That is not some big conspiracy, that's how operating systems work.

LNSNHGTDS 26-11-12 20:56


Originally Posted by Cochrane (Post 6537388)
For every game, one has to make a new version for every targeted operating system, whether that is Windows, Mac OS X or some form of Linux (or, in the mobile space, iOS and Android). That is not some big conspiracy, that's how operating systems work.

So, is it like how they make a PS3 version and an Xbox 360?

Cochrane 26-11-12 21:01


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6537392)
So, is it like PS3 and Xbox 360 differences?

Pretty much. The differences between Xbox and PS in terms of hardware are also greater than the differences between Macs and Windows-PCs. But other than that, yeah, it's like that.

To give an example: There are two widespread ways that a programmer can use to talk to a graphics card, OpenGL and DirectX. Both can be used with all graphics cards, but they have to be supported by the operating system. The PS3 and Mac use OpenGL, while Xbox and Windows use DirectX.

LNSNHGTDS 26-11-12 21:02


Originally Posted by Cochrane (Post 6537399)
Pretty much. The differences between Xbox and PS in terms of hardware are also greater than the differences between Macs and Windows-PCs. But other than that, yeah, it's like that.

To give an example: There are two widespread ways that a programmer can use to talk to a graphics card, OpenGL and DirectX. Both can be used with all graphics cards, but they have to be supported by the operating system. The PS3 and Mac use OpenGL, while Xbox and Windows use DirectX.

Oh, yeah, I get it now.

motoleo 26-11-12 21:25

I was just worried because all the new computers are coming with Windows 8. So why are they releasing it for Windows 7 and not 8?

LNSNHGTDS 26-11-12 21:27


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6537437)
I was just worried because all the new computers are coming with Windows 8. So why are they releasing it for Windows 7 and not 8?

It doesn't matter to me because I'm getting it on XBOX360 anyway.

It propably won't be running on Windows 8, since there are less than 100 days until release CD should propably be nearly ready by now, meaning that, since Windows 8 are not out yet, they couldn't have possibly worked on Windows 8.

Cochrane 26-11-12 21:29


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 6537437)
I was just worried because all the new computers are coming with Windows 8. So why are they releasing it for Windows 7 and not 8?

An application that was designed to work properly on Windows 7 will work properly on Windows 8, too (in almost all cases). It will just not be able to use the new features.

motoleo 26-11-12 21:31

.... oh

Okay! :D

LNSNHGTDS 26-11-12 21:31


Originally Posted by Cochrane (Post 6537445)
An application that was designed to work properly on Windows 7 will work properly on Windows 8, too (in almost all cases). It will just not be able to use the new features.

I'm done with computer software... they're too good for me :p !

Tear 26-11-12 22:40

Those are some badass combat moves Lara can do!:tmb:

SKing 26-11-12 23:46


KARL STEWART: No, I think it’s safe to say that… North America – and when we say North America, just so we’re clear on the responsibilities, North America is Canada, the rest of North America, and also South America.

MEAGAN MARIE: So South America will also be doing digital downloads.
NOO! D: I don't want digital download, my internet is really, REALLY slow u.u

starstruck 27-11-12 00:59


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6537352)
MEAGAN MARIE: I love the one where she ducks down and throws dirt in people’s eyes. That’s such a scrappy, fun move.

It's just that in 2009, after those early artworks got leaked, I remember making a thread suggesting a move where Lara does exactly that, and not many people thought it was a good idea, whether because they thought it was silly or just unlikely to be implemented, but anyway, the fact that it's actually in the game is just so awesome. :D I mean, imagine doing that and then stabbing an arrow into a guy's head like she did in the E3 demo. I think that's going to become my default way of killing every enemy in the game. :p

Look, here's the thread:
You all laughed at my idea. Who's laughing now, biatches?

Omg that's crazy :vlol:

I would have laughed at you to tbh - sand throwing... :o

Rai 27-11-12 01:36

^Actaully, looking at that thread, it amazes me the excuses people were giving why throwing sand at someone wouldn't work. It's a shame that so many loled at the idea too. Now look who's laughing. And Mikky's idea for using rope to get swing across areas wasn't so far off the mark either. Mikky, I think you have grounds for plagiarism! :p

just*raidin*tomb 27-11-12 03:04

Thanks for posting the podcast! Listening now! :)

Shouldn't someone make a new thread about it? I was lucky to have backtracked the thread or else I wouldn't have noticed.:p

The1andOnlyTR 27-11-12 05:25


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6536595)
Where do you work?

And TR is what got me into gaming too really. I mean l played Mario and Nintindo games and stuff before but TR got me addicted to games and is what swayed me into checking out other games. :D

Bath & Body Works. :p

And same! Tomb Raider II was the first game I ever legitimately committed to, though. :hug:

TippingWater 27-11-12 06:14


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6537866)
Bath & Body Works. :p

And same! Tomb Raider II was the first game I ever legitimately committed to, though. :hug:

i can relate!

tombraiderxii 27-11-12 07:29


MEAGAN MARIE: It’s really unique to see, because it gives you a chance to re-explore areas with different moods in that environment. It’s really nice. I enjoy it.

KARL STEWART: I love it. And to be honest, we can’t say too much in this, but… Journalists who have been playing the game so far have seen sections where they’ve come in, they’ve done something, they’ve defended themselves from the scavengers, and they’ve moved on. Then they’ve come back in and gone, “Holy crap, they’re back in here, but they haven’t just spawned in here. They’re actually working. They’re doing things.”

MEAGAN MARIE: They’re doing something different. They have a new goal.

KARL STEWART: It feels like a living, breathing world. They’re having conversations with each other about… Based on what they’ve heard about you further on in the story. It feels like these spaces are alive. That’s a very important thing to us.
Oh hot damn. This sounds intriguing with the scavengers! :jmp:
Looks like the world is going to have even more immersion than before! :D

And those melee moves Lara can potentially do... :cln:

SpyrosMonster 27-11-12 13:32


This is amazing. :vlol:

LNSNHGTDS 27-11-12 13:33

Natla be rapin' :vlol: !

MyRaider4Life 27-11-12 14:31

Guys, where is this? It looks like the cave, possibly even the bunker, but it also doesn't look familiar. D:

Lost_Paradise 27-11-12 14:37

where did you find that? :eek:

Looks like it is in the first cave that lara escapes.

Spong 27-11-12 14:40


Originally Posted by Lost_Paradise (Post 6538126)
Looks like it is in the first cave that lara escapes.

Agreed, it looks like the den to me. She's gripping her waist in the right-hand pic too, like she's just been impaled (whereas any normal person would still be lying on the floor, screaming in agony :p).

Lost_Paradise 27-11-12 14:43


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6538130)
Agreed, it looks like the den to me. She's gripping her waist in the right-hand pic too, like she's just been impaled (whereas any normal person would still be lying on the floor, screaming in agony :p).

Must be that Regenerating health taking effect lol.

Rai 27-11-12 14:45

I really love the decorations and lol at the ladies room symbol:

I wanna know what's with the lion?

Peep Show 27-11-12 14:51


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6538130)
Agreed, it looks like the den to me. She's gripping her waist in the right-hand pic too, like she's just been impaled (whereas any normal person would still be lying on the floor, screaming in agony :p).

It's not supposed to be a simulation, try again.

Spong 27-11-12 14:58


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6538144)
It's not supposed to be a simulation, try again.

What's that? I can't hear you over the noise of a swinging ban-hammer :p

What I said had nothing to do with it not being a simulation. It has a lot to do with Crystal telling us Lara isn't Teflon any more though, and that she's apparently supposed to be more like you & me now.

Only TR lover 27-11-12 15:38

The pic on the right is the small area where she flames up the white cloth and the red barrel explodes... right before the scavenger grabs her for the first time.

just*raidin*tomb 27-11-12 17:25

Tough crowd.

Spong 27-11-12 17:28

^Yeah, not exactly wall-to-wall is it? :vlol:
They were probably all watching the GTAV video in another hall :p

Mikky 27-11-12 17:36


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6538339)

lul, this pic just made me laugh so much.

lcroft_lc 27-11-12 17:46

Maybe the crowds tired of watching a still picture, or the premiere was still long time to be started, they were the first. :p

Rai 27-11-12 17:48

Maybe this was taken before everyone else arrived :p.

Plus that pic is ever so slightly too big, just*raidin*tomb, could you resize it please?

Valentino 27-11-12 17:51

Tomb Raider Colectors edition is at number 13 on pre order chart :D

Underhoe 27-11-12 17:52

When is the expected time for the 3rd 'Final Hours' to release?

Rai 27-11-12 17:55


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6538376)
When is the expected time for the 3rd 'Final Hours' to release?

I'd imagine it'll be here in December, but that's a guess. The last one was approx. 2 months after the 1st.

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