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Yuna´s Wish 04-03-23 00:16

I can watch 100.000 ads (maybe I already have...or I am close to) and I won't spend a single USD on this game.

For ****'s sake, it's FREE. Why would I pay?
The ads are mesmerising, though.

Anyway, I killed St. Francis' Folly's archer (it was actually an easy boss). But I died on the next floor :o

MaverickBR 04-03-23 03:33

So, today's missions for the event is to watch ads from Winston. This character is absent from the Netflix version, since there are no ads or in-app purchases. This means that if you have this version installed, you can say goodbye to your Winter Parka! Good job, Devs! :facepalm:

charmedangelin 04-03-23 04:37


Originally Posted by MaverickBR (Post 8392294)
So, today's missions for the event is to watch ads from Winston. This character is absent from the Netflix version, since there are no ads or in-app purchases. This means that if you have this version installed, you can say goodbye to your Winter Parka! Good job, Devs! :facepalm:

The Netflix version was clearly and afterthought. :vlol:


Also it's funny how Winston was completely scrapped in the Netflix version. They couldn't come up with another purpose for him in the Netflix version. :vlol: :vlol: :vlol:

MissJodieG 04-03-23 09:03


Originally Posted by MaverickBR (Post 8392294)
So, today's missions for the event is to watch ads from Winston. This character is absent from the Netflix version, since there are no ads or in-app purchases. This means that if you have this version installed, you can say goodbye to your Winter Parka! Good job, Devs! :facepalm:

This is so incredibly lazy of them honestly. Thex should have come up with other tasks for the Netflix version.

Chamayoo 04-03-23 09:28

Oh no... This is embarrassing. Hope they will find something as soon as possible for this.

CheshireBitch 04-03-23 10:49

Yeah today's mission is so lazy. I don't play the netflix version and I don't know if this is on purpose but I usually see Winston a lot and today he is nowhere to be found lol

Also they need to fix the crashing issues ASAP beause I'm really tired of loosing everything I won ! It got worst, I got so much crashes yesterday.

I even cleaned up my phone and rebooted it in case the problem was on my side but it changed nothing. I have like 38Go of free space on my phone so plenty of whatever for the game to run fine.

I am so close to delete it because of the crashes and it's a shame because I love to play it and I love the art style

malferink 05-03-23 15:22

what? I can't find Winston only bc I'm playing the Netflix version? the ****?

Also, where are the other voice actresses and where are Kurtis etc? the only other characters I encountered are Anaya and Von Croy

.snake. 06-03-23 04:04

Do Winston, Von Croy, and Kurtis speak? Do they have voice actors?

CheshireBitch 06-03-23 06:21


Originally Posted by .snake. (Post 8392477)
Do Winston, Von Croy, and Kurtis speak? Do they have voice actors?

Kurtis is no where to be found yet !

As for Anaya, Winston and Von Croy, no voice line at all. They just show up and some text asks you to choose what you want ! ;)

Today I lost a piece of artifact because the game crashed. It is so unstable sometimes it crashes during an ad or collecting something in the main menu.
I saw some people having the same issue in the comments of the app store. Does anyone here have lot of crashes like that ?

Chamayoo 06-03-23 08:50


Originally Posted by CheshireBitch (Post 8392485)
Kurtis is no where to be found yet !

As for Anaya, Winston and Von Croy, no voice line at all. They just show up and some text asks you to choose what you want ! ;)

Today I lost a piece of artifact because the game crashed. It is so unstable sometimes it crashes during an ad or collecting something in the main menu.
I saw some people having the same issue in the comments of the app store. Does anyone here have lot of crashes like that ?

That's terrible. :(
Go to the discord of the app, a lot of people are experiencing the same issue, especially on iOS devices.


Originally Posted by malferink (Post 8392411)
what? I can't find Winston only bc I'm playing the Netflix version? the ****?

I'm starting to think the Netflix version is actually the worse one.

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