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charmedangelin 23-11-20 19:43

She looks like Angie to me.

Chamayoo 23-11-20 19:44


Originally Posted by Tomb Raidering (Post 8254987)
Yeah, I wonder if it’s gonna have cutscenes too. Shelley Blond or Jonell Elliott’s return would be wonderful tbh, since Keeley’s done with TR.

Keeley isn't done, quite the contrary. :ponder:
Or maybe I missed a more recent interview when she changed her mind ?

Though the actress that expressed the most desire to return have been Jonell. :)

Tomb Raidering 23-11-20 19:44


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 8254988)
Remembered and has it's own fanbase.

Just like Anniversary.

Unlike this piece of crap
You’re bitter towards towards Anniversary, we get it. Let other people enjoy it and admit the fact that the game has its own fans. :titaklikestocreate:

lance6439 23-11-20 19:45


Originally Posted by Tomb Raidering (Post 8254993)
Just like Anniversary.

You’re bitter towards towards Anniversary, we get it. Let other people enjoy it and admit the fact that the game has its own fans. :titaklikestocreate:

Issa joke

tlr online 23-11-20 19:47

If this is only half as good as Lara Croft GO I'm going to be very happy.

SnatchingEdges 23-11-20 19:48


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 8254988)
Remembered and has it's own fanbase. Unlike this piece of crap

Okay let's skip in time to where Reboot Lara is in the TRII remake please

That fanbase did terribly at saving AOD's trilogy.

@Charmed The same who are crying about remasters or bringing back classic elements will be complaining if those ever happen. It's a mindless spiral of negativity at this point, no wonder SE CD don't give a damn :jugoflove:

Strayyy_ 23-11-20 19:48


Originally Posted by jajay119 (Post 8254980)
No shade but the last picture/ banner legit looks like Unuratu doing classic Lara cosplay..

wait- it sort of does LOL :vlol:

Tomb Raidering 23-11-20 19:49


Originally Posted by lance6439 (Post 8254997)
Issa joke

The same joke gets stale after a while. :princess:

charmedangelin 23-11-20 19:51


Originally Posted by SnatchingEdges (Post 8255001)
@Charmed The same who are crying about remasters or bringing back classic elements will be complaining if those ever happen. It's a mindless spiral of negativity at this point, no wonder SE CD don't give a damn :jugoflove:

Exactly, it's so funny how some folks claim they want a reboot inspired TR2 remake after they freaked out when it was rumored for a TR1 remake.

Then we get tweets with a legit 1:1 possibly of a port for the classic games, and then people bitch it ain't a remake like crash or spyro. But then they have Anniversary, but hate it yet like an Anniversary fan remake that's just like it.

It's like they can't win

Portugalraider 23-11-20 19:51

Being F2P does raise a bit of an eyebrow, but I am with Justin, if this is half as good as LC Go, it's going to be great. :)

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