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Jami393 24-02-13 18:02


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6667641)
The first PC screens are supposed to be released in the coming week :D.

Nice! :D Cannot wait to see what the difference will be between the PC and 360. I wonder when they'll release some PS3 screenshots.

Spong 24-02-13 18:05


Originally Posted by Jami393 (Post 6667681)
I wonder when they'll release some PS3 screenshots.

They're probably still busy porting it from the 360 :pi:


murderinparadi 24-02-13 18:06

is there a thread for Steam usernames for multiplayer? :D

Spong 24-02-13 18:09


Originally Posted by murderinparadi (Post 6667688)
is there a thread for Steam usernames for multiplayer? :D

There is indeed.
Post your name and Steam details, and it'll get added to the OP with the others :)

just_love_her 24-02-13 18:45

Where will hard copies of TR PC version going to be sold?

Dark_Messiah 24-02-13 18:46


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6667765)
Where will hard copies of TR PC version going to be sold?

Everywhere except North America

just_love_her 24-02-13 18:49


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6667767)
Everywhere except North America

I guess they did this to stop leaking early. :)

jajay119 24-02-13 18:51

I think it's more that digital download sales are now, generally, more popular in the US than physical sales on PC so they decided it worthwhile to cut production costs of physical editions.

Dark_Messiah 24-02-13 18:53


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6667777)
I guess they did this to stop leaking early. :)

the PC version couldnt leak. Even if you'd have the disc version you couldnt play it because the files are encoded and only steam is able to decode them at the release date. w/o that the files are useless :)

WWETombRaider 24-02-13 18:55

There's walkthroughs on YouTube D:


Linoshi Croft 24-02-13 18:55


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6667783)
the PC version couldnt leak. Even if you'd have the disc version you couldnt play it because the files are encoded and only steam is able to decode them at the release date. w/o that the files are useless :)

That's not entirely true a game can be cracked to work without steam.

Dark_Messiah 24-02-13 18:57


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6667791)
That's not entirely true a game can be cracked to work without steam.

Yes, but that can only happen AFTER the release date with the files that steam has already decrypted. So there is no way to leak them. But - day 1 the pirated versions will start to pop up everywhere anyways.

Linoshi Croft 24-02-13 18:58

I'm not convinced I've seen games steam unlocked before launch.

just_love_her 24-02-13 18:59

Ok I'll just admit that I really want PC version to leak. I'm awful person because they worked 5 years to make this game so awesome but I just can't wait anymore. There, judge me you perfect fans who pre-ordered CE. :(

Dark_Messiah 24-02-13 18:59


Originally Posted by Linoshi Croft (Post 6667802)
I'm not convinced I've seen games steam unlocked before launch.

What games? Maybe games that are not steamworks games. There is a big difference between a game that requires steam to run and a game that is just releasing on steam (but also on other platforms). I may have used the wrong words,

there is no way for a steamworks title that can only run on steam to leak early :)

xLara_Nathanx 24-02-13 19:00

@just_love_her: *Judges you*

murderinparadi 24-02-13 19:00


Originally Posted by WWETombRaider (Post 6667789)
There's walkthroughs on YouTube D:


pretty sure i've just come across a part of 1 of a walkthrough on youtube. alskdj;lakjsdf

klona 24-02-13 19:00

If someone here is going to pirate the game, then at least buy it when it's out for the developers' work.

Spong 24-02-13 19:02


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6667783)
the PC version couldnt leak. Even if you'd have the disc version you couldnt play it because the files are encoded and only steam is able to decode them at the release date. w/o that the files are useless :)

IIRC, it's been stated that the physical version of the game will have old-fashioned DRM, there won't be any real verification process, much less a need to connect to something like Steam. So a pirated PC version is very possible/likely before release. In fact, there's already a PC version listed on some torrent sites. No idea how legit it is, I'm not about to bother downloading nearly 12GB to find out.

Dark_Messiah 24-02-13 19:06


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6667817)
IIRC, it's been stated that the physical version of the game will have old-fashioned DRM, there won't be any real verification process, much less a need to connect to something like Steam. So a pirated PC version is very possible/likely before release. In fact, there's already a PC version listed on some torrent sites. No idea how legit it is, I'm not about to bother downloading nearly 12GB to find out.

No, the PC Version is a confirmed Steamworks title. It requires Steam to run even with the Disc Version. There is no other "old fashioned DRM" Version.

Where did you get that anyways? They confirmed that months ago

Edit: Jay also confirmed that in the PC Specs thread. "Full integration with Steamworks to offer cloud storage for saves, multiplayer matchmaking, achievements, as well as automatic updates and new content."

BigR4444 24-02-13 19:07


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6667804)
Ok I'll just admit that I really want PC version to leak. I'm awful person because they worked 5 years to make this game so awesome but I just can't wait anymore. There, judge me you perfect fans who pre-ordered CE. :(

Hell, if I had a way to play a pirated copy of this game, I would...
Id still buy my CE on the 5th... But as far as Im concerned, if music and game companies are so tired of pirating, they should stop releasing their product the same old way, and figure out a new innovative way of doing things...

I cant understand how technology, communications, and shipping has changed so much over the past decade or two, but youre telling me they still have to finish the product, mass produce it, and then WAIT for weeks and weeks because thats the "release date" they set???

Youve got a product, everybody wants it, get it out there!!!...change the rules!!... it doesnt make any sense...

trfanX34 24-02-13 19:11

I know that if the PC version leaked I wouldn't resist the temptation :vlol:
I'd probably download it, play a little and feel bad afterwards :p

Spong 24-02-13 19:15


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6667827)
No, the PC Version is a confirmed Steamworks title. It requires Steam to run even with the Disc Version. There is no other "old fashioned DRM" Version.

Looks like I remembered wrongly then, just as well I prefaced what I said with IIRC :tmb:
But it still doesn't change the fact the PC version is already apparently out there. And I've seen plenty of other Steam powered games in the past doing the rounds before release, so whatever so-called protection Steam offers, it doesn't work. But then no protection ever does.

TheRCroft 24-02-13 19:15


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6667841)
I know that if the PC version leaked I wouldn't resist the temptation :vlol:
I'd probably download it, play a little and feel bad afterwards :p

I probably would too, but only to see if my computer can handle it :p I already paid for it anyway, so xD

Dark_Messiah 24-02-13 19:20


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6667853)
But it still doesn't change the fact the PC version is already apparently out there. And I've seen plenty of other Steam powered games in the past doing the rounds before release, so whatever so-called protection Steam offers, it doesn't work. But then no protection ever does.

There are torrents that appearantly contain the game that popped up in 2012 already. Nothing more than virus infected fake games.

If the PC version already leaked (which I think didnt happen) we'd have PC screenshots already too. :)

And yup, sorry. Missed the IIRC in front of your post :o

nevillet 24-02-13 19:22


Originally Posted by just_love_her (Post 6667804)
Ok I'll just admit that I really want PC version to leak. I'm awful person because they worked 5 years to make this game so awesome but I just can't wait anymore. There, judge me you perfect fans who pre-ordered CE. :(

Judged. :mad:

EscondeR 24-02-13 19:25

Sabi96, whatever you may think TRF is not a place for advocating or encouraging piracy. Consider that a public warning. There won't be another one.

trfanX34 24-02-13 19:26

I bet this is what y'all want the 'Top secret PC DX11 effect' to be

Linoshi Croft 24-02-13 19:31


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6667875)

I'd laugh.

This is awesome!

Spong 24-02-13 19:32


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6667875)

I LOL'd, but you're probably right :pi:

Zebra 24-02-13 19:51


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6667853)
Looks like I remembered wrongly then, just as well I prefaced what I said with IIRC :tmb:
But it still doesn't change the fact the PC version is already apparently out there. And I've seen plenty of other Steam powered games in the past doing the rounds before release, so whatever so-called protection Steam offers, it doesn't work. But then no protection ever does.

You mean the PC version is out? I NEED screens of that :jmp:.

Linoshi Croft 24-02-13 19:53

I don't think it is, I've not seen it anywhere.

just_love_her 24-02-13 19:53


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 6667924)
You mean the PC version is out? I NEED screens of that :jmp:.

It's not. Probably just infected and fake files. Gorl can dream though. :(

Sabi96 24-02-13 19:54

what!?! that is not how i meant it. i am just saying that like most people herdoe whl have admitted that they would download the pc version, i would too. i didnt encourage them to download it. and since games that i previously pre ordered never got to me on time, why wouldnt we get the game if we already paid. ban me if you must but only this forum will lose one more user, and why? for misunderstanding somethong ive said. how many people are playing the illegal copy and o who already paid am getting punished for wanting to get to play it. sorry about the writing, phone.

Zebra 24-02-13 19:57

I wouldn't download because I'm scared of the viruses it could bring with it. But I certainly wouldn't say no to some screenshots/videos of it to see what it looks like compared to the console version.

EscondeR 24-02-13 20:00


Originally Posted by Sabi96 (Post 6667934)
what!?! that is not how i meant it. i am just saying that like most people herdoe whl have admitted that they would download the pc version, i would too. i didnt encourage them to download it. and since games that i previously pre ordered never got to me on time, why wouldnt we get the game if we already paid. ban me if you must but only this forum will lose one more user, and why? for misunderstanding somethong ive said. how many people are playing the illegal copy and o who already paid am getting punished for wanting to get to play it. sorry about the writing, phone.

Yeah, I've heared something like that - "If you don't like the law, ignore it. It's not about you..." Dick Francis (Unfortunately I don't remember the exact book it is from).

There is no logic in your logic here, no offense.

Mikky 24-02-13 20:04

I just watched part 1 of a walkthrough, because, you know, some people already have the game. Yay? Anyway, HUGE SPOILER:

Lara thanks God which implies she believes in God. O.M.G. Trolololol

Seriously, though, the game has a great intro and the music is quite amazing. That is all.

Sabi96 24-02-13 20:04

how is there not? people playing it for free go unpunished. and me who already paid gets ‘‘punished‘‘ forfor wanting the game in advance? i‘m trying to say that this isn‘t really fair. w

hy is my phone writing double?

trlestew 24-02-13 20:06

The intro is just a shortened version of the Turning Point trailer, followed by Lara getting knocked unconscious. :p

OK, that is all I will discuss.

EscondeR 24-02-13 20:07


Originally Posted by Sabi96 (Post 6667955)
people playing it for free go unpunished.

What makes you think so?

So only because some parasites steal something and probably sneaked past consequences you wholeheartedly want to join them? Good, good...

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