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LateRaider 18-02-23 19:54

i was waiting for someone to point this out. this is unacceptable, i think this event deserves another day's extension because of this. it's totally unfair. how did they not even give it a basic test first?

nvm they can do what they want with this mess, ive uninstalled. what a waste. cant wait for it to bomb

VictorXD 18-02-23 22:12

The duals have become my go to weapon, they start out really weak but with the right upgrades and powers it's better than any other weapon for me. A few critical shot/power and speed upgrades, they are unstoppable:cln:

While it's not everyone's cup of tea, to me it just feels nice to have some form of classic TR again. Really missed the classic outfit, the duals and the fancy moves.

Xilurm 19-02-23 00:49

I use a throwing spear I found with uncommon quality after I finished the first level.

CheshireBitch 19-02-23 09:24


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8391034)
The green flags are supposed to heal you, but they are currently bugged.

They worked for me but after getting a few they just stop. Too bad they were bugged, I really like this challenge !

I really like this game ! At first not so much but I think it's really entertaining.

What I LOVED was that I had to leave my phone in the middle of a fight, and when I came back the app was closed and I got back to the loading screen and then when I got to the title screen the game asked me if I wanted to continue my previous fight. This is such a great great option because sometimes you can't stay on your phone and here you don't loose progress ! Really cool !!

Also I like how the game can be hard but you can manage to found some strategy for most ennemies and set up ! Also I like that upgrading your stuff make it easier ! So far the game don't feel unfair to me !

CroftManiac05 19-02-23 10:36


Originally Posted by VictorXD (Post 8391063)
The duals have become my go to weapon, they start out really weak but with the right upgrades and powers it's better than any other weapon for me. A few critical shot/power and speed upgrades, they are unstoppable:cln:

Yes I also use duals they are at level 11 rn. Another exploit that I use is that I move ever so slightly very quickly which makes Lara shoot much faster than standing in one place.

Lleonard Pler 19-02-23 13:22


Originally Posted by CheshireBitch (Post 8390886)
That's a thing I dislike, I upgraded the shotgun to level 12, and now I have Uzis in my inventory, I want to use them but they're really low so I still use the shotgun and I upgrade the uzis in the mean time, but my shotgun is not getting stronger anymore so... It feels like you have to stuck to one weapon if you don't want to be downgraded and it kinda sucks... :(

I bet it's gonna be the same with outfits... You'll be extremly downgraded if you want to wear a new one that is not upgraded. :(

Whenever I get an item that I prefer to the one I was using before, I just disassemble the latter and invest the money and parts in the new item to get it to the same level.

Lleonard Pler 19-02-23 15:21


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8391034)
The green flags are supposed to heal you, but they are currently bugged.

They are not bugged, it's just that they aren't what they look like. They don't heal you, they expand your max health points by 10% up to a limit, much like the Anaya ability in the main campaign. Thus when you reach your maximum health growth, it can't go up anymore.

It would be very welcome if once you reached that limit, those flags turned into something else to keep being useful, specially in those moments when there aren't any blue flags to step on.

CheshireBitch 19-02-23 17:27


Originally Posted by Lleonard Pler (Post 8391095)
Whenever I get an item that I prefer to the one I was using before, I just disassemble the latter and invest the money and parts in the new item to get it to the same level.

Oh that's a great idea ! Thank you for the tip ! :hug:

Lleonard Pler 19-02-23 20:26


Originally Posted by CheshireBitch (Post 8391118)
Oh that's a great idea ! Thank you for the tip ! :hug:

You're welcome. Glad that helped. Just remember that you can't disassemble the item you're current wearing. First equip the item you prefer and then disassemble the old one.

tlr online 19-02-23 20:34

I'm pressing buttons in the menu and nothing is happening. I end up pressing the same button multiple times and then suddenly the game registers multiple keypresses and I end up all over the show. Is anyone experiencing this?

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