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Tombraider95 10-12-20 16:25


Originally Posted by Gian Carlo (Post 8259594)
Is LCGO free to play? :rolleyes:

Yeah, that’s what I thought.


Originally Posted by Gian Carlo (Post 8259532)
I’m surprised people were actually having high expectations for a fricking mobile game :vlol: :vlol: :vlol:

Lara Croft Go is a fricking mobile game. You didn't say anything about "free". :specialsnowflake:

Gian Carlo 10-12-20 16:37


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8259606)
Lara Croft Go is a fricking mobile game. You didn't say anything about "free". :specialsnowflake:

Do I need to, though? It’s pretty obvious.

All mobile games have been cash grabs so far with microtransactions, LC GO was the exception, the only one to receive ports to consoles.

Tombraider95 10-12-20 16:43


Originally Posted by Gian Carlo (Post 8259618)
Do I need to, though? It’s pretty obvious.

All mobile games have been cash grabs so far with microtransactions, LC GO was the exception, the only one to receive ports to consoles.

Well yeah you do need to because not all mobile Games are the same, but FTP ones usually are bad.

After LCGO you would think they might follow in those footsteps. The bar has already been set. But the majority of people knew this was going to be bad and we were right. :tiphat:

PinkyPromise 10-12-20 16:44

This game is at the same level as TR jackpots games (LARA CROFT TEMPLES AND THOMBS).

The lowest moments of the franchise.

TombRager 10-12-20 17:17

Even Temple Run is better wtf.

CroftManiac05 10-12-20 17:27

I'm still trying to find the connection between this game and TR1 from the trailer. Is it because it is a snowy level and that is linked to Peru? Even most of the enemies are totally different...

Soma Holiday 10-12-20 18:21


Originally Posted by DJ Full (Post 8259475)
I hope they'll move the release to New Year's Eve.
We don't need to start 2021 with another disease.

Dayum. That's brutal lolol. :vlol:

It definitely looks pretty bad but I'll give it a try. I ended up really enjoying relic run and sunk a lot of time/60 bucks into it.

Kapu 10-12-20 18:31


Originally Posted by Gian Carlo (Post 8259594)
Is LCGO free to play? :rolleyes:

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Well my judgement is premature because I haven't played TR Reloaded, but Relic Run is also free to play and is actually quite good. Got a generally good reception from fans too. TR Reloaded looks no where near as good in comparison imo. What I mean to say is, the comparison to LC Go might not stick because it's a premium game (and totally worth the money), but that doesn't mean all free to play game are inherently worse.

TRF 10-12-20 18:43


Originally Posted by CroftManiac05 (Post 8259695)
I'm still trying to find the connection between this game and TR1 from the trailer. Is it because it is a snowy level and that is linked to Peru? Even most of the enemies are totally different...

Selling point perhaps?

CroftManiac05 10-12-20 18:59


Originally Posted by TRF (Post 8259784)
Selling point perhaps?

Yeah that could be it.

Let's just pretend this game never happened and be happy :)

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