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LNSNHGTDS 18-02-13 12:52


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6655354)
Endurance Week: Learn more about Lara’s shipmates the week of 2-18 – 2/24. Unveiling a character a day, we’ll give added insight into those who join Lara Croft in the search for Yamatai!

Wow, this is sooo cool! Where will the bios be released? On the website? Somewhere else?


Originally Posted by Mr GaGa (Post 6655742)
Omg are people still going nuts about the hair! It's just hair in a video game everyone, it looks good. Is this game really so awesome that the only thing to talk about is how the hair could've been better:(

The hair look mediocre and yes, the game looks nice, we don't have anything else to complain about so hair it is :) .


Originally Posted by nevillet (Post 6655750)
Hair care-o-meter

Is that why there's an argument about the hair every 10 pages???

ItIsOkBro 18-02-13 17:25

Here's a review that is not all positive but not all negative either, it flips back and forth. My kind of review tbh.

TheRCroft 18-02-13 18:24



LNSNHGTDS 18-02-13 18:25


I think I just died and then came back to life O.O !!!

Mikky 18-02-13 18:28


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6656301)


Jami393 18-02-13 18:31


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6656301)


Is that a screenshot or some artwork for the game? Also is that Lara falling to her death?

LNSNHGTDS 18-02-13 18:33


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6656313)
Is that a screenshot or some artwork for the game? Also is that Lara falling to her death?

It's the scene with the parachute.

Jami393 18-02-13 18:37


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6656315)
It's the scene with the parachute.

I didn't know there was a scene with a parachute. At least Lara is going to be OK, and not fall to her death.

MattTR 18-02-13 19:01


Originally Posted by supasaba (Post 6655926)
is this soundtrack new?

not sure if its been posted but can't wait to get this!!!

I swear this new game is going to get me broke, broke, BROKE! :vlol:

Gamd1011 18-02-13 19:38

Is it taking anyone else quite a while for their photos to process in the scavenger hunt? :/

renspyro 18-02-13 19:44

Just found this, a teaser from the Spanish advertising campaign by Koch Media

WTF... WAS... THAT?! :mad:

The hashtag means "All are Raiders"... Really?!

ivaneiroX 18-02-13 19:46


Originally Posted by renspyro (Post 6656444)
Just found this, a teaser from the Spanish advertising campaign by Koch Media

WTF... WAS... THAT?! :mad:

The hashtag means "All are Raiders"... Really?!

i think its more like "we are all Raiders"

renspyro 18-02-13 19:50


Originally Posted by ivaneiroX (Post 6656448)
i think its more like "we are all Raiders"

Something like that but... What was that about... A guy just doing parkour arround and all?! Really Koch Media!? Awfull...

Mikky 18-02-13 19:51


Originally Posted by renspyro (Post 6656444)
Just found this, a teaser from the Spanish advertising campaign by Koch Media


WTF... WAS... THAT?! :mad:

The hashtag means "All are Raiders"... Really?!


Judging by the moves that guy does in the video, I think the hashtag should be more like, "We are all Assassins". :whi:

trfanX34 18-02-13 19:54

Just film some random dude doing weird stuff in the street that has actually little to do with TR and add some TR movie music and there you go, you already have your TR ad.

The countdown looks cool though.

**LARA LOVER** 18-02-13 19:55


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6656431)
Is it taking anyone else quite a while for their photos to process in the scavenger hunt? :/

Yeah it doing that to me too! Looks like that's happening to everyone though since it says "0 users have completed the challenge."

Heartache 18-02-13 20:01

whats the name of that song? i hear it everywhere in videos but i never get an answer xD

Gamd1011 18-02-13 20:21


Originally Posted by **LARA LOVER** (Post 6656465)
Yeah it doing that to me too! Looks like that's happening to everyone though since it says "0 users have completed the challenge."

They're starting to review them now. Finally. :p

SpyrosMonster 18-02-13 20:34

Ok, In my opinion

He tried something and came out really cool.
I bet nobody here can do anything like that tbh.
Sure It doesn't have anything to do with TR diractly but at least he made something really GOOD!

LNSNHGTDS 18-02-13 20:36

That was awesome, why are most people hating it :confused: ?

tomee 18-02-13 20:39

Yeah, I thought it was pretty good.

Much better than that Xbox ad with that kick-box/whatever player.

LNSNHGTDS 18-02-13 20:39


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6656568)
Yeah, I thought it was pretty good.

Much better than that Xbox ad with that kick-box/whatever player.

Even a dog would be better than that crap :p !

[Xmas] 18-02-13 20:44


Originally Posted by renspyro (Post 6656444)
Just found this, a teaser from the Spanish advertising campaign by Koch Media


WTF... WAS... THAT?! :mad:

The hashtag means "All are Raiders"... Really?!

Not liking it. This is TOMB RAIDER not Mirror's Edge.

renspyro 18-02-13 20:59


Originally Posted by [Xmas] (Post 6656582)
Not liking it. This is TOMB RAIDER not Mirror's Edge.

Totally agreed...

Even the Kick-Box player was more related, they show the game and the controller! It's a bad advertising, but still related to TR.

LNSNHGTDS 18-02-13 21:00

I think we can all agree that (living aside the terrible voice acting) the French commercial has been the best so far :tmb: !

renspyro 18-02-13 21:02

^Sure thing! New footage, awesome music, show TR... Awesome! :D... But yeah the voice was... :vlol: (I hope will be released with Camilla!)

TheRCroft 18-02-13 21:04

That ad looks cool and all, but I'm still trying to figure out what it exactly has to do with Tomb Raider. And, if they're promoting Tomb Raider, they could have included the name of the game somewhere on the ad for people to know..

Stevo505 18-02-13 21:17


Originally Posted by renspyro (Post 6656629)
^Sure thing! New footage, awesome music, show TR... Awesome! :D... But yeah the voice was... :vlol: (I hope will be released with Camilla!)

I liked the French voice :o... Even though French isn't my first language so I can't really tell what is good French acting :p

Mikky 18-02-13 21:41

It would be so cool if we could do something like this in the game.

Stevo505 18-02-13 21:55


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6656717)
It would be so cool if we could do something like this in the game.

Could that axe really hold Lara's weight?

Forcible 18-02-13 21:58


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6656748)
Could that axe really hold Lara's weight?

It probably would, considering she is using it to traverse across ziplines.

BinRaider 18-02-13 21:58


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6656748)
Could that axe really hold Lara's weight?

If placed carefully, definitely.

LNSNHGTDS 18-02-13 21:59


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6656717)
It would be so cool if we could do something like this in the game.

That is actually awesome :yik: !

Great idea :tmb: !


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6656748)
Could that axe really hold Lara's weight?

She's short and thin and her boobs are smaller than before, I'd say yes, no problem :tmb: !

Mikky 18-02-13 22:08

Glad you guys agree. :D

Has everyone seen the entries for the Deviant Art contest? Some of them are seriously amazing! Just look.

LNSNHGTDS 18-02-13 22:13

Dis is awsum :jmp: !!!

Also, what the hell is Jessica Rabbit doing there at the bottom of the page :vlol: ???

Richard_Croft 18-02-13 22:15


Originally Posted by renspyro (Post 6656444)

What the hell was that?? They've mistaken Tomb Raider with Assassin's Creed, for God's sake -.-

Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6656717)
It would be so cool if we could do something like this in the game.

OMG YES! That would be so cool :cln:

Rai 19-02-13 02:33

Two weeks exactly from today people, we'll have the game in our hands :D

thebelljarkid 19-02-13 02:40


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6657120)
Two weeks exactly from today people, we'll have the game in our hands :D

Stop it! I can't stand to wait any longer.

Mr GaGa 19-02-13 02:41


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6657120)
Two weeks exactly from today people, we'll have the game in our hands :D

YES!!! I can't wait to experience the game for myself!! :jmp: I am glad :jmp:I have Metal Gear rising to keep me occupied until tomb raiders release

_Awestruck_ 19-02-13 02:46


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6657120)
Two weeks exactly from today people, we'll have the game in our hands :D

...and then you'll have finished it by then. :whi: :p

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