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BigR4444 08-02-13 17:39


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6641883)
You know people, they can be stupid and bitch because something is not done their way, and CD haters are basically all that, immature adults who have still, 7 years after it happened, not gotten over the fact that some people changed their precious Core's way of gameplay and personality.

That's all I had to say, I expect to be brutally murdered in 3-5 seconds. DO NOT give me a Christian burial 'cause I will haunt you until the end of time :pi: !


You're right... But be prepared to be called a mindless sheep who kisses CD's ass and goes along with whatever they do.... Because, in thier minds, no true tomb raider fan, like myself, could truely love the LAU trilogy... They would accuse us of being fanvoys in denial...

LNSNHGTDS 08-02-13 17:43


Originally Posted by BigR4444 (Post 6641904)
You're right... But be prepared to be called a mindless sheep who kisses CD's ass and goes along with whatever they do.... Because, in thier minds, no true tomb raider fan, like myself, could truely love the LAU trilogy... They would accuse us of being fanvoys in denial...

I don't really care, most of them would reach their fourties and still bitch about it. I'm glad that there aren't just Core fans and Crystal fans, there are also actual Tomb Raider fans which love (or just like) all the games for what they are, Tomb Raider games, and don't spend their time with mindless bitching and hating. I can't see why they just can't accept all the games and shut up, ending the civil fanwar would actually save all of us from a lot of trouble and focus on more important fanwars with fans of other games :p !

Gamd1011 08-02-13 17:44

I HAD to share this:

Billy959 08-02-13 18:01


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6641855)
I think she kind of went over the edge at the end of TRL when she started shooting at Amanda.

Everybody keeps praising how ridiculous it was when she killed her mother because she said "You're not my mother" Like seriously? What the hell should she have done then? Hug her? Knock her over?
Even though she said her expactations are not high, she surely wasn't expecting this. She killed her and then kneel down to have a rest and mourne her in silence. I mean just imagine what she could've felt, adrenaline and everything must've been scratching the sky. I think it was handled rather maturely. In my opinion anyway.


I completely agree :tmb:

BeauGarcon 08-02-13 18:05


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6641911)
I HAD to share this:

That's awesome, thanks for sharing :D

anotherAODfan 08-02-13 18:10

I don't want to sound diplomatic but I have enjoyed all TR games. When I play TR 1-6 or LAU I adjust myself to the feel and controls of the respective games. I prefer core's games simply because I grew up with them. I have replayed Legend like crazy because I believe it is a genuinely fun game . I dislike Underworld not because it was not made by core , but because I feel the story is bland and uninteresting.

CBS_TombRaider 08-02-13 18:12


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6641911)
I HAD to share this:

She even looks a little like Reboot Lara :D Her necklace is way better than the crappy official thing :p

tr fan 4 ever 08-02-13 18:12


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6641911)
I HAD to share this:

Ahh Nuttylamb. I like her :) Her let's plays are hilarious & awesome.

Zebra 08-02-13 18:13


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6641855)
I think she kind of went over the edge at the end of TRL when she started shooting at Amanda.

Everybody keeps praising how ridiculous it was when she killed her mother because she said "You're not my mother" Like seriously? What the hell should she have done then? Hug her? Knock her over?
Even though she said her expactations are not high, she surely wasn't expecting this. She killed her and then kneel down to have a rest and mourne her in silence. I mean just imagine what she could've felt, adrenaline and everything must've been scratching the sky. I think it was handled rather maturely. In my opinion anyway.


The whole situation was ridiculous. There was nothing wrong with Lara's reaction to the situation but they should've never put her into that situation. And Underworld's story in general was just terrible.

JsotoTRSaga 08-02-13 18:20


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6641967)
The whole situation was ridiculous. There was nothing wrong with Lara's reaction to the situation but they should've never put her into that situation. And Underworld's story in general was just terrible.

Not worse than TR5's story.... :rolleyes:

Zebra 08-02-13 18:24


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6641977)
Not worse than TR5's story.... :rolleyes:

Tomb Raider 5's story was alright. It was pretty uneventful but it wasn't bad. And you can't really compare the two, anyway, because back then there wasn't as much focus on storytelling in games as there was in 2008.

JsotoTRSaga 08-02-13 18:31


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6641985)
Tomb Raider 5's story was alright. It was pretty uneventful but it wasn't bad. And you can't really compare the two, anyway, because back then there wasn't as much focus on storytelling in games as there was in 2008.

Actually there was a lot of focus on storytelling have you ever played TR4? it had an awesome story just like the Resident Evil games that released by that date. Underworld's story was not as bad and uninspired as TR5's... they even made larson and pierre randomly die In rome yet they came randomly and questionably bck to life in tr1 bc Rome was set b4 tr1... it is a mess tbh.

Phlip 08-02-13 18:51


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6641883)
That wasn't even close to funny actually :p :o ...!

Oh well, you provided me with a laugh:

Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6641883)
That wasn't even close to funny actually :p :o ...!

You know people, they can be stupid and bitch because something is not done their way, and CD haters are basically all that, immature adults who have still, 7 years after it happened, not gotten over the fact that some people changed their precious Core's way of gameplay and personality.

That's all I had to say, I expect to be brutally murdered in 3-5 seconds. DO NOT give me a Christian burial 'cause I will haunt you until the end of time :pi: !



Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6641910)
I don't really care, most of them would reach their fourties and still bitch about it. I'm glad that there aren't just Core fans and Crystal fans, there are also actual Tomb Raider fans which love (or just like) all the games for what they are, Tomb Raider games, and don't spend their time with mindless bitching and hating. I can't see why they just can't accept all the games and shut up, ending the civil fanwar would actually save all of us from a lot of trouble and focus on more important fanwars with fans of other games :p !

LNSNHGTDS 08-02-13 18:57


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6642043)
Oh well, you provided me with a laugh:

Good to know, I like to make people happy :) , I was actually being serious though, but I guess you just don't want to understand.

Gamd1011 08-02-13 19:43



M1chae1a 08-02-13 19:44

^ :vlol::vlol: OMG Fry's face.

M1chae1a 08-02-13 19:51

I know i'm about to double post so sorry about that.

Anyways I don't know if this has been mentioned but on TR's FB page is about a competition where you say how you will be celebrating the Launch of TR and you if you win you can get the game the weekend prior to March the 5th.

Link to TR's FB page >

Once again sorry if someone has already said about this.

Valentino 08-02-13 20:07

Underworld story was in no way terrible. It just wasn't up to YOURRRRRR standards of what YOUUUUUU wanted -___-
Theres are no reviews claiming how bad the story was. They're all positive about its story, just like Legends. It had interesting parts, informative input about mythology, might have had a few plot holes, cheesy dialogue, but yeah, I will admit it could have been so much more. I was playing it last night and was just walking around the cliffs of Thialand and Lara's model, the graphics were so glorious. I think Underworlds model was best so far. It was just let down so badly by the camera and bugs.

BigR4444 08-02-13 20:17


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6642173)
Underworld story was in no way terrible. It just wasn't up to YOURRRRRR standards of what YOUUUUUU wanted -___-
Theres are no reviews claiming how bad the story was. They're all positive about its story, just like Legends. It had interesting parts, informative input about mythology, might have had a few plot holes, cheesy dialogue, but yeah, I will admit it could have been so much more. I was playing it last night and was just walking around the cliffs of Thialand and Lara's model, the graphics were so glorious. I think Underworlds model was best so far. It was just let down so badly by the camera and bugs.

Yea, went and played Underworld right before i played the TR demo at NYCC, to get some perspective, and to be able to compare the two... Story was good, graphics and enviornment were superb... The only problems I had with the game is that the animations were very glitchy and not smooth (probably because they didnt take proper time to polish the game), and the combat was pretty terrible ...

Othet than those problems, I had kinda forgotten how good it really was...

tomee 08-02-13 21:01


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6641967)
The whole situation was ridiculous. There was nothing wrong with Lara's reaction to the situation but they should've never put her into that situation. And Underworld's story in general was just terrible.

Well, for me it would've been a great turn off if she didn't find her mother. And honestly, finding a skeleton would've been boring. Seriously, that would've just made Lara grateful to Natla for letting her enter Helheim to find her mother's remains. At least this way Natla made Lara angry, and made you really want to kill Natla. IMO.

Mikky 08-02-13 21:37


Originally Posted by M1chae1a (Post 6642144)
I know i'm about to double post so sorry about that.

Anyways I don't know if this has been mentioned but on TR's FB page is about a competition where you say how you will be celebrating the Launch of TR and you if you win you can get the game the weekend prior to March the 5th.

Link to TR's FB page >

Once again sorry if someone has already said about this.

Um, where is this competition on the page, exactly? I can't seem to find it. :p

Sabi96 08-02-13 21:48


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6642309)
Um, where is this competition on the page, exactly? I can't seem to find it. :p

For me it opens my main facebook page, like the link we got doesn't even exist.

TheRCroft 09-02-13 01:14


We’re so close to 1,000,000 fans on Facebook that we’re motivating hitting the milestone with an exciting reward! Share the image above to help us hit a million and when we do we’ll release two exclusive tracks from award-winning composer Jason Graves. How exclusive? You won’t find either of them on the official soundtrack.

Think we can hit our goal before March 5?

FearEffect 09-02-13 01:15

Unofficial Multiplayer Poster Version :

Photoshopped reborn render :

Fan Made Music :

M1chae1a 09-02-13 01:21

Ah loving the pic without the #REBORN on it :jmp:

spyrostr 09-02-13 01:28


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6642555)

oh that's easy....
i think.....

Rai 09-02-13 02:25

Thank you for taking the #Reborn off that render! :hug: *saves*

TippingWater 09-02-13 03:01


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6642559)

Flawless as ever! :D

pTURKEYq 09-02-13 04:22


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6642555)

No, no, no... I can't believe it. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Are they really expecting that TR will get 83000 fans before Martch 5? Damn 83 thousand? What are they thinking? And the prizes are two tracks? I had no idea that people from CD are so retarded.

MyRaider4Life 09-02-13 04:28

Given there's one month left and the game's going to be advertised at basically any outlet selling the game, not to mention all the website and television ads, I imagine it can easily get 83,000 likes.

TippingWater 09-02-13 04:41

Do you guys think that the game has a chance to be Game of the Year 2013? I mean The Walking Dead managed this, so do not see any reason why Tomb Raider could not..

Zebra 09-02-13 04:46


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6642677)
Do you guys think that the game has a chance to be Game of the Year 2013? I mean The Walking Dead managed this, so do not see any reason why Tomb Raider could not..

Not sure...I think it really depends on how the game turns out. It's possible but...I kind of doubt it. It's not unique or low-budget enough to have the indie-darling bonus of the likes of Journey or The Walking Dead and if they go with a blockbuster game it'll probably be GTA :rolleyes:.

pipermaru 09-02-13 05:14


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6642677)
Do you guys think that the game has a chance to be Game of the Year 2013? I mean The Walking Dead managed this, so do not see any reason why Tomb Raider could not..

Nope. I believe it's gonna be The Last of Us.

TRItheMaster 09-02-13 05:21


Originally Posted by pipermaru (Post 6642689)
Nope. I believe it's gonna be The Last of Us.

Stahp crushing TR's imaginary chances. :pi:

Alister's_Brain 09-02-13 05:27


Originally Posted by pipermaru (Post 6642689)
Nope. I believe it's gonna be The Last of Us.

Am I the only one not excited for the TLOU? It looks pretty, but everything they have shown has been done before. What bothers me is the one hit kills from the clickers.

Otherwise I would need to see more. I'm afraid it's a Huge scripted story driven stealth game.

spyrostr 09-02-13 05:32


Originally Posted by TRItheMaster (Post 6642690)
Stahp crushing TR's imaginary chances. :pi:

imaginary??? we could at least pretend that it's gonna be the GOTY
i really hope it does actually there is a big possibility for that :ton:

i know something u dont know.. :pi:

i'm joking of course

robm_2007 09-02-13 06:16


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6642677)
Do you guys think that the game has a chance to be Game of the Year 2013? I mean The Walking Dead managed this, so do not see any reason why Tomb Raider could not..

By which organization? There's not really a GOTY award that is more important than all the others; at least, I never saw any that way.

Some obscure blogger from Uzbekistan could name it "GOTY 2013" and technically, TR could affix that title to its résumé.

I think it has a shot at several nominations and maybe even some wins (in general), but I don't know about if it can fare with the competition of this year to make into the long list of nominees (or winners) from major organizations.

TippingWater 09-02-13 06:29


Originally Posted by robm_2007 (Post 6642711)

I think it has a shot at several nominations and maybe even some wins (in general), but I don't know about if it can fare with the competition of this year to make into the long list of nominees (or winners) from major organizations.

Even though it has some minor flaws, I have to admit that it does look cool. I really hope that it will get more recognition.

.................................................. ..................

It would so cool if Tomb Raider II looked this good :D

BinRaider 09-02-13 09:37


Originally Posted by pTURKEYq (Post 6642665)
No, no, no... I can't believe it. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Are they really expecting that TR will get 83000 fans before Martch 5? Damn 83 thousand? What are they thinking? And the prizes are two tracks? I had no idea that people from CD are so retarded.

They made the same mistake before. They tried to get 100,000 and only got 10,000. It just makes them look like idiots.

tomee 09-02-13 10:36


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6642680)
Not sure...I think it really depends on how the game turns out. It's possible but...I kind of doubt it. It's not unique or low-budget enough to have the indie-darling bonus of the likes of Journey or The Walking Dead and if they go with a blockbuster game it'll probably be GTA :rolleyes:.

Was that ":rolleyes:" really necessary?

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