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Mikky 06-02-13 19:33

I am hyped for the game, too, atm. Finally seeing new footage got me excited again. And just think, the game is less than a month away. Get aboard the hype train, people!

Underhoe 06-02-13 19:36

Then I must be the only to stay neutral still. :p The character's texture quality overall really bothers me.

Mr GaGa 06-02-13 19:37

:yah:This only Made me even more hyped!!!!:jmp: She' Back baby

Billy959 06-02-13 19:40


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638683)
OMFG. That video, that rope feature!


All the footage just upped my expectations for this game.



I was skeptical, but no longer.

(I never watched the 1 hr IGN video, so this might be why this is all so new to me)

I couldn't agree more! :jmp:

robm_2007 06-02-13 19:43

That rope system looks fantastic. Such a cool way to keep the "grapple" and incorporate a realistic function to it.

Weemanply109 06-02-13 19:44

It reminded me A LOT of the Batman Arkham Asylum grapple feature, but this is so much cooler and creative.

Alister's_Brain 06-02-13 19:45


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6638703)
:yah:This only Made me even more hyped!!!!:jmp: She' Back baby

I hate how he mentions Uncharted platforming.

Didn't uncharted come out 2007?

Legend came out 2006?


Otherwise it's more of a prince of persia platforming.

Billy959 06-02-13 19:46


Originally Posted by Alister's_Brain (Post 6638714)
I hate how he mentions Uncharted platforming.

Didn't uncharted come out 2007?

Legend came out 2006?

Otherwise it's more of a prince of persia platforming.

you're right! I agree with you!

Weemanply109 06-02-13 19:49

CD's platforming was always seemed to be influenced by PoP, to say atleast. If anyone thinks Uncharted influenced the platforming of TR, they're just uneducated and I'd advise all RAIDERS to give them the fortune of a good education. :whi:

Valentino 06-02-13 19:50


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6638703)
:yah:This only Made me even more hyped!!!!:jmp: She' Back baby

0:20 omg is that the girl who plays Sam??! If it is then dare I say she's cuter than Camilla...

Mikky 06-02-13 19:50


Originally Posted by Alister's_Brain (Post 6638714)
I hate how he mentions Uncharted platforming.

Didn't uncharted come out 2007?

Legend came out 2006?


Otherwise it's more of a prince of persia platforming.

But Uncharted's platforming was so different from Legend's, it was definitely more fluid and not so "I can only grab on to that object", which I definitely got the feeling from Legend's platforming. The new TR definitely seems to be more like Uncharted's, which is what I think the guy was trying to say.

Weemanply109 06-02-13 19:53


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6638725)
0:20 omg is that the girl who plays Sam??! If it is then dare I say she's cuter than Camilla...

It's probably a foreign VA.

Also, nobody said Camilla was the world's most beautiful woman, so you don't need to be worried about saying that. :p

Lana Del Rey >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TBH :ohn:

Billy959 06-02-13 19:56


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638731)
Lana Del Rey >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TBH :ohn:

tsc tsc! i think I'll ban you from the Britney thread :ohn:

lol j/k



Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6638727)
But Uncharted's platforming was so different from Legend's, it was definitely more fluid and not so "I can only grab on to that object", which I definitely got the feeling from Legend's platforming. The new TR definitely seems to be more like Uncharted's, which is what I think the guy was trying to say.

Really? The first time i played UC all I could think was that the plataforming looked exactly like Legend,only more boring(tho more realistic).

well,that's just my opinion,i'm not really a fun of UC's plataforming

Valentino 06-02-13 19:57


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638731)
It's probably a foreign VA.

Also, nobody said Camilla was the world's most beautiful woman, so you don't need to be worried about saying that. :p

Lana Del Rey >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TBH :ohn:

Lol. But no, its definatly not a foreign VA, why would she be doing mo-cap?? It doesn't work like that :p I'm betting its Sam.

Peep Show 06-02-13 19:57


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638731)
It's probably a foreign VA.

Also, nobody said Camilla was the world's most beautiful woman, so you don't need to be worried about saying that. :p

Lana Del Rey >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TBH :ohn:

Lana is ugly, Camilla is a million times prettier.

but the beauty queen is Rihanna.

Weemanply109 06-02-13 20:00


Originally Posted by Billy959 (Post 6638735)
tsc tsc! i think I'll ban you from the Britney thread :ohn:

lol j/k


Britney has her moments, but it ain't 2001 anymore. :ohn:


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6638736)
Lol. But no, its definatly not a foreign VA, why would she be doing mo-cap?? It doesn't work like that :p I'm betting its Sam.

I never thought about that, TBH. It's because Camillia did the mo-cap, so I just jumped to that assumption without thinking about it, silly me. :vlol:

You're probably right.


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6638737)
Lana is ugly, Camilla is a million times prettier.

but the beauty queen is Rihanna.

Lady Gargoyle, tho.

Stevo505 06-02-13 20:00


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6638737)
Lana is ugly, Camilla is a million times prettier.

but the beauty queen is Rihanna.

Don't you mean Rhianna? ;)

Peep Show 06-02-13 20:00


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638742)
I'd say Britney if we were still in 2001 when Britney actually looked her age, tbh. :ohn:

I never thought about that, TBH. It's because Camillia did the mo-cap, so I just jumped to that assumption without thinking about it, silly me. :vlol:

Lady Gargoyle, tho.

Even Marilyn Manson is prettier than Gargoyle, we don't have to discuss that. :p

Peep Show 06-02-13 20:01


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6638743)
Don't you mean Rhianna? ;)

No, I mean the queen.

Edit: SRY double post

Underhoe 06-02-13 20:02

You're all wrong...Barbara Palvin is the prettiest.

Weemanply109 06-02-13 20:02

I had my eyes on Betty White, tbh. ;)

BTW, I hope Roth dies.

Billy959 06-02-13 20:03


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6638744)
Even Marilyn Manson is prettier than Gargoyle, we don't have to discuss that. :p

they could easily be the same person :pi:


beauty queen

they really should cast her for the next TR film

tomee 06-02-13 20:04


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6638749)
You're all wrong...Barbara Palvin is the prettiest.

I was expecting Jocelyn Wildenstein or Amanda Lepore from you...

Underhoe 06-02-13 20:06


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6638757)
I was expecting Jocelyn Wildenstein or Amanda Lepore from you...

Even I can't resist her.

Weemanply109 06-02-13 20:10

I'd be skeptical about posting off-topic images here or even ones like that, you know Admles could be on duty. :pi:

Underhoe 06-02-13 20:12


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638769)
I'd be skeptical about posting off-topic images here or even ones like that, you know Admles could be on duty. :pi:

Then these will soften him up.

Btw I like Tomb Raider.

Tonyrobinson 06-02-13 20:14


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6638725)
0:20 omg is that the girl who plays Sam??! If it is then dare I say she's cuter than Camilla...

Lauren Mary Kim. She kicks ass! :)

Weemanply109 06-02-13 20:17


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6638771)

Are you sure? :pi:

I was thinking of something else? :whi:

BYE, i'm getting BANNED

tomee 06-02-13 20:18


Underhoe 06-02-13 20:18


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638787)
Are you sure? :pi:

I was thinking of something else? :whi:

BYE, i'm getting BANNED

:vlol: I see what you did there. [IMG]http://**************/a/img203/5834/ktitiktktktkt.png[/IMG]
I want Lara to look like her.

LNSNHGTDS 06-02-13 20:23


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638750)
I had my eyes on Betty White, tbh. ;)

BTW, I hope Roth dies.


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638787)
Are you sure? :pi:

I was thinking of something else? :whi:

BYE, i'm getting BANNED

I LOVE YOU :hug: !


I looked up Lauren Mary Kim and :cln: !!!


aand, she can actually do martial arts HOWEVER her role is specidied as stunt double at IMDb so I guess that Sam might kick ass the Asian way after all :jmp: !!!!

There's also a picture where half of her butt is shown and therefore I can not post :pi: ...!

Weemanply109 06-02-13 20:26


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6638791)
:vlol: I see what you did there. [IMG]http://**************/a/img203/5834/ktitiktktktkt.png[/IMG]
I want Lara to look like her.

You better, I wanted to make you giggle and shizzle.



Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6638800)
I LOVE YOU :hug: !

I love you too. :hug:

My fan base grows. :p

SpyrosMonster 06-02-13 20:28


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638805)
My fan base grows. :p

Well I hate you. :wve:
Does that fan base grows too?! j/k xD

davidmeyer000 06-02-13 20:35


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6638005)
You are obsessed about Laras pistols. I personally couldn't care less about them. :p

<3 Proud to be obsessed <3 ^_^

Weemanply109 06-02-13 20:54


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6638809)
Well I hate you. :wve:
Does that fan base grows too?! j/k xD

Well, you did remove me from your friends list. :pi:

SpyrosMonster 06-02-13 21:08


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638872)
Well, you did remove me from your friends list. :pi:

I did? D: Sorry! I removed a lot people... :p

Weemanply109 06-02-13 21:10


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6638904)
I did? D: Sorry! I removed a lot people... :p

Oh, fair enough. :p I was thinking that was probably the case anyway.

Weemanply109 06-02-13 21:15

OMG. Is this for real?

I mean, I've seen so many horror films where it's a TV show or something that turns bad. This is such a mess.

Billy959 06-02-13 21:19


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638921)
OMG. Is this for real?

I mean, I've seen so many horror films where it's a TV show or something that turns bad. This is such a mess.

I actually love the idea of makin glara part of an archeology team on a TV show!
looks cool

SpyrosMonster 06-02-13 21:20


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6638921)
OMG. Is this for real?

I mean, I've seen so many horror films where it's a TV show or something that turns bad. This is such a mess.

Old news.... :p

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