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skylark1121 29-11-12 19:24


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6540530)
If I'm completely honest I'd rather see screenshots shown than videos. Simply because when I see a screenshot, I try to create my own gameplay around it, and it gives some sort of excitement - which may be either good or bad of course, but in the end it's a surprise anyway. This is a good way not to spoil anything (or at least not as much). Also I find it more pleasuring to see a HQ screenshot than a very bad quality video. ._.
All in all it looks like Crystal is thinking in a different way, as they seem to give no damn about screenshots or whatsoever.

I agree with you about screenshots. I'm really excited to see more videos of the gameplay, but I feel like I've already seen so much, and I want it to be a surprise. I'm considering not watching anymore videos when they are released, but it's gonna be so hard. ;__;


tomee 29-11-12 19:28


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6540530)
If I'm completely honest I'd rather see screenshots shown than videos. Simply because when I see a screenshot, I try to create my own gameplay around it, and it gives some sort of excitement - which may be either good or bad of course, but in the end it's a surprise anyway. This is a good way not to spoil anything (or at least not as much). Also I find it more pleasuring to see a HQ screenshot than a very bad quality video. ._.
All in all it looks like Crystal is thinking in a different way, as they seem to give no damn about screenshots or whatsoever.

Crystal is thinking in periods. They choose some content and then keep using again anf again for a long time. I'm not even sure what to expect. A new trailer and new gameplay videos I guess. You're right, they definitely don't give a toss about screenshots. They're neither new nor great quality. (The last batch of screens were ridiculous.) I wished they focused more on screenshots too.

Love2Raid 29-11-12 20:49


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6540530)
If I'm completely honest I'd rather see screenshots shown than videos. Simply because when I see a screenshot, I try to create my own gameplay around it, and it gives some sort of excitement - which may be either good or bad of course, but in the end it's a surprise anyway. This is a good way not to spoil anything (or at least not as much). Also I find it more pleasuring to see a HQ screenshot than a very bad quality video. ._.
All in all it looks like Crystal is thinking in a different way, as they seem to give no damn about screenshots or whatsoever.

I also happen to fully agree with you. :p
Yeah, I find written info (articles) and screenshots way more exciting, for the same reasons...
But then again, they have been promoting this game like a movie since day one, lol.

Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6540565)
^Glad to see I'm not alone. :p

Are these guys playing the Den demo? :confused: Note that she has no bow, so it can't be the deer one.

Haha, look at the guy to the left being all 'Meh, I've seen better' and the one to the right 'Whoaaaaaaah, this is awesome'. :p

Spong 29-11-12 21:01


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6541082)
Haha, look at the guy to the left being all 'Meh, I've seen better' and the one to the right 'Whoaaaaaaah, this is awesome'. :p

Their positions in the chairs do suggest that, yeah. The guy on the left looks like he's only playing just to fill some time :vlol:

Mikky 29-11-12 21:16

A little question about these pre-order "Stage Announcements". (Click)

What are these announcements about exactly? More information about the DLC that comes with the pre-ordered editions or more info on the special editions or what? Anyone know?

just*raidin*tomb 29-11-12 21:17

I think has to do with other locations. So far we only have North America and Europe.

Mikky 29-11-12 21:20

Didn't Karl already explain in the podcast that everywhere else apart from North and South America would have the European editions? Not to mention that that would be such a lame announcement. D:

just*raidin*tomb 29-11-12 21:21

But nothing has been released officially. And there are probably more pre-order incentives in other territories to announce.

LNSNHGTDS 29-11-12 21:21

What's with the Europe/America difersifications?

They're pointless and unescessary!

just*raidin*tomb 29-11-12 21:25

Because different territories have tendency to like different things. Basically CD getting as much money as they can by taking advantage of that information. (not a bad thing from a business perspective)

Love2Raid 29-11-12 21:25


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6541095)
Their positions in the chairs do suggest that, yeah. The guy on the left looks like he's only playing just to fill some time :vlol:

I know. :p

LNSNHGTDS 29-11-12 21:27


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6541156)
Because different territories have tendency to like different things. Basically CD getting as much money as they can by taking advantage of that information. (not a bad thing from a business perspective)

I still don't see the point, I mean like what, are they gonna dress Lara in a US and a EU flag for the American and European version respectively :rolleyes: ...?

just*raidin*tomb 29-11-12 21:29


Spong 29-11-12 21:31


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6541163)
I still don't see the point, I mean like what, are they gonna dress Lara in a US and a EU flag for the American and European version respectively :rolleyes: ...?

That's just the way businesses work, they like to split territories.

LNSNHGTDS 29-11-12 21:31


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6541171)
That's just the way businesses work, they like to split territories.

So what exactly is each of the two continents getting?

Spong 29-11-12 21:36


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6541173)
So what exactly is each of the two continents getting?

I don't know the contents, it doesn't interest me. As I understand it though, the EU has two special editions (Collector's and Survival) while the US only has one (Collector's). Which doesn't seem right to me, so I'm probably wrong :p

^That thread has the different editions and their contents.

Weemanply109 29-11-12 23:46

Guys, you are all gonna get a surprise tomorrow! :jmp: :whi:

_Awestruck_ 29-11-12 23:48


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6541431)
Guys, you are all gonna get a surprise tomorrow! :jmp: :whi:

Underhoe 29-11-12 23:49


just*raidin*tomb 29-11-12 23:49


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6541431)
Guys, you are all gonna get a surprise tomorrow! :jmp: :whi:


is lara getting naked or s/t

Weemanply109 29-11-12 23:50


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6541434)

Tomorrow will be your "receipts". :cool:

Hint: It's actually TR related. :o

_Awestruck_ 29-11-12 23:55


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6541437)
Tomorrow will be your "receipts". :cool:

I'll believe it when I see it. :p

Geoff Keighley's latest tweet has me suspicious.

Geoff Keighley ‏@geoffkeighley Working on top secret but amazing VGA moment today.
Maybe the new Final Hours will be at the VGA's. Not sure if what Karl was doing today actually involved Geoff or not. It may have been just Zach Levi.

Just a suspicion.

just*raidin*tomb 29-11-12 23:58

I highly doubt Final Hours will be shown at the VGAs. That just doesn't fit at all. He's the producer of the VGAs anyway. :p

I'm confused. What does that pic have to do with Karl?

_Awestruck_ 30-11-12 00:00


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6541446)
I highly doubt Final Hours will be shown at the VGAs. That just doesn't fit at all. He's the producer of the VGAs anyway. :p

I'm confused. What does that pic have to do with Karl?

It doesn't, I just figured that it may have something to do with this:

Karl Stewart ‏@CrystalDKarl On a redeye flight to shoot the next episode of @geoffkeighley's The Final Hours of @tombraider with @ZacharyLevi #supersecret
Which it probably doesn't, but it doesn't hurt to speculate. :p

Weemanply109 30-11-12 00:03

BTW: the "surprise" that you'll be getting tomorrow is much better than the "Final Hours" trash. :cool: Trust me.

just*raidin*tomb 30-11-12 00:04

Oh I see.

Underhoe 30-11-12 00:04

I wonder how you know all this. :mad:

_Awestruck_ 30-11-12 00:07


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6541453)
BTW: the "surprise" that you'll be getting tomorrow is much better than the "Final Hours" trash. :cool: Trust me.

I believe you.

Weemanply109 30-11-12 00:11


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6541459)
I believe you.

Are you being sarcastic? :pi:

_Awestruck_ 30-11-12 00:13


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6541461)
Are you being sarcastic? :pi:

Of course. :p

I was scrambling to figure out where you've "heard" this, but then I just gave up. :vlol:

Weemanply109 30-11-12 00:17


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6541463)
Of course. :p

I was scrambling to figure out where you've "heard" this, but then I just gave up. :vlol:

I didn't "hear" it, I seen it. :pi:

Rai 30-11-12 00:19

^ *saw


Originally Posted by _Awestruck_ (Post 6541463)
Of course. :p

I was scrambling to figure out where you've "heard" this, but then I just gave up. :vlol:

From Eidos Forums. Driber made a thread there saying 'Something cool is coming'. Weemanply doesn't know more than us. :whi: Probably :pi:


_Awestruck_ 30-11-12 00:19


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6541469)
I didn't "hear" it, I seen it. I've got a partition of the "media" open in one of my windows. :pi: Shame I can't share right now.

There's always PM'ing....

/false hope

Edit: Found it. :vlol:

Edit: Ah, nevermind.

Weemanply109 30-11-12 00:19

^What do you think you have found? :vlol:


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6541471)
From Eidos Forums. Driber made a thread there saying 'Something cool is coming'


That isn't entirely it, though. There's more to it. :pi:

_Awestruck_ 30-11-12 00:24


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6541475)
^What do you think you have found? :vlol:

Driber's post, which is vague at best.

I give up, I've got something to do in the meantime. Apparently it's happening at 6 AM my time, an hour where practically no one is alive. :vlol:

Rai 30-11-12 00:26

^so what then...why would you...a wee man (:p) get told something before anybody else...I feel like this is the 'friend of a friend' thing all over again :vlol:

just*raidin*tomb 30-11-12 00:27


Whatever it is its probably nothing.

_Awestruck_ 30-11-12 00:27


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6541484)

Whatever it is its probably nothing.

Yep. 6 AM? No thanks.

TippingWater 30-11-12 00:30

Will we get anything tomorrow?

Rai 30-11-12 00:31


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6541490)
Will we get anything tomorrow?

According to Weemanply, we will - and Driber on the Eidos board.

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