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Patrick star 28-07-13 21:20

I only cared for : Lara (of course) well as Roth and Reyes :)
I wanted that annoying sam to die >____<

Spong 28-07-13 21:22


Originally Posted by Patrick star (Post 6864047)
I only cared for : Lara (of course) well as Roth and Reyes :)

I wanted to murder them all with one of those squeaky hammers :p

James_Rutland 28-07-13 21:36


Originally Posted by Patrick star (Post 6864007)
does anyone think that if they killed Reyes instead of Alex it would've been much more better ? I mean imagine Reyes crying and giving Alisha's photo to Lara saying : "give this to Alisha when you come back and tell her that I love her so much" ...and then dying :(
in this case we would really feel sorry for Reyes and even feel sorry for Alisha because she became and orphan .....TBH I never felt sorry for Alex :o

It would also create a dynamic between Lara and Alisha. They're both orphans, and in a sequel an older Alisha could be an ally. :)

tomee 29-07-13 13:21


Originally Posted by James_Rutland (Post 6864057)
It would also create a dynamic between Lara and Alisha. They're both orphans, and in a sequel an older Alisha could be an ally. :)


Valentino 29-07-13 14:51

Why do we have such a rubbish Tomb Raider wiki?
It's all over the place and messy and hardly has anything interesting that should be on there.

Phlip 29-07-13 19:47

Does TressFX hair go through the floor? The normal hair does.

TR2 and AoD are the only ones where it does not go through the floor. :p

_Ninja_ 29-07-13 21:02

How did you get it to touch the floor in the first place?

Stevo505 29-07-13 21:07


Originally Posted by _Ninja_ (Post 6865162)
How did you get it to touch the floor in the first place?

In the cutscene after she escapes the crashing plane, she's laying down and her ponytail is going through the wood :p

_Ninja_ 29-07-13 21:08

Huh, didn't even notice.

spyrostr 30-07-13 22:17

i love the ending of this really shows how passionate they are <3

Linoshi Croft 31-07-13 14:29

Tomb Raider 2 better have female enemies...They gave a reason for them to be absent within the reboot they have no excuse with the sequel.

Evan C. 31-07-13 14:49

^ the fact there was no "enemies" as such in TR was music to my ears. Getting away from the overused clichè it's something really nice to see. Lara should be her own enemie.

klona 31-07-13 15:02


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6866795)
Lara should be her own enemie.

Talk about being your own worst enemy. :p

... :pi:

Linoshi Croft 31-07-13 15:07


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6866795)
^ the fact there was no "enemies" as such in TR was music to my ears. Getting away from the overused clichè it's something really nice to see. Lara should be her own enemie.

Female enemies is an over used cliche within video games? :pi: or are you trying to make another point. Personally, it's pretty stupid now that we still fight through hordes of male enemies within pretty much all video games with women nowhere to be seen. Is there even a reason why they still don't include them?

_Ninja_ 31-07-13 15:10

Yeah... you don't often see people complain about female enemies as they do female protagonists.

Rai 01-08-13 10:29

Love this:Blog post

It looks better if all the images are placed one after the other, but still really nice.

PallasAthene 01-08-13 18:59


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6867545)
Love this:Blog post

It looks better if all the images are placed one after the other, but still really nice.

I guess she hasn't changed that much facially. When they get rid of the baby fat, make her expression fiercer, sleeken her hairstyle (and hopefully darken her eyes a little) she will definitely look like Lara again.

Valentino 02-08-13 11:10

Should we not have a suggestion thread in the 'future Tomb Raider game' section seeing as Crystal are at beginning stages of dev. So if we talk about what we know a large majority of the fans didn't like and what they did like, the team will have somethings to take note on. Maybe. Just a thought. :o

klona 02-08-13 16:22

Found it here:

larafan25 02-08-13 16:42

That's a really cool composition, and I love Lara's pose with Sam by her hip.

Patrick star 02-08-13 16:44


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6868780)

love this ....:D
hey what about Sam's position ??

larafan25 03-08-13 18:56

Podcast 22, I believe it's new, if it's not then I've heard it before which would be silly that I don't remember so I'm sure it's new I found it last night and it's about GETTING YO BUTT in the gaming industry:

Shark_Blade 03-08-13 21:35


Originally Posted by Patrick star (Post 6868816)
love this ....:D
hey what about Sam's position ??

She wants dat ass.

AimlessThunder 05-08-13 02:13

larafan25 05-08-13 02:25

The game is bettah than the game because the things ah bettah. Yes. Bettah.

I agree though, mostly, though saying the TR cover system is better than TLOU TLOU has a cover system that does a thing, and it's meant to, I'd assume. Whereas TR does another thing.

Alister's_Brain 05-08-13 03:42

Ugh Opinions.

Both are great games, Both have things about them that could be better.

_Ninja_ 05-08-13 07:16

TR's cover system fits TR's faster pace and manoeuvrable combat. TLoU is kinda different. I would rate TR's setting higher though.

Phlip 05-08-13 23:31

So I was standing outside the Cliffside Bunker next to the old truck with my torch on, and at a certain angle to the sun, this effect happened:



Doing it at night there worked, too. It didn't work on the Endurance (as I was heading there), and I haven't tested it out anywhere else.

larafan25 05-08-13 23:45

omfg, maybe TR was wwwaaay more like SOTC at one point then we thought |D:

it's pretty

klona 05-08-13 23:57


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6872453)
So I was standing outside the Cliffside Bunker next to the old truck with my torch on, and at a certain angle to the sun, this effect happened:



Doing it at night there worked, too. It didn't work on the Endurance (as I was heading there), and I haven't tested it out anywhere else.

I always tried it, it's kind of weird but pretty. xD

Phlip 06-08-13 00:34


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6872467)


larafan25 06-08-13 00:36


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6872513)

Shadow of the Colossus

dantedmc 06-08-13 07:11


Originally Posted by AimlessThunder (Post 6871509)

They should have compared PC version of Tomb Raider in vid.

Mikky 06-08-13 13:29

I was playing TR yesterday and I got the secret 4th part for the rifle! It can know shoot laser beams! :jmp: I bet you're all well jelly. :cool:


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6872453)
So I was standing outside the Cliffside Bunker next to the old truck with my torch on, and at a certain angle to the sun, this effect happened:



Doing it at night there worked, too. It didn't work on the Endurance (as I was heading there), and I haven't tested it out anywhere else.

What version you playing? PS3, right? Then again, it might not matter. Either way, I'm gonna try this. :p

tomee 06-08-13 13:43

It's always been like that on PC. I noticed it on my first playthrough because I like lighting my torch even when I don't need it. There's just something Tomb Raider-y in holding up a torch in the air. :p

Phlip 06-08-13 14:12


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6872896)

I was playing TR yesterday and I got the secret 4th part for the rifle! It can know shoot laser beams! :jmp: I bet you're all well jelly. :cool:

What version you playing? PS3, right? Then again, it might not matter. Either way, I'm gonna try this. :p

What does the 4th rifle part do? :confused:

PS3. :)

Mikky 06-08-13 14:17


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6872921)
What does the 4th rifle part do? :confused:

PS3. :)

I just said - laserbeams. :pi:

Nah, it's just a glitch. First time it's happened to me and never seen it with anyone else before that. :p

Gamd1011 10-08-13 02:26

This is the first time I've heard Lara say this line:

Now I feel like there's more to find that I simply missed.

TheRCroft 10-08-13 03:18


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6876605)
This is the first time I've heard Lara say this line:

Now I feel like there's more to find that I simply missed.

This is completely new to me as well! And I've watched at least 5 Let's Plays of this game and Lara didn't say that line in any of them.

scremanie 10-08-13 03:48

What moment of the video am I looking at?

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