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GUMI 17-01-13 21:50


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6609931)
I thought prizes were supposed to be good?

I would not put that in my room. :/

I would put it in my bathroom :tmb:
Or in an ultra-large garbage :tmb:

Soul 17-01-13 21:51

:vlol: This head is indeed horrible looking and nothing like the new Lara. -.-

just*raidin*tomb 17-01-13 21:52


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6609915)

Um. That's legitimately scary. .___.

Richard_Croft 17-01-13 21:52

I'd love to have one, but they need to change her hair... and face :pi:

Mikky 17-01-13 21:59

They just need to replace the whole head. Not only does it look fugly, but it looks like it's out of proportion compared to the rest of the body.

Only TR lover 17-01-13 22:01

Another MP video, same game-play but more parts and better look on the characters. If not posted already :)

So this is how Steph will look like... she's wearing the shorts :pi:
I wonder if she is going to look like that in SP!?

Mikky 17-01-13 22:05

Steph is blonde? She didn't look blonde in the den. Maybe they changed her hair color?

Only TR lover 17-01-13 22:06


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6609965)
Steph is blonde? She didn't look blonde in the den. Maybe they changed her hair color?

I think she did... wait a sec.

Rider 17-01-13 22:06

Does anything actually looks like it should about this TR?
First figure, now this statue, and all that pre-order stuff... i am scared!

Linoshi Croft 17-01-13 22:07

Alex > Everyone.

Only TR lover 17-01-13 22:08


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6609965)
Steph is blonde? She didn't look blonde in the den. Maybe they changed her hair color?

Yep, she was blonde but that area was quite dark so it's hard to tell. But she's not wearing that outfit...I've just checked E32011 game play demo.

Stevo505 17-01-13 22:10

At least she's blonde. There are already a lot of brunette survivors.

Rai 17-01-13 22:18


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6609910)
Oh my word, how rank looking is that statue? :confused:

Oh I dunno, it's better than the CE figurine :whi: Except for the '80s hair :pi:.


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6609965)
Steph is blonde? She didn't look blonde in the den. Maybe they changed her hair color?

She was blonde, maybe it was just very dirty, and then the den was dark.

Mikky 17-01-13 22:19

You can use both Mathias AND Father Mathias. That's... interesting. :p And there's yet another survivor revealed. I wonder where Zac Levi is, though? I'm guessing he's super secret and is only revealed after unlocking everyone or maybe after finishing the game. IDK.


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6609973)
Yep, she was blonde but that area was quite dark so it's hard to tell. But she's not wearing that outfit...I've just checked E32011 game play demo.

Oh, okay.

Richard_Croft 17-01-13 22:28


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6609958)

She's so cute :hug:

Nick56music 17-01-13 22:33


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6610017)
She's so cute :hug:

And dead.

tomee 17-01-13 22:37


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6609958)

I love Sam's pose in the background.
She's like, 'Aww hell no, gurl, the spotline's mine' :ton:

Alister's_Brain 17-01-13 22:38

who's in on an all female team :3?

Lara, sam, reyes and steph.

Tonyrobinson 17-01-13 22:38

For those that care there is a Live chat tonight with Camilla and her Greys Anatomy co-star. :)


tomee 17-01-13 22:39


Originally Posted by Alister's_Brain (Post 6610042)
who's in on an all female team :3?

Lara, sam, reyes and stef.

against 4× rapist guy.

Rider 17-01-13 22:40


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6610046)
against 4× rapist guy.

He will rape them all! :D

Richard_Croft 17-01-13 22:40

@Nick56music: Mood-killer :pi:
@tomee: Her pose totally looks like NECA's TR Anniversary figure :D

Billy959 17-01-13 22:44


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6609907)
Just got a notification on my FB, there are different ladies voicing Lara around the world, including a German Lara! :jmp:

I already love the German girl :jmp::jmp:

ivaneiroX 17-01-13 22:49

thank God lvl 60 its not the max lvl that weird samurai guy from the scavengers need prestige 3 to unlock :jmp:

TRItheMaster 17-01-13 22:52


Originally Posted by Billy959 (Post 6610060)
I already love the German girl :jmp::jmp:

Me too! :D:jmp::cln:

Nick56music 17-01-13 23:05

I don't like the German voice actress for Lara, Nora Tschirner, at all. Square Enix sent us the German version of the Turning Point trailer and there's just no emotion in her voice. The screams have been taken from the original English trailer - it seems that they didn't put too much effort in the localization - unfortunately. :(

Rai 17-01-13 23:10


Originally Posted by Nick56music (Post 6610094)
I don't like the German voice actress for Lara, Nora Tschirner, at all. Square Enix sent us the German version of the Turning Point trailer and there's just no emotion in her voice. The screams have been taken from the original English trailer - it seems that they didn't put too much effort in the localization - unfortunately. :(

Considering Lara's scream were likely done as Camilla was motion capturing, it probably seemed best to keep them as they are, for continuity sake, if nothing else. It must be difficult to do screaming in a booth. This way, Lara's screams will be same in all versions, which doesn't matter. It's just when she talks she has a different voice.

Nick56music 17-01-13 23:16


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6610100)
Considering Lara's scream were likely done as Camilla was motion capturing, it probably seemed best to keep them as they are, for continuity sake, if nothing else. It must be difficult to do screaming in a booth. This way, Lara's screams will be same in all versions, which doesn't matter. It's just when she talks she has a different voice.

But it feels somehow unnatural in the video. Whatever, I'm going to play the game in English anyway, if the German version is multilingual, the members from Square Enix Germany are not allowed to talk about the in-game language offers at the moment.

TippingWater 17-01-13 23:18


Originally Posted by Nick56music (Post 6610094)
I don't like the German voice actress for Lara, Nora Tschirner, at all. Square Enix sent us the German version of the Turning Point trailer and there's just no emotion in her voice. The screams have been taken from the original English trailer - it seems that they didn't put too much effort in the localization - unfortunately. :(

My thoughts exactly.. :(

Alister's_Brain 17-01-13 23:24

Where is this video with the german voice?

Anyway, id rather listen to the Japanese voice. It reminds me of anime.

Spong 17-01-13 23:27


Originally Posted by Alister's_Brain (Post 6610130)
Where is this video with the german voice?

In one of the threads in this board. Maybe even this thread.


TippingWater 17-01-13 23:29


Originally Posted by Alister's_Brain (Post 6610130)
Where is this video with the german voice?

Anyway, id rather listen to the Japanese voice. It reminds me of anime.

Yeah me too.. The previous German actress (TRL-A-U) was 10X better...

This new girl cannot act, I bet they only chose her because she is sort of popular.. MTV.. comes from a family with roots in the media. Her dad is a director and her mum a journalist..

Weemanply109 17-01-13 23:30


Originally Posted by Alister's_Brain (Post 6610130)
Where is this video with the german voice?

Anyway, id rather listen to the Japanese voice. It reminds me of anime.

Wow. :vlol: The Japanese VA sounds really overdramatic, tbh.

TippingWater 17-01-13 23:33


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6610139)
Wow. :vlol: The Japanese VA sounds really overdramatic, tbh.

And to think that they thought Camilla was a bad actress... :D. Audio dubbing is totally unnecessary.. They should have used the space to add more content, and sticked to subtitles.. Fans of Gaga rejoice, Lara will finally say Scheisse..

Spong 17-01-13 23:34


Originally Posted by Alister's_Brain (Post 6610130)

She's got a more convincing British accent than Camilla.

Richard_Croft 17-01-13 23:35

@Alister's_Brain: Here!

Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6609488)

TippingWater 17-01-13 23:35


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6610148)
She's got a more convincing British accent than Camilla.

:vlol: But at least she has a soothing voice :). And besides it's not her fault, CD chose her..

Spong 17-01-13 23:37


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6610152)
And besides it's not her fault, CD chose her..

You're right, Crystal were being completely lazy when they chose her.


TippingWater 17-01-13 23:39


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6610154)
You're right, Crystal were being completely lazy when they chose her.


I wouldn't say that, Camilla is a really good actress, and she really brings Lara to life... It's just that her accent is sort of missing at times..

Alister's_Brain 17-01-13 23:41


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6610150)
@Alister's_Brain: Here!


Oh geez new spoilerish cutscenes. But what is she doing at 2:38? :vlol:

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