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Avalon SARL 27-11-20 15:55


Originally Posted by Portugalraider (Post 8256371)
That's one of the points of SotTR, though. Lara is having a sort of identity crisis. Her actions are erratic and contradictory because she is feeling erratic and contradictory.

By the time of SotTR, Lara is fully driven by an obsession for revenge and stop Trinity. That's why she fully lashes out, insults and all, at Rourke on Porvenir. But when she sees Jonah alive and the destruction she caused at the site, she breaks because she realises how easily manipulated she has become due to her obsession, or maybe even that in a twisted way she "wants" to be manipulated, she wants an excuse, any excuse to go rampant. And that scared her, because that's not the person she thought she was.

It also explains why she just gave the box to Dominguez afterwards, because she was trying to distance herself the most from that side of her. Yet everything still goes south.

Which explains her final decisions at the climax of the game: like it or not, things will get messy for Lara, and she needs to act. She can embrace her destructive side, but not be consumed by it. Act because the circumstances demand it, and not because she is stuck in the past and holds a grudge. She kills Dominguez because it is necessary, not for revenge, and doesn't change the world because she needs to move on.

This is very nice and interesting indeed.

But you know what the problem is, maybe they meant to tell this, but it was not addressed properly; and this is our complaint that the trilogy has very bad writing.

What you described was never showed in my opinion, it did not touch me because they never went to talk about this Lara having to deal with an identity crisis which affected her behavior.
She appeared to me to have an identity crisis which felt very odd and out of her character.

They were focusing on graphics and hideous costumes and Ramboo.

I wish what you wrote was what the game wanted to address, it would have been an extraordinary story to tell.

LateRaider 27-11-20 20:06

TR has never ever ever had strong writing. best plot we ever had was in The Last Revelation and even that wasn't told too well. it needs to change

Mikky 02-12-20 22:46

Wow, interest in this game went from 100 to 0 real fast.

Shirley_Manson 02-12-20 23:21


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8257597)
Wow, interest in this game went from 100 to 0 real fast.

Without gameplay or any new info there isn't anything to talk about...
Besides any thread thats relegated to this -Mobile/Android- part of the forum will be forgotten in seconds.

charmedangelin 03-12-20 04:30


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 8257597)
Wow, interest in this game went from 100 to 0 real fast.

Moving the thread to this mobile section is what killed it off.

Imo it was way too soon. We barely know anything at all about this project. It's still a future game yet to come and should be in the future games section because it's a future game.

Avalon SARL 03-12-20 05:54


Originally Posted by charmedangelin (Post 8257689)
Moving the thread to this mobile section is what killed it off.

Imo it was way too soon. We barely know anything at all about this project. It's still a future game yet to come and should be in the future games section because it's a future game.

Indeed; it should have kept in the future section.

UroshUchiha 03-12-20 10:17


Originally Posted by Avalon SARL (Post 8257693)
Indeed; it should have kept in the future section.

I disagree. That subforum is for the main entries in the series, while this place is for comics, movies, mobile and spin-offs.
It belongs here if you want to follow the simple rules of this forum. The next main game after Shadow should go in the future section.
Just my opinion anyway. It is a future game, but not a future main entry game so.

Los Angeles 03-12-20 10:43

"Do you guys not have phones?"

Avalon SARL 03-12-20 12:15


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8257710)
I disagree. That subforum is for the main entries in the series, while this place is for comics, movies, mobile and spin-offs.
It belongs here if you want to follow the simple rules of this forum. The next main game after Shadow should go in the future section.
Just my opinion anyway. It is a future game, but not a future main entry game so.

I don't disagree with this; but this section in the forums very few members are willing to visit for interaction...
that's all...

charmedangelin 03-12-20 12:55


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8257710)
I disagree. That subforum is for the main entries in the series, while this place is for comics, movies, mobile and spin-offs.
It belongs here if you want to follow the simple rules of this forum. The next main game after Shadow should go in the future section.
Just my opinion anyway. It is a future game, but not a future main entry game so.

That section says nothing about being only about main games. It's about any future game or project in development. We had two threads, one in this section and one in that section which I think was fine.

I'm willing to bet when more is revealed someone is going to make a new thread in the future section because there is barely any traffic here at all. Lol

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