![]() |
Unless you were being sarcastic or joking lol. |
I love those new scenes on that ad, amazing!
Wow, reading that some of you guys' artwork being stolen sadden me. That's messed up.
I wonder how to prevent this? I'm thinking of posting lower res. pics and a big ass watermark on it. :/ |
Player Tailoring
I apologize in advance if this has already been asked a million times.
Are there any player tailoring type options in TReboot like in Underworld? I know the latest Hitman had a "purist" mode that removed a good deal of the HUD. It would certainly be nice if we were given an option to get rid of the button/action prompts, pop up mission objectives/xp points and also increase the level of difficulty. |
I recently haven't been digging this new TR9. In-fact, I sometimes feel like I'm getting sick. This is not the Lara Croft I've been playing since I was around 5 years of age...and everything will be...different. :/
oh well...I probably wont even get the game til next year. |
How can you have been on these forums since '08 and have 14,000 posts and not be getting Tomb Raider this year? :( |
See, it works the other way too :) |
****. Well, thankfully I only seen the screencap one of y'all posted of that trailer. However, I'm not spoiling the EXPERIENCE for myself at all and haven't really done so over the past few months and I plan to keep it that way. :o
Not watching this trailer. Also, people are publicly posting spoilers now, is it time to go dark? :pi: Quote:
If I were creating my own artwork, etc. I'd definitely publish a lower quality version with a big ass watermark saying "ITS MINE BITCH!". :p |
Was it confirmed or not there are going to be supernatural encounters? I mean, it was said in an interview by Karl we wouldn't, then we saw a trailer with Lara fighting a giant in Samurai armor and it was said it was a japanese god-like creature... Which makes Karl's comment invalid, except if what it was said about the trailer was pure speculation, hence my question. |
Like, I don't care about weak Peter Parker, only Spider-Man. Same with Lara. Frightened little girl who also hates tombs? GTFO please, tq. |
You're entitled to you're own opinion on the game but you can't generalize the fanbase on that. Even if you weren't entirely serious about that post, some fans here may not realize that. |
That's why I look forward to her 'evolution/changes' in the game. Hopefully it happens quickly in the game. None of this nonsense weak Lara.
I hear she killed her rapist and a bandwagon of rapers on the island. That sounds interesting. |
^ I like it! :D
I cannot wait to finally play the game :D. https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.n...44649058_n.jpg |
Off topic slightly, but I found this picture on Reddit:
(Didn't want to start an entire thread for it) It appears to be a hidden message in TR4's exe file. http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/r...psc01c6571.png |
:eek: The original soundracks names 1. Adventure Found Me 2. The Scavenger's Den 3. Exploring The Island 4. First Blood 5. Reaching Roth 6. Infiltrating The Bunker 7. A Call For Help 8. Entering Himiko's Tomb 9. The Descent 10. The One 11. The Scavenger's Camp 12. Paying Respects 13. On The Beach 14. Secret of the Island 15. The Oni 16. Whitman's Test 17. Scaling The Ziggurat 18. The Ritual 19. A Survivor Is Born 20. The Tomb Raider |
^That sounds great, thanks for posting! :)
3 hours into the game and it's already up to track seven? I don't like the sound of that. >_>
The soundtrack contains the name Oni. These are mystical beings. Didn't CD say no mystical creatures! :confused:
As for Oni it has been known for a while they've been included despite reports. :p |
Oni are creatures from Japanese folklore, variously translated as demons, devils, ogres or trolls.
Hmm... |
And, i read about the art theft too (The phones/wallets) That's just cruel to an amazing artist like you, i hope thoose people who did it have removed it by now. |
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