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charmedangelin 02-10-23 16:02


Originally Posted by CheshireBitch (Post 8417187)
There is promotion, the TR official account talked about it for the big events like the AOD jeans outfit one.

What I think it’s very frustrating is that they never share informations about upcomming stuff like Egypt…

Also Nevada outfit is taking forever to arrive… I hope it’ll come with Egypt…

I'm talking big promotion, I never see ads for this game anywhere. Most other mobile games gets a lot of promotion and marketing.

Heartache 04-10-23 16:43

they can barely afford one coder. probably only works part time. give them a break ;)

charmedangelin 10-10-23 17:14

Given that Fox is now gone and the devs will apparently be acting mostly in a supportive role I suppose now is a good time to say that the game is dead? I don't see any new content being pushed out in the current state of affairs.

UroshUchiha 10-10-23 19:01

Ah that's a shame, Fox has been there from the very beginning.

The Discord server was made in late 2020 and when I joined in January I was among the first ~10 people in the server. No one commented anything at that point and if memory serves my comment was the first one in the general feedback channel.

Fox was there since day 1 and was always very helpful. We talked about the game in public channels and some testing related things in private back then.

I am no longer active on that server, but I wish Fox all the best in her future endeavours.

Heartache 11-10-23 15:02

yeah without a community manager its only gonna get worse, not that they ever listened to the feedback fox collected, but still. :o

malferink 12-10-23 20:20

Is anyone actually still playing this game?

CheshireBitch 12-10-23 21:09


Originally Posted by malferink (Post 8418500)
Is anyone actually still playing this game?

Yes a lot of people are playing according to the league board in the game.

And they added bits relating to egypt like an artifact and a mission that ask you to complete 11 levels. (Right now only 10 available) so we’ll get at least one Egypt level I guess !

Chamayoo 12-10-23 22:02

Why is it always that damned big water head boss to appear at the end of all side tombs of Palace Midas ? Aka the worst boss of them all. Give me that robot who throw balls at me please !
I was surprised to beat Tomb of Tihocan in only one take two days ago ! Last time before it I was dead at level 1. :cln:

malferink 14-10-23 08:52

Did they ever even release the different voices? A big selling point was Shelly, Judith and Jonell returning but last time I played there still weren’t any options

Chamayoo 14-10-23 11:31


Originally Posted by malferink (Post 8418681)
Did they ever even release the different voices? A big selling point was Shelly, Judith and Jonell returning but last time I played there still weren’t any options

Unfortunately, nothing has changed and still no news about it. :(

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