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dream raider 22-02-14 23:05


Originally Posted by Zebra (Post 7006335)
Yeah. It definitely would've made us build up more of a connection to the characters and made their deaths actually mean something to us. They also should've kept the Lost Fleet story and let the whole Yamatai plot come as a surprise later on. That way the story wouldn't have felt as empty and predictable. But yeah, if we were gonna list all the things they should've done with the story, we'd be busy for a few days :p.

The Lost Fleet story?

Zebra 22-02-14 23:05


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 7006340)
That prologue video looks exactly like the TRU one. Explosions, Lara escaping through strictly linear corridor *shrugs*

I wouldn't mind a short prologue with Croft Manor or wherever she does live now. We could explore the house, go to gym to learn moves and after certain point we'd get infront of the large main gate of the house (like in the classics) and Lara would get a call from Roth if she want to join the Endurance. That would be just great.

Good luck finding a gym inside her small student flat :p.


Originally Posted by dream raider (Post 7006354)
The Lost Fleet story?

They were originally supposed to be looking for the lost fleet of Kublai Khan, not Yamatai. And then they would've gotten into the storms and pretty much accidentally stumbled into the whole Yamatai stuff. But then they decided to cut that at some point during development and made the whole thing about Yamatai from the beginning which was an amazingly bad decision IMO but oh, well.

larafan25 22-02-14 23:15

The ships looked so good too, in the MP:

HowConvenient 23-02-14 06:15


Originally Posted by HeavyGagaLover (Post 7006203)
Wow, that cutscene was so cool! How did he do that?
I wished the audio got synced too :(

Edit: Maybe you've seen it, but he has posted some demo versions of the games also. Like here, you can see that the very end is a little different.

Double Edit: He even got some deleted conversations... damn. This was a bit annoying though haha. But it's obviously from the Endurance flashback that got deleted.

Got to love the voice acting... In that first one she sounds about as upset by watching her friends die while trying to save her, as she would be by like a rip in her shirt... :rolleyes:

The1andOnlyTR 23-02-14 07:19


Originally Posted by suckerpunch (Post 7003692)
Sorry, but, what the hell is she still doing with those weapons? Shouldn't she be using pistols now? I do like the bow and the pickaxe, but still...

The bow is her signature weapon now. I'm sure the dual pistols will make an appearance somewhere, but the bow is gonna be in cover art because it's iconic of this new Lara.

Spong 23-02-14 16:06


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 7006622)
The bow is her signature weapon now.

LOL, no it isn't. If it was they wouldn't have made such a huge deal of the dual pistols at the end of the game (to the point that they replaced the dual pistols with the bow & ice axe when they used that well-known shot from the end of the game in the TR9 launch trailer).

Lukass 23-02-14 16:16

I can't tell if the bow is now her signature weapon, but it was at least in the reboot. I'm certain she will have a bow in the sequel too along with dual pistols. I also would love CD to give her the pick-axe for the sequel too.

Spong 23-02-14 16:21

The game took so long to make that I think they missed the boat entirely. I'm sure the notion held weight when it was 2010, but every man and his uncle uses a bow in videogames now, Crystal are far too late if they think can make it Lara's signature weapon. Plus it's always been completely unbelievable in all those gunfights. Worse than Rambo in fact, and that's saying something because Rambo is about as rubbish as it gets.

tomee 23-02-14 16:49

TBH the shotgun is more of a signature weapon than anything else. It's almost always the second weapon that you acquire and it was included in every single game unlike the duals. (I'm glaring at you AoD)

motoleo 23-02-14 16:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 7006848)
I can't tell if the bow is now her signature weapon, but it was at least in the reboot. I'm certain she will have a bow in the sequel too along with dual pistols. I also would love CD to give her the pick-axe for the sequel too.

I never used the bow. She would always pull it out and I'm like, NOPE!

Evan C. 23-02-14 17:48

The bow, despite being used in many games nowadays, is the best implemented from them all and the most fun to play with. It's probably my favourite weapon from all entire series, even over dual guns because even tough they are iconic, it offer nothing but shooty-bang bang.

Spong 23-02-14 17:51

The only time I ever like the bow is outside of combat, it has practical uses for traversal and puzzle-solving that are far more fun to me than it being just a weapon.

ThatSassyKid 23-02-14 21:50


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 7006876)
I never used the bow. She would always pull it out and I'm like, NOPE!

Yes you did.
You have to use it in certain parts.

motoleo 23-02-14 23:24

Well I never used it when I wanted to fight. I have a shot gun, why would I want to be flinging oversized toothpicks?

Like, you have these guys running towards you. And I'm like trying to reel the bow back really fast. It wasn't working for me.

Linoshi Croft 23-02-14 23:26

You could just fire the arrows into their ankles and then ride one into their neck if that happens. The bow is extremely versatile and the best weapon in the game imo.

MicheleMouse 24-02-14 00:28

From the Screenshot Thread:

Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 7006907)
Subtitles cause I was playing in french language, so much better. Can't stand the default voice actors. :p

Ditto. :) I tried out other languages, and I fell in love with the Polish version (but your choice is good too :D ). Just listen to that 'SAAAAM'! :cln: Around 13:30.
Though this is one of the most annoying parts in the game - when Lara shouts, whines for Sam :rolleyes: -, and she is not annoying, she is tough. :eek: That's unbelievable. *_*

Spong 27-02-14 15:04

TR9 will be free on PS+ from March 5th :cool:
Bet all you PS3 owners feel silly now for rushing out last year and buying the game on day one :tea:

motoleo 27-02-14 16:20

Um, no not at all. PS+ does not give you the game. You only have the game for as long as you have Playstation Plus. So, that's a $60 rental.

They got me with that when I got Underworld.

Spong 27-02-14 16:49


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 7010038)
Um, no not at all. PS+ does not give you the game. You only have the game for as long as you have Playstation Plus. So, that's a $60 rental.

Funny how PS3 owners conveniently forget all that when it comes to taking the piss out of Games With Gold on the 360 :p

Steven_1379 27-02-14 17:13


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 7006876)
I never used the bow. She would always pull it out and I'm like, NOPE!

and when i got to be showed in cutscnenes i tougth it was my fault for not switching before but she would do it on purpose >;

Evan C. 27-02-14 17:25

Just realized lastnight in geothermal caves is locked Millie and Coco's dad. So sad to hear him talking about his daughters and wife and how they got killed. I was intrigued by those, can't believe I actually never stop to listen what prisioners in cages talk about. I put an arrow on his head just for mercy.

larafan25 27-02-14 19:10



SPREINNG u liah.

K. NVM I panicked.

edit: no ID IDN'T PANIC.


motoleo 27-02-14 19:19

You okay there Larafan25?

The1andOnlyTR 02-03-14 02:05

Dear TRF's, Twitter, FaceBook, and Tumblr,

TAG YOUR SPOILERS BETTER! I haven't read the comic yet and everyone's posting art and plot spoilers everywhere. I've had to stay away from the forums. :(

Spong 03-03-14 16:31

^The trick is to never use any of those sites, they're full of morons as you've just shown everyone.

motoleo 04-03-14 05:59

Like this if you tried to avoid jumping into the waste water in Shantytown.


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 7010064)
Funny how PS3 owners conveniently forget all that when it comes to taking the piss out of Games With Gold on the 360 :p

It's not like you'd lose the games if you went back silver though. I can play Underworld on a Silver membership just fine.

Steven_1379 04-03-14 14:02

its a 5min cutscene readable comic
the spoilers are nothing when there is only one issue released

this is spoiler central everyone knows
back when TRU, i spoiled d alister death before i had my copy :P

and this is good for by the reboot when i finished the game there were already tons of threads regarding the discussion of the ending and TR in general

Spong 04-03-14 14:21


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 7013399)
It's not like you'd lose the games if you went back silver though.

I know, that's the point I was making when I said PS+ subscribers always seem to forget they never own the games PS+ offers them.


Originally Posted by motoleo (Post 7013399)
I can play Underworld on a Silver membership just fine.

No idea why you're mentioning Underworld, it's never been part of the Games With Gold thing.

motoleo 05-03-14 23:29

Uh... okay..

Queen Lara 10-03-14 16:43

Katherine Jenkins channels Lara Croft for a Vegas party, good for her :D!

HRHCroft 10-03-14 17:25

I got lucky when I finally purchased the game around Christmas. I decided to order the 'Survivor Edition' only to be sent the 'Collector's Edition' (complete with the tin and Lara action figure) but at the lower price of the 'Survivor Edition.' I don't know if it was a mistake or a stock related thing but either way I was a very happy customer haha! :D

Spong 10-03-14 22:09

^I don't know the differences in price or content, but getting one cheaper is always a plus :cool:

tombstone 10-03-14 22:18

It's going around 89 dollars now.

HRHCroft 10-03-14 23:29


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 7018600)
^I don't know the differences in price or content, but getting one cheaper is always a plus :cool:

Very true, haha! The 'Survivor Edition' comes in a larger box with different cover art and you get some download content codes for multiplayer weapons and 10 track soundtrack, plus a map/poster and mini-artbook and a 'survival pouch.' The collector's editon combines all that with a decently sized, articulated Lara action figure and it comes in a large tin.

GUMI 15-03-14 14:11

Remember when this render was released?:

people went crazy and wanted to see the full thing.
And then Karl crushed our dreams by saying "We will not release the full render"

Those were the days :x

Lukass 15-03-14 15:19

^ Who is that girl in the pic? Doesn't look like the character in my game at all...:pi:

Evan C. 15-03-14 15:30

^Seems like someone didn't played Definitive Edition.

Spong 15-03-14 16:02


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 7021328)
^Seems like someone didn't played Definitive Edition.

Why would he?

Lukass 15-03-14 16:25


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 7021328)
^Seems like someone didn't played Definitive Edition.

I didn't play the DE, yet, sure. But there are screenshots to see everywhere and even DE Lara doesn't look like the CGI one, I'm sorry.

Evan C. 15-03-14 16:51

Screens doesn't make justice, I can assure that.

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