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Linoshi you are right! The only gameplay department in which TLoU seems to be more complex is the item management/inventory, otherwise it is pretty linear. Sure it is cinematic and gorgeous (I mean it's made by Naughty Dog, so what what else could you expect?) but it is not as open as Tomb Raider. Of course the game could turn out to be a huge surprise and feature big environments, but I doubt it, of course this also could be said about Tomb Raider. To be honest none of the two games are too convincing in the open-environment department, based on what they have shown so far.
I just want the game to release already , not because I want to play it but to end all these arguments for good.
Once the game releases , its worth will be crystal clear . I will comfortably sit on the fence until then . Though I like (not love) what I see so far :o |
I don't think that just because a game is cinematic its more like a movie. If I say Cinematic I am talking about the presentation of a game, not actual gameplay elements. There could be complex cinematic simulators etc. Of course TLoU does not have stuff like platforming or puzzle solving because its a straight 3rd person shooter, and even though the presentation of the game is very cinematic (many cutcenes from what ive seen etc) I still wouldn't say its more of a movie than TR just because its different (or maybe even simpler). Because if you use that "the game has less features etc" argument or something similar like you did in your post breaking the games down, would that mean that games like minesweeper (to take an extreme example) are alot more like a movie than Tomb Raider? I think not. Quote:
Indeed. In the classic Tomb Raider games, almost all of the areas were as big as their so called "Hub Areas" now lol (or at least the ones they showed already) And they werent open world, or semi-open games |
What does TLOU offer in gameplay? I'm saying it's more of a movie not because it has less gameplay but it has less gameplay and nothing more to offer than cimematics and plot and no real depth in its gameplay. So, the minesweeper comment is just ridiculous and I don't think you even tried to understand where I'm coming from or tried to be logical about it...
MAIN POINT! it's more of a movie not because it has less gameplay but it has less gameplay and nothing more to offer than cimematics and plot and no real depth in its gameplay. Get it? It offers nothing more than a movie and very little in the thing that makes it A GAME. |
That intensity combined the the graphic and realistic way in which it is presented, with its very serious tone and drama has potential to be a really exciting game and especially in regards to other "zombie" games. The killing is absolutely brutal and not in a "I'm badass" kind of way. But in a more "I'm so sorry" kind of way. Seeing the look on that guys face before he got shot in the face with a shotgun was... very unsettling. I just find the whole concept to be an interesting and fresh twist on the zombie genre. Obviously its going to be dramatic and story heavy. But I don't care. That's what I've come to expect and love from Naughty Dog now. It appeals to me anyway. |
I'm just not so easily sold on games anymore, most come out and let me down massively recently. |
But they've showed one bit of gameplay twice, and they actually played out pretty differently. It was in a sort of hotel area and it wasn't nearly as linear as it appeared to be the first time they showed gameplay. At least in my opinion. But tbh. It doesn't take a ton to get me excited about a game. If a game has me emotionally invested in some way and still manages to be fun and rewarding, I'll love it probably. :p Though, tbh I've been let down by a ton of games recently too. ACIII and Dishonored just to name a couple. Eh. :/ |
You have a point but I'm still not convinced it all looks like smoke and mirrors to me. Plus, AI in a lot of games isn't always predictable and tries to be intelligent but I will say the TLOU does do it very well. Better than some games out there..(AC series, looking at you :pi: ) See? I wish I was still like that. I was so invested in plots and getting connected it seemed all I needed to get into a game. Yet, now I've changed for some reason I still want that plot but I want interesting gameplay to back it up. I don't see why we can't have both. It bothers me, it's always one or the other or none at all. :p I was let down by those two too :( I can't stand hearing anything about dishonored I don't think it deserves all the attention at all, I think it's awful. :o |
The Minesweeper thing wasnt even close to being ridiculous looking at your "Main Point" here. What about all those mobile games? They dont have much depth in gameplay, and they also dont have anything to offer that make them "A Game" if we follow your definition ( that games that have no depth in the gameplay e.g nothing more to offer than a movie are more of a movie.). Whatever, TLoU is more of a movie in your opinion, in mine its not. Totaly fine. I really dont want to continue discussing, the fact that english isnt my first language is really limiting my expression powers if we go in depth into something like that. :o# Quote:
And sigh, the Story of AC3 was horrible so it was a big let down :\ |
Dark_Messiah you're failing to even try to grasp my point, atleast just*raidin*tomb tried to see where I was coming from...You are using examples of games that are designed to be simplistic. Plus, games that don't even offer a plot. Your argument is pedantic and silly.
So, I'm honestly not even going to discuss it with you anymore as you're being very stubborn and just...yeah. I'd rather agree to disagree than take out a discussion that is going nowhere. :) |
But shame on me for not being able to write pages of in depth analysis about TLoU and instead using much simpler examples. And of course I am stubborn for not being able to write a text like just*raidin*tomb due to limited language skills. Really? Thats bull****. I am done with that discussion. |
I'm understanding you fine, you explanation are fine. The examples you are using are padantic and silly not how you're expressing them. Don't be so sensitive. :p <3 Minesweeper is a game with no plot, and little gameplay. That does not make it a movie! As to be anything like a movie you'd need a freaking plot :p So that is why its pandantic as I said the plot was the main point of TLOU and it's gameplay is simplified. Again its more like a movie not because it lacks in gameplay, its because its bigged up on plot on character and has simplifed gameplay. Which you fail to grasp after 3 times explaining it...So, no you're not understanding AT ALL. |
For me, even Dear Esther was a fricking game even though everyone said its a movie or a "press W simulator" and for you their not. (Or I can imagine it was not) Whatever, You won. Discussing is quite pointless at this stage, I cant to anything more than accepting your opinion and (poorly) defending mine. |
You're still talking about The Last of Us?
*leaves* |
Yes, and you added nicely to this thread with that post too. :p
@Dark You can not win a discussion. Like you said you think what you think and I think what I think. I'm sorry if I upset you but using minesweeper as an argument has no logic. If you understood what I meant you'd of never of used it. :o It has no plot and no cinematics. It's further from a movie than TLOU. :p On Dear Esther I just call it quits and call it an...experience. I liked the game though. |
Let's stop discussing. We are always having discussions about pointless **** , like the MP mode, TR vs Uncharted, and now this. - thats not good. I don't want to make myself enemies on here due to endless arguments. :hug: Quote:
You made this thread so much better with that post :tmb: How about you contribute a new topic then? Instead of posting spam like that..? ;) |
Can we get back on topic please? |
Anyways, New topic then: Any news about TR from CES yet? Because it should be open by now (seeing as nVidia already presented their SHIELD handheld on CES) |
I hope Tombraider gets reviewed as good as DmC is doing, I'd be happy with 89% or above. So basically, 9's :pi:
Anyway, since you asked about a new topic... but remember, you asked for it! Bring back the bikinis in Tomb Raider |
Why not? Square Enix also released a bikini DLC for FF 13-2.. I almost feel it'll happen in TR too :p |
The second.. No, not serious at all :) That would be.. No. They CAN'T bring the bikinis back. That would not fit into the game at all haha |
Feel free to bump this gem, gurls: Bikinis: They are more than what you think
That was my favourite thread ever :p ! |
It's the best thread I've ever had the privilege to create and share <333 Quote:
Playing in bikinis would be a whole another experience... :cln:
Let's call it the British skin! Exclusive skin that comes with the full game if you preorder it during rainy and cold weather :D |
What if they are... isothermal bikinis :mis: ? Quote:
I'd rather let that thread rest in piece though, bikinis (and Slayonetta) are too good for TRF </3 |
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