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LaraDuh 21-01-13 18:44


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6615575)

/fanboy reaction.

My thoughts exactly. Especially Alice David, :cln:

GUMI 21-01-13 18:46


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6615575)

/fanboy reaction.

Spong 21-01-13 18:48


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6615542)
The new Lara VAs.

Fixed :pi::whi:


trfanX34 21-01-13 18:52

^ :vlol:
_ _ _ _ _

Still no word on the Spanish VA, I want to know if she will be crappy or super crappy :/

LNSNHGTDS 21-01-13 18:52


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6615597)
Fixed :pi::whi:


I didn't get it, lol :p .

Edit: Oh, American flag :vlol: .


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6615602)
^ :vlol:
_ _ _ _ _

Still no word on the Spanish VA, I want to know if she will be crappy or super crappy :/

I was wondering where the other voice actresses are, I mean why do those four get the main attention :pi: ? Camilla deserves it but that's pretty much it.

Mikky 21-01-13 18:55


Originally Posted by LaraDuh (Post 6615584)
My thoughts exactly. Especially Alice David, :cln:

I was joking, but thank you for proving my point. :p

tomee 21-01-13 18:56


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6615597)
Fixed :pi::whi:


Took me a while to figure out. :vlol:

Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6615602)
Still no word on the Spanish VA, I want to know if she will be crappy or super crappy :/

The other VAs always sound weird.

Spong 21-01-13 18:56


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6615603)
Edit: Oh, American flag :vlol:

You got there in the end ;):p

GUMI 21-01-13 18:57


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6615597)
Fixed :pi::whi:


I don't understand....?

Spong 21-01-13 18:57


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6615615)
I don't understand....?

Check my post above yours ;)

LNSNHGTDS 21-01-13 18:58


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6615614)
You got there in the end ;):p

Spong humor is too exceptional to get with the first shot :p .


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6615615)
I don't understand....?

Hint: Camilla's flag :whi: :p .

Soul 21-01-13 18:58

Took me quite a while as well :vlol:

LNSNHGTDS 21-01-13 18:59


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6615619)
Took me quite a while as well :vlol:

I was looking for a change in the text but got dissapointed when I couldn't find any :vlol: .

LNSNHGTDS 21-01-13 19:18

Hey, sorry for double-postimng but I can't seem to find the Japanese Turning Point trailer D: . It's nowehere in the official Tomb Raider YouTube channel, there are only the English, French, Spanish, German and Italian versions there. I remeber someone showed it to me somewhere in this thread (will search for it after posting this post) but the point is, was it unofficial? Will the Japanese voiceovers only be available with the Japanese version of the game? Am I asking questions that you're not supposed to know?

Anyway, thanks :) .

trfanX34 21-01-13 19:19

^ It's in the Square Enix Japan channel :)

LNSNHGTDS 21-01-13 19:20


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6615648)
^ It's in the Square Enix Japan channel :)

Oh, thanks critter ;) .

Fan 21-01-13 19:26

The multiplayer would be cool if it had a custom player mode. Does it?

MangelinaJolie 21-01-13 19:29


Well, I’m not sure I’m entirely qualified to discuss the business reasoning behind Tomb Raiders’ multiplayer, but after a few rounds of the game’s Rescue mode, I can tell you one thing: In it’s current state Tomb Raider’s multiplayer is throwaway at best.
Well, there's that. He also talks about balancing issues... something I have been concerned about, and it seems rightfully so.

ItIsOkBro 21-01-13 19:38

The stupid thing is survivors have to work together while scavengers do not. Who thought this through. I can almost guarantee you'd have to be in a clan with mics to stand a chance as survivors. A bunch of randoms can't work together.

Mikky 21-01-13 19:42

If the reaction to MP is still this bad after the game's release and everyone's tried it I guess they won't be including it in the next game. :p It would of been nice if CD showcased the other, more unique-sounding modes first.

I have to say, though, I completely agree with those first two paragraphs:


Gamers don’t like change. Dante’s haircut, Final Fantasy XIII’s platform exclusivity, motion controls - whether it’s justified of not, we tend to react badly to breaks from tradition.

Yet on the other hand we’re always calling out for something a bit different. We gripe at Call of Duty for its lack of bravery, we lament the industry’s constant stream of sequels and we cry out for something, anything with a bit of invention. We don’t like change, but it’s what we want.*
Right on.

xLara_Nathanx 21-01-13 19:44

What I absolutely hate are people like the guy in that article MangelinaJolie posted who think that everyone hates MP and that no one appreciates it. There are lots of people who actually want MP and who want to try it out in the TR universe. I believe that it's kinda egoistic of him.

Yeah, sure, it's their opinion, and I respect that, but it still kind of annoys me. :p

Only TR lover 21-01-13 19:49

Does anybody have a link to VGA's trailer with orchestra - but not the live version! I'm looking for version with full scenes but with orchestra. Somebody edited it.

trfanX34 21-01-13 19:51


Originally Posted by Only TR lover (Post 6615701)
Does anybody have a link to VGA's trailer with orchestra - but not the live version! I'm looking for version with full scenes but with orchestra. Somebody edited it.

Here you go :)

MangelinaJolie 21-01-13 19:54


Originally Posted by xLara_Nathanx (Post 6615689)
What I absolutely hate are people like the guy in that article MangelinaJolie posted who think that everyone hates MP and that no one appreciates it. There are lots of people who actually want MP and who want to try it out in the TR universe. I believe that it's kinda egoistic of him.

Yeah, sure, it's their opinion, and I respect that, but it still kind of annoys me. :p

I'm not sure if that's necessarily what he's implying. He just thinks that poorly designed, poorly balanced MP has no place, and he has a point because it makes it seem like it's there just for the sake of it. It's not what people ask for when they say they want multiplayer, in other words. He also said "in it's current state" which implies that he only has a problem with how it is right now.

Only TR lover 21-01-13 19:55


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6615707)

Here you go :)

That's it! Thank you :D

LNSNHGTDS 21-01-13 19:56


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6615679)
The stupid thing is survivors have to work together while scavengers do not. Who thought this through. I can almost guarantee you'd have to be in a clan with mics to stand a chance as survivors. A bunch of randoms can't work together.

It's to learn the essence of team work and all this crap we are forced to put up with in Hig hschool :rolleyes: ...


Gamd1011 21-01-13 20:01


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6615707)

Here you go :)

That's a lot better than the live version. The live version over-powered the video, and you couldn't hear what they were saying @2:17.

ian2006 21-01-13 20:03

Just pre-ordered my final hours edition :)

Spong 21-01-13 20:04


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6615719)

Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6615679)
The stupid thing is survivors have to work together while scavengers do not. Who thought this through. I can almost guarantee you'd have to be in a clan with mics to stand a chance as survivors. A bunch of randoms can't work together.

It's to learn the essence of team work and all this crap we are forced to put up with in Hig hschool :rolleyes: ...


I'm sure Crystal have some kind of vision that's not too dissimilar, but that's probably not how the reality will go. With a quarter of the game's trophies/achievements devoted to grinding in multiplayer, a good portion of people will most likely be playing just to get those. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of matches are played for the sole purpose of getting those, with little regard paid to what the rules are or what the multiplayer is supposed to be about.

I can imagine that if people on this board want to play seriously and enjoy the multiplayer properly, then you're gonna have to arrange it all on here first, otherwise you'll probably end up stuck in a match with a load of trophy/achievement whores who don't care that you want to play an actual game.

Mikky 21-01-13 20:05


Originally Posted by ian2006 (Post 6615727)
Just pre-ordered my final hours edition :)

Congrats. I'm uber jelly. :D

I always thought the Final Hours edition was only available on Amazon, though. Hmm, weird. :p

Love2Raid 21-01-13 20:09


Originally Posted by MangelinaJolie (Post 6615668)

Well, there's that. He also talks about balancing issues... something I have been concerned about, and it seems rightfully so.

So they added this generic MP modes that don't even work that well (this close to release) and there is no way around spending hours playing it if you want the full gamerscore...

LNSNHGTDS 21-01-13 20:14

Ok, so apparently, if I preorder ths Standard Edition from it will actually cost me less than buying it from here in Greece when it comes out in stores.

What :p ?

I 'm suddenly thinking about pre-ordering it :o , the only problem is that I don't know if the game is region locked. If it's not I'll give all my money and beg my parents as much as I can to add up some of their own to get it, that's certainly an opportunity I can't pass up, and it has the Enduranbce DLC :O .

GUMI 21-01-13 20:30


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6615707)

Here you go :)

I think this music is making the game more dramatic than it already is.
but i just love that version :cln:

TheRCroft 21-01-13 20:40


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6615750)
Ok, so apparently, if I preorder ths Standard Edition from it will actually cost me less than buying it from here in Greece when it comes out in stores.

What :p ?

I 'm suddenly thinking about pre-ordering it :o , the only problem is that I don't know if the game is region locked. If it's not I'll give all my money and beg my parents as much as I can to add up some of their own to get it, that's certainly an opportunity I can't pass up, and it has the Enduranbce DLC :O .

The Endurance DLC is one of Amazon's pre-order bonus?

LNSNHGTDS 21-01-13 20:43


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6615801)
The Endurance DLC is one of Amazon's pre-order bonus?

Yes, it's actually it's only pre-orde bonus, lol :p .

So, I asked about whether the disc is region-locked, I hope I'll get an answer!!!

Bomb Fighter 21-01-13 20:44


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6615801)
The Endurance DLC is one of Amazon's pre-order bonus?

Yes, and maybe the only one. We don´t know yet.

TheRCroft 21-01-13 20:47


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6615807)
Yes, it's actually it's only pre-orde bonus, lol :p .

So, I asked about whether the disc is region-locked, I hope I'll get an answer!!!

I didn't know!

You and me both, make sure to tell us too when you know, if you don't mind

Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6615808)
Yes, and maybe the only one. We don´t know yet.

So, the Endurance DLC is the "Top-secret Pre-order Bonus" that says there?

LNSNHGTDS 21-01-13 20:50


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6615816)
I didn't know!

You and me both, make sure to tell us too when you know, if you don't mind

Will do ;) .

I'll just wait a day or two and if get no reply then I'll try ask Karl and/or Maegan via Twitter. They're good at fan-service so this would be the perfect last resort :p .

Bomb Fighter 21-01-13 20:52


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6615816)
I didn't know!

You and me both, make sure to tell us too when you know, if you don't mind

So, the Endurance DLC is the "Top-secret Pre-order Bonus" that says there?

According to yes. But that would make it, the version with the less pre-order incentives available.

Mikky 21-01-13 22:09

So that PS3 controller really is official.

*sigh* It's like no effort has gone into it.

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