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klona 14-01-21 09:25


Originally Posted by tomblover (Post 8269029)
Yeah, you really phrased that in a non-combative way, too. :vlol:

Honestly, as harsh as that sounded, it's true.

Lara_Fan1 14-01-21 13:13

If you’re putting out work, you have to take criticism as horrible as it is, it’s part of the package. The Tomb Raider fandom, especially on here can be very vocal about what they like/dislike. Pretty sure someone from Square could have warned him about how vocal certain members can be.

DVDSpike 14-01-21 15:59


Originally Posted by klona (Post 8269281)
Honestly, as harsh as that sounded, it's true.

There’s not really any other way to phrase it. You can always say “don’t make clones of other games” but Square must be called out for how lazy and money hungry they are.

I get wanting to plug the hole Avengers made when it crashed and burned, but that hole can easily be filled by announcing a new TR game and marketing it very well and they should be doing it now.

There is no better time to start marketing than the start of the year before a big anniversary. If they do the marketing properly, they can really boost sales by driving home that this is the TR that made the whole quarter of a century worth it. Not many game series get to say that, they should be using it to their advantage.

rewak 15-01-21 11:25


Originally Posted by Lara_Fan1 (Post 8269344)
If you’re putting out work, you have to take criticism as horrible as it is, it’s part of the package. The Tomb Raider fandom, especially on here can be very vocal about what they like/dislike. Pretty sure someone from Square could have warned him about how vocal certain members can be.

Exactly this. We are the consumers here, we're the target audience, and we're saying loud and clear this is not what we want from this franchise. It might sound harsh but that's how it is, ignoring the feedback from the intended audience isn't going to make it any less harsh. You might still get the casual mobile gaming audience trying it out but the whole point of making a licensed mobile game is to capture some of that franchises audience in the process. Relic Run did it, Go did it, we accepted those so we're not against the idea of it, but this type of game isn't what we want to see from TR. That's all there is to it.

Rai 15-01-21 13:39

Ed already explained in his tweets that it's not criticism of the game that led him to leave.

killchan 16-01-21 17:24


there's room for everyone's love of the different Laras and Tomb Raiders. I'm all for constructive conversation around Reloaded but when people literally just say 'this is ****' I don't see the value in engaging with that
In fact, you shouldn't engage with that.
That's not criticism moved towards you or your game.

The game itself doesn't even matter.

The vast, VAST majority of people saying "this is ****" , they didn't play it.
They don't wanna play it.
They don't understand why the boring Lara gets AAA games, while the other one is yet to be given a chance - especially now that we have the technology - and gets a free to play mobile game instead.

There's room everyone's love of the different Laras... but from whom is the question. Also, probably we don't like the idea of different Laras.
We didn't come up with the "become the tomb raider we all know and love" line, your bosses did.

People call your mobile game a piece of **** without playing it? i wOnDeR wHy

Love2Raid 16-01-21 18:10

I wouldn’t describe this forum as transphobic, fatphobic (???) or homophobic. Never seen such comments here, but maybe they always get removed by the mods before I got the chance to see them? Not sure about that, but I highly doubt that’s the case since we have many members here who are openly gay or trans (don’t know about fat) and still stick around. Couldn’t be that bad then, could it? I therefore get the feeling that it was actually about the terrible reception of the game here. Which is completely understandable, so why pull the ‘whatever-phobic’ card? :facepalm:

Also, looks like we have identified one of the (so far 3) persons who voted that they were hyped in the poll. :pi:

Chamayoo 17-01-21 18:06

I'm not sure to understand the purpose of upgrading relics ? Someone to throw some light on it for me ? :D

UroshUchiha 18-01-21 00:07


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8270237)
I'm not sure to understand the purpose of upgrading relics ? Someone to throw some light on it for me ? :D

It says on the descriptions what each of them does right?

Chamayoo 18-01-21 06:46


Originally Posted by UroshUchiha (Post 8270308)
It says on the descriptions what each of them does right?

My APK version must be outdated, almost everything just has code name and I never encountered any comprehensible descriptions. :o
For instance the name of the first part of the Scion is : "TXT_Title_Relic_Scion_1"

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