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K... someone with the username 'troll' just posted something and I don't feel like checking what it is. :o
Could someone who has already watched the whole thing on YT check and report (if necessary)? :p |
I'm officially done. Troll accounts ... -_-
I think... someone actually just spoiled something for me. The thread is gone now.
I ****ing hate this forum sometimes. |
Goodbye everyone, see ya in a few days. :)
On the bright side, it was painfully obvious stuff that I already expected. Still, I'm pissed.
I'm gonna stop visiting this section for a while. Thanks, assholes. :) inb4 I get banned. |
^ YOU STUPID MORONIC ASS! How dare you spoil the game for everyone!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
**** it, I'm outta here. See you guys after I've completed the game, hope you will all enjoy it. Bye. :hug:
Trolling at its utter most ridiculous.. removing as quick as can..
Looks like I missed some drama :pi:
oh sure everone is finishing the game but me,aaaaaaaaawesome
by the time i get it MP will be dead -____- |
Ok i'm so not going back a page. I'm afraid to look in threads anymore. I don't know what happened but i'm sorry that the game just got spoiled for you. I think i'm staying outta here from now on.
^ Indeed you did. Some guy is running around posting spoilers in threads. Yay.
Thank the lord it was posted on the previous page, seriously angry now. :mad:
A big **** YOU to these clowns. Ok, last post. Really. :p Bye. :( |
Indeed. **** you, trolls. Seriously.
Bye! :wve: |
A lot of people leaving.
I feel so lonely. Bye I guess. ;__; |
AGAIN?? wow.
Ill see you guys after I finish Tomb Raider. Its really dangerous here.. People spoiled me half the game today this has to stop. Bye (for now) :) |
I expected the launch of the game to be something exciting and enjoyable but all this is just making it the opposite. :/
I think I'm done with the forums maybe, I'm not sure yet but this is really not funny anymore. |
you have to unfocus ur eyes like ur are high to survive the spoilers
everytime i read I scroll faster :P props to its trollinglly creative name :P |
Yeeaaahh, I'm gonna be dropping TRF entirely for a while, me thinks.
Everyone jump on the leaving-train, yay~! Bye! :wve: Oh, and thanks to all of you mod-people for removing them as quickly as possible so others don't get spoiled. :hug: |
Anyways, Bye now. :p |
Hello, I wanted to know how far i've already spoiled myself. I've already watched the game via walkthroughs until the acquirement of the lighter which she gets in the helicopter. How far is it from the end? Have I already watched half of the game? Please tell me it's closer to the beginning...
What the hell is going on here
Like TR1-3 had brilliant stories, yet they are the best in the series :rolleyes: I'm done... I'll probably be leaving soon. |
Me too! Thank god I was in the mood to shop for some makeup. <3 |
As for the story, the point of this entry in the series is to make Lara face several things that make her into a hardened adventurer. Lara getting out of a harsh situation is hardly oscar worthy in the first place... It was never going to be as deep as say, AOD in terms of story. It's Lara an on island with her friends trying to get out and survive :) |
I sincerely hope that the ending is going to be as 'violent' as in TRL, ie. with arguments and Lara yelling, etc. But apparently it won't be as breathtaking according to people who already saw it.
I'll just try to stay away from this thread until the game is out, bye y'all :wve: |
I just think i'm going to try to find a store that is already selling tomb raider, I'm just sick of waiting!
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