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Yocy 05-03-13 19:15


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6687152)
Plz. :(

You could email them? Go to the store and complain/request a new code? grab a pitchfork and burn the store down? Lots of options!

italibabee 05-03-13 19:27


Originally Posted by Yocy (Post 6687158)
You could email them? Go to the store and complain/request a new code? grab a pitchfork and burn the store down? Lots of options!

I vote for that one.
TRF loves pitchforks and fires on certain occasions.

Gamd1011 05-03-13 19:28

In order to do that I'd have to go ALL the way to Texas. :p

So I've emailed them.

Peep Show 05-03-13 19:30


Originally Posted by .:Tirivol:. (Post 6687136)
I just wanna know if anyone with Tomb Raider Ps3, has the option "invert x axis" or not

I don't have it either, all copies are identical.

.:Tirivol:. 05-03-13 19:32


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6687189)
I don't have it either, all copies are identical.

thank you :)
What about the framerate? Did you notice if in big areas drops?

Peep Show 05-03-13 19:35


Originally Posted by .:Tirivol:. (Post 6687198)
thank you :)
What about the framerate? Did you notice if in big areas drops?

I noticed some when I entered a new area but once it was loaded, it stopped dropping so idk, is it dropping often for you? That's not good. :/

DipHead1013 05-03-13 19:36

Yay! It's Finally here!

I Preordered the Special Edition about a month and a half back. I also requested the quick delivery thingy.
So i get an email This morning Saying that my delivery will be arriving at 12:00.
Its Been 2 and a half hours. And i still don't have it. :)
It better not have been cancled! (If it was, I will stab someone. Because the same thing happened when i preordered LittleBigPlanet2 and Resident Evil 6...)

Well, I hope you all are enjoying yourselves with this game that i don't have yet.

Happy Raiding!

Tear 05-03-13 19:38


Originally Posted by t-raider26 (Post 6686785)
A comparison video was released a week or so ago. The PS3 version looked better.

Do we know which one performs better? Like glitches, framerate drops etc? :)

Peep Show 05-03-13 19:39


Originally Posted by Tear (Post 6687206)
Do we know which one performs better? Like glitches, framerate drops etc? :)

I don't know but the PS3 version has been smooth for me most of the time. :p

Tear 05-03-13 19:41


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6687207)
I don't know but the PS3 version has been smooth for me most of the time. :p

Great to hear. Thanks!:D

Tulilintu 05-03-13 19:45

Watching the parachute scene for the millionth time is starting to get exhausting.

Dark_Messiah 05-03-13 19:50

I wonder.. the weapon parts you find (to upgrade your weapon, not salvage).. are they random or are they set? Like - if I miss a bow part early in the game will I not get the awesome last bow upgrade or something like that?

Stevo505 05-03-13 19:54


Originally Posted by Tear (Post 6686783)
Do we know yet which console version is more superior? Or do they perform the same?:D

PS3 has sharper textures and better colors (IMO) but playing a little bit of it, the frame rate can drop sometimes. The characters also froze in one cutscene and I had to skip it. I'll be going back to PC. Got the CE for the collectibles mostly. :p

Moosey 05-03-13 19:54


Damn you parents, can't get the new TR thanks to them and the age rating. REALLY pissed now... been waiting and following this game since 2011.

All that just to come to this... NOOOOOO

*cries in corner*

Love2Raid 05-03-13 20:11

I got the game!!!

Gonna play in a few minutes, I'm so excited.

I'll report back with my findings once I've completed my adventure. :pi:

Mikky 05-03-13 20:27

I downloaded the full 20 track soundtrack. Listening to it now. It's so beautiful. :')

_Tomb_Raider 05-03-13 20:35


Originally Posted by Moosey (Post 6687229)

Damn you parents, can't get the new TR thanks to them and the age rating. REALLY pissed now... been waiting and following this game since 2011.

All that just to come to this... NOOOOOO

*cries in corner*

Oh now that ****ed up! Try talking with them or smt... :(

Dark_Messiah 05-03-13 20:38


Originally Posted by Moosey (Post 6687229)

Damn you parents, can't get the new TR thanks to them and the age rating. REALLY pissed now... been waiting and following this game since 2011.

All that just to come to this... NOOOOOO

*cries in corner*

There is always a way. Bigger brother? Older friends? etc. You could even go to gamestop etc. and ask someone in front of it if he'd buy you the game. If some 18yo guy walks across

Love2Raid 05-03-13 20:40


Originally Posted by Moosey (Post 6687229)

Damn you parents, can't get the new TR thanks to them and the age rating. REALLY pissed now... been waiting and following this game since 2011.

All that just to come to this... NOOOOOO

*cries in corner*

Oh sorry, I totally ignored your post (not on purpose). :o

Aww... :-(((( Is there no way you can persuade them? Or maybe get the game secretely, lol?

Moosey 05-03-13 20:41

Wow.. the TR advert just played on TV and my parents watched it. I guess they thought that it wasn't as bad as they thought so I think they're letting me get it! BUT if they're watching me play and they don't like what they see or something then I'm not sure they'll let me play. But still, what a stroke of luck! :jmp:

Evan C. 05-03-13 20:42


Originally Posted by Moosey (Post 6687317)
Wow.. the TR advert just played on TV and my parents watched it. I guess they thought that it wasn't as bad as they thought so I think they're letting me get it! BUT if they're watching me play and they don't like what they see or something then I'm not sure they'll let me play. But still, what a stroke of luck! :jmp:

Haha that's amazing!

Dark_Messiah 05-03-13 20:42


Originally Posted by Moosey (Post 6687317)
Wow.. the TR advert just played on TV and my parents watched it. I guess they thought that it wasn't as bad as they thought so I think they're letting me get it! BUT if they're watching me play and they don't like what they see or something then I'm not sure they'll let me play. But still, what a stroke of luck! :jmp:

^ pro tip: shut the door while playing then :D

Moosey 05-03-13 20:42

I know :O Totes was not expecting that.

Thank god :D

Soul 05-03-13 20:43

OK - it's official: This game is AWESOME.
I just reached the nighthub (which looks gorgeous) and my Steam-timer says that I already played for 6 hours.
During these 6 hours I died a gazillon on times (who said it was easy? - the stealth-section needed quite some planning imo :tmb:) found/shot loads of useless stuff and also explored more than in any of the other Crystal games.

JayB18 05-03-13 20:48

Anyone else play the DLC tomb yet. I feel like an idiot it took me 15 minutes to figure out what to do after the first part yet it was so simple in the end :hea:.

Valentino 05-03-13 20:50


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6687325)
OK - it's official: This game is AWESOME.
I just reached the nighthub (which looks gorgeous) and my Steam-timer says that I already played for 6 hours.
During these 6 hours I died a gazillon on times (who said it was easy? - the stealth-section needed quite some planning imo :tmb:) found/shot loads of useless stuff and also explored more than in any of the other Crystal games.

Would you compare it to Arkham City? Or any other game. Don't hesitate to say Uncharted.

JayB18 05-03-13 20:50


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6687325)
OK - it's official: This game is AWESOME.
I just reached the nighthub (which looks gorgeous) and my Steam-timer says that I already played for 6 hours.
During these 6 hours I died a gazillon on times (who said it was easy? - the stealth-section needed quite some planning imo :tmb:) found/shot loads of useless stuff and also explored more than in any of the other Crystal games.

I played for 2 hours and I'm just reaching the stealth section. I found everything there was to find in the deer hub and wolf hub area and did the DLC tomb. I love the exploration so far and climbing things feels better than the other CD games.

Love2Raid 05-03-13 20:50


Originally Posted by Moosey (Post 6687317)
Wow.. the TR advert just played on TV and my parents watched it. I guess they thought that it wasn't as bad as they thought so I think they're letting me get it! BUT if they're watching me play and they don't like what they see or something then I'm not sure they'll let me play. But still, what a stroke of luck! :jmp:

Awesome!! :jmp::hug:

Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 6687322)
^ pro tip: shut the door while playing then :D

This! And use headphones! Well, you should always use headphones imo, the best way to hear all those epic sound effects. Would be a shame to miss them. And you won't have to worry about your parents thinking you're watching something else. :P

Soul 05-03-13 20:52


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6687340)
Would you compare it to Arkham City? Or any other game. Don't hesitate to say Uncharted.

I never played Uncharted, but the basic layout of the game mostly reminds me of Arkham Asylum, where you also had hubs, which you could explore.

JayB18 05-03-13 20:54


Originally Posted by Valentino (Post 6687340)
Would you compare it to Arkham City? Or any other game. Don't hesitate to say Uncharted.

Uncharted but with better controls, combat, platforming, atmosphere, and exploration. The upgrades are nice as well. Story and characters are probably go to Uncharted though (minus Lara herself).

Love2Raid 05-03-13 20:56

I love Arkham Asylum, so this is great news. :tmb: Now I hope they got the same kind of creepiness (Scarecrow) and excellent build-up to certain events (like the Killer Croc battle, the build-up to that throughout the game was really great in my opinion) and I'll be more than happy. :D

Edit: why am I even still here... XD

Valentino 05-03-13 21:17

Tomb Raider was just mentioned at the BAFTAS seconds ago my Dara O'Briain (a commedian/game lover and host). Just spoke about it being released today and people cheered and talked about reboots. eek. Tomb Raider WILL be at the BAFTAS next year. It's inevitable. Lego Lord of the Rings is nominated. :o

edit:Rhianna is there aswell

Love2Raid 05-03-13 21:24

Why, that Lego game is awesome. :p And it's LotR, so it's automatically great. :cool:

Game is installing. This is unreal. o_O

NCFirebolt21 05-03-13 21:49

Guys, I'm experiencing a glitch on the PC version.
Basically, after the introduction to stealth kills with the bow, I kill the first 2 guys and after that, there's the place where I need to do a wall scramble. After doing the scramble and climbing up, Lara just dies. Like, she falls into nothingness.
Am I the only one with this problem?

EDIT: Fixed it up, I just lowered my resolution from 1280x720 to 640x480.

M1chae1a 05-03-13 21:50

Just got home from work. I just got to wait 10 mins for my mum to go bed than I can plaaaaaay!!!!! Finally :jmp::jmp::jmp:

Tonyrobinson 05-03-13 22:13

Anyone else notice that the motion captures actors didn't actually play the game ones. Lauren Mary Kim supposedly motion captured Sam but she was voiced by another actress in the game infact she was voice by two actresses in the game neither of them were Lauren though! :p

dantedmc 05-03-13 22:26


Originally Posted by Melonie Tomb Raider (Post 6686774)
Not max on my edge tablet, but I can still get it running great with TressFX.

My desktop can handle it on max though :)

Oh lucky you:)

Yocy 05-03-13 22:26

Its so painful to see how everyone is playing TR.. I want mineee xD.
I almost started watching play throughs again but I resisted. Thank god.

kswoosh 05-03-13 22:27

I have bolded some of the summary points of my thoughts, so those of you who can't be bothered to read it all, can just see my bold summary.

So I've been playing for about an hour, and I have to say it far exceeds my expectations, but, in all honesty, throughout the build up to release day, something in the back of my mind made me think this game was going to be average at best.

Unfortunately we live in a gaming world where people are too lazy and, as a result, the concept of actually having to work something out is almost completely dead. All you have to do is compare Anniversary and the original Tomb Raider to see how games have been dumbed down to make them easier to pick up and complete without any requirement for a walkthrough.

So far, nothing suggests that this is any different in Tomb Raider BUT, I have to say, despite hating the interactive cutscenes in LAU, I actually think the mini interactive parts work really well in this release, and the atmosphere of Tomb Raider is certainly closer to being back to what we loved in the earlier games.

Its not very Tomb Raider-y. I mean, its Lara Croft, and its called Tomb Raider but its a completely separate game in its own right. I think that is probably the thing I like the most. Its not a sh!t version of the Core games, like LAU were, its a completely new take on TR, and a direction change that I think has surged new life back into the franchise.

I love the hunting, I love the gameplay, I love the exploration, and I love that there is seemingly more than one way to get somewhere. You can also just hang around shooting stuff for a while, a la GTA, which adds another element to it.

However, the irritating 'survival instincts' feature haunts me with a reminder of how simple games have become. Can't work out what to do? Just turn on this massive yellow beacon and we'll lay it on a plate for you. Well, I'm sorry, there's no yellow beacon when you're trying to find the scrolls in the Monestary. Nor when you are trying to find the cogs in the Lost Valley. But, I think its something I just have to accept, and, in actual fact, it doesn't detract too much from the game.

Overall, I'm very pleased with what I've seen. I'm excited to keep playing it, but hoping that it isn't all over too soon. If this is where the franchise is going, then I'm fully on board. It's a major, major, major, major improvement on Anniversary and has really got me excited about playing Tomb Raider again.

8/10 - Loving it so far, but still holding doubts in the back of my mind that it won't be mentally challenging enough.

Stevo505 05-03-13 22:28


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6687325)
OK - it's official: This game is AWESOME.
I just reached the nighthub (which looks gorgeous) and my Steam-timer says that I already played for 6 hours.
During these 6 hours I died a gazillon on times (who said it was easy? - the stealth-section needed quite some planning imo :tmb:) found/shot loads of useless stuff and also explored more than in any of the other Crystal games.

I think I died 5 times in the burning building. :p

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