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MyRaider4Life 23-01-13 11:26


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6617872)
So many pointless dubs.. They should have sticked to English.. Sheesh.. So much disk space gone to waste :(.

Karl mentioned that you won't be able to switch between voices in a tweet, so I imagine that means each country is going to have a version specifically for their language. This also means they won't all be on disc.

Love2Raid 23-01-13 11:29


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6617881)
WHO says that each version will have all dubs?

You could very well be right about that. It makes sense.

I think many people in those countries would really appreciate a dub. In other countries not so much, that's why they don't get one (not the only reason of course, but it contributes). I'm sure CD asked around before taking all the trouble.

Shark_Blade 23-01-13 11:34


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6617962)
Karl mentioned that you won't be able to switch between voices in a tweet, so I imagine that means each country is going to have a version specifically for their language. This also means they won't all be on disc.

This sucks. I want my Lara in French, Spanish, Germany and the lot! :cen::/

LNSNHGTDS 23-01-13 11:38


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6617845)

I wonder how many language dubs the game will have?

It better have Chinese, Japanese and Korean!!!


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6617962)
Karl mentioned that you won't be able to switch between voices in a tweet, so I imagine that means each country is going to have a version specifically for their language. This also means they won't all be on disc.

What?! This sucks! I want my Lara to speak Japanese D: !


As for dubbing in many languages being a waste of space Multiplayer (what we've seen so far) seems much more a waste of space to me than the dubbing...!

klona 23-01-13 11:52


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6617962)
Karl mentioned that you won't be able to switch between voices in a tweet, so I imagine that means each country is going to have a version specifically for their language. This also means they won't all be on disc.

You probably get to choose when the game starts. :)
Something like "Choose your Flag".

Soul 23-01-13 11:57


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6617962)
Karl mentioned that you won't be able to switch between voices in a tweet, so I imagine that means each country is going to have a version specifically for their language. This also means they won't all be on disc.

I really hope that everyone still at least gets English...or that we can dowload additional languages. :(

Spong 23-01-13 12:03


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6617973)
As for dubbing in many languages being a waste of space Multiplayer (what we've seen so far) seems much more a waste of space to me than the dubbing...!

You tell 'em :ohn:

klona 23-01-13 12:14


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6617988)
I really hope that everyone still at least gets English...or that we can dowload additional languages. :(

That's a great idea. :D

Underhoe 23-01-13 12:19


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6617988)
I really hope that everyone still at least gets English...or that we can dowload additional languages. :(

Language pack DLC - German exclusively available on Xbox360!

Soul 23-01-13 12:22


Heartache 23-01-13 12:22

I hope my german copy will have the option to play it in english -.-

LNSNHGTDS 23-01-13 12:27


Originally Posted by Soul (Post 6617988)
I really hope that everyone still at least gets English...or that we can dowload additional languages. :(

Shhh, don't give Crystal Dynamics ideas! They will propably implement it in an attempt for more money :p !

TippingWater 23-01-13 12:30


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6617962)
Karl mentioned that you won't be able to switch between voices in a tweet, so I imagine that means each country is going to have a version specifically for their language. This also means they won't all be on disc.

That would suck :o.

LNSNHGTDS 23-01-13 12:32


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6618018)
That would suck :o.

Big time! My guess is that all copies will (at least) have English, French and Spanish (maybe German too) and other territories will have their native language added. Personally, I think that this would also suck as English is the only non-boring language out of the "default" ones and I would LOVE to play the game in Chinese Japanese or Korean D: !

TippingWater 23-01-13 12:34


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6618022)
Big time! My guess is that all copies will (at least) have English, French and Spanish (maybe German too) and other territories will have their native language added. Personally, I think that this would also suck as English is the only non-boring language out of the "default" ones and I would LOVE to play the game in Chinese Japanese or Korean D: !

The game definitely has to have English! I mean, it just has to! :D

LNSNHGTDS 23-01-13 12:36


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6618024)
The game definitely has to have English! I mean, it just has to! :D

Excluding English in any territory is out of question. Everyone deserves Camilla-ness :cln: !

TippingWater 23-01-13 12:39


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6618025)
Everyone deserves Camilla-ness :cln: !

Agreed! :cln:

ItIsOkBro 23-01-13 12:40

Any news on a British dub?

TippingWater 23-01-13 12:41


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6618029)
Any news on a British dub?

So mean lol :vlol:.

LNSNHGTDS 23-01-13 12:42


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6618029)
Any news on a British dub?

Errr... Camilla :p ?

Soul 23-01-13 12:48


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6618029)
Any news on a British dub?

That's why I love TRF :vlol:

TippingWater 23-01-13 15:04


Originally Posted by MrShawno1231 (Post 6618039)
The singleplayer of this game is nothing more than a terrible Hollywood script. It's going to be butt ****ed with Quick Time events, have incredibly wooden acted out characters, a repetitive AI system, an incredibly boring, generic style of play seen in many other games. Why the **** is it even called Tomb Raider? There is no Tomb Raider in this game, just a generic reboot cashing in because of the title... TIMED DLC for other platforms proves just how stuck up Crystal Dynamics is!

:o I hope not..

edit: Is it only me or is Jonah actually really hot!? He's like a big teddy bear :D.

January_Snow* 23-01-13 15:10


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6618029)
Any news on a British dub?

:vlol: I'll change to some other language, Japanese would be fitting :pi:, just as long as I don't have to hear Camilla's twat voice. Honestly I like the young TRLR Lara's voice more than this one.

Billy959 23-01-13 15:11

I wonder if they'll have a brazilian dub!
I would be curious to see who they'd pick!

Underhoe 23-01-13 15:13


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6618029)
Any news on a British dub?

tomee 23-01-13 15:38


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6617872)
So many pointless dubs.. They should have sticked to English.. Sheesh.. So much disk space gone to waste :(.

I honestly don't think they occupy that much space.


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6617962)
Karl mentioned that you won't be able to switch between voices in a tweet, so I imagine that means each country is going to have a version specifically for their language. This also means they won't all be on disc.

Ew, I hope at least we'll have some of them. It's so funny when I switch to German and understand nothing.


Originally Posted by Billy959 (Post 6618158)
I wonder if they'll have a brazilian dub!
I would be curious to see who they'd pick!

When was the brazilian language invented? :confused:


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6618029)
Any news on a British dub?


Peep Show 23-01-13 15:42


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6618029)
Any news on a British dub?

Aww Godmilla got you pressed.

Billy959 23-01-13 15:51


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6618182)

When was the brazilian language invented? :confused:

Who are you?

GUMI 23-01-13 16:02

This thread is going crazy :p

italibabee 23-01-13 16:05

I want a TReboot Lara avatar for PSN account.

GUMI 23-01-13 16:06


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6618213)
I want a TReboot Lara avatar for PSN account.

Me too <3
CD, make this happen!

klona 23-01-13 16:07


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6618213)
I want a TReboot Lara avatar for PSN account.

No way dude.
That's only on xbox 360.

Billy959 23-01-13 16:09

Pffft! I doubt! I don't buy avatars tho,Why pay for a tiny image?

FearEffect 23-01-13 16:10

New montage ( WIP ) :D hope you like it

Billy959 23-01-13 16:12

I love it! I love your work :jmp:

klona 23-01-13 16:12

That's amazing, FearEffect!

FearEffect 23-01-13 16:13

Thank you :hug:

Billy959 23-01-13 16:16

Lara looks very mature in that artwork

GUMI 23-01-13 16:16

That's amazing! :jmp:

Peep Show 23-01-13 16:26


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6618213)
I want a TReboot Lara avatar for PSN account.

Yeah we can only hope, a new dynamic theme would also be amazing.

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