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Underhoe 02-01-13 22:20


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6587657)
And Jay answered it very well.

He did, I said it as well.

Rider 02-01-13 22:20


Originally Posted by jaywalker (Post 6587531)
I loved Dear Esther, such an original title.. Altho to compare you'd have to put a lot more `game` into DE to bring it up to what the Crystal Engine is doing in TR.. DE has lovely graphics, but no AI, nothing more then simple music/sound.. no actual gameplay other then walking around and being taken in by the story.. as i said i LOVED its atmosphere but its not a game in the common sense, so cannot be compared :)

I think that they were talking about graphics, not gameplay side of these two games when they compared them.

Peep Show 02-01-13 22:23


Originally Posted by Rider (Post 6587664)
I think that they were talking about graphics, not gameplay side of these two games when they compared them.

You probably missed his point...

jaywalker 02-01-13 22:23


Originally Posted by Rider (Post 6587664)
I think that they were talking about graphics, not gameplay side of these two games when they compared them.

As a PC only game you'd need to wait til you see TR on PC at max settings, THEN make a comparison ;)

Rider 02-01-13 22:26


Originally Posted by jaywalker (Post 6587676)
As a PC only game you'd need to wait til you see TR on PC at max settings, THEN make a comparison ;)

Well i can't wait to see TR on my PC but this really looks great. :jmp:
I am not graphics whore so it is not big deal for me. :D

egypt_gypsie 02-01-13 22:28

To ammend my original post, perhaps TR can look like this with the Next Gen consoles, and it probably does look like this (or at least very close) on PC at max settings. One of the reasons I am saving up for a gaming laptop.

Off topic slightly, but is Dear Esther worth buying?

jaywalker 02-01-13 22:30


Originally Posted by egypt_gypsie (Post 6587690)
To ammend my original post, perhaps TR can look like this with the Next Gen consoles, and it probably does look like this (or at least very close) on PC at max settings. One of the reasons I am saving up for a gaming laptop.

Off topic slightly, but is Dear Esther worth buying?

Its basically a First person graphical novel.. totally linear story wise basically you just wander around looking at things and waiting for the story to trigger the next piece.. Not a game at all really but an interactive experience :)

Rider 02-01-13 22:31


Originally Posted by egypt_gypsie (Post 6587690)
Off topic slightly, but is Dear Esther worth buying?

I wanna know this too. I would like to try this. It is 3.49E only on Steam that is cheap, but i don't have Steam lol.

Dark_Messiah 02-01-13 22:36


Originally Posted by Rider (Post 6587703)
I wanna know this too. I would like to try this. It is 3.49E only on Steam that is cheap, but i don't have Steam lol.

If you like a very well told storyline then yes its worth buying.

Just don't expect heart pumping action or something because its kind of a "press W" simulator.

Still a great experience

TippingWater 02-01-13 22:59


During the IGN Survival Skills Commentary, Tomb Raider Creative Director Noah Hughes refers to the Deer Hub camp as “Amelia’s Camp”. Something fishy going on here?

* I CAN’T posts are little or big surprises that I’ve discovered and find pleasing.

AAAAAAAAAAAAH. I JUST realized why it was called “Amelia’s Camp”….

Amelia Earhart.

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