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leglion 05-04-12 23:53


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6086186)
How come the game was rated for ages during the time of the trailer when the game was nowhere near finished? Surely the rating would be done just before release, on the final master.

I think they had a rough idea about the type of content that was gonna be in the game.

Rai 05-04-12 23:54


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6086186)
How come the game was rated for ages during the time of the trailer when the game was nowhere near finished? Surely the rating would be done just before release, on the final master.

A mature rating for the game is what CD are aiming for, perhaps. Would the trailer get is own rating? To warn viewers of the content.

Phlip 05-04-12 23:56


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6086190)

Which bit don't you understand?

Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6086193)
A mature rating for the game is what CD are aiming for, perhaps. Would the trailer get is own rating? To warn viewers of the content.

It would be bizarre for PEGI to rate the game long before the final master, though.

And just because CD want an 18 rating doesn't mean PEGI will just give it to them...

larafan25 05-04-12 23:56

With that spike incident, I think they will.

Lukass 06-04-12 00:11

I'm jealous :'(

[IMG]http://desmond.**************/Himg97/scaled.php?server=97&filename=img6425r.jpg&res=med ium[/IMG]


Originally Posted by Dark_Messiah (Post 5751461)
Thank you. In german its "hangeln".

-You can expect a gameplay trailer and the voice actor announcement at the beginning of 2012.

-Laras deaths are very brutal (Laras head gets smashed by a big rock and you see only her hand and her smashed face) and her kills are very brutal. (The wolf scene is very bloody).


larafan25 06-04-12 00:19

I was reading that thread earlier, the game looks really good in those photos and I can't believe they got an hour to play it. :(

Lukass 06-04-12 00:22

I'm sad and I can't understand why they won't show us the wolf's den demo when there are people who have seen it and who are TRFers.

larafan25 06-04-12 00:23


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6086230)
I'm sad and I can't understand why they won't show us the wolf's den demo when there are people who have seen it and who are TRFers.

Yeah, I dun get it either. :(

Lukass 06-04-12 00:29


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6086233)
Yeah, I dun get it either. :(

Those are the doors I hate so much )':

larafan25 06-04-12 00:30

Flood the building.

Lukass 06-04-12 00:33


larafan25 06-04-12 00:35

Good God that looks so good.

edit: The close-ups of the ships on the right are in game.

King.Louie 06-04-12 00:36

Can you imagine how good its gonna look this E3!!!

Lukass 06-04-12 00:36

The colors are slightly different somehow...brighter.


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6086246)
Can you imagine how good its gonna look this E3!!!

No, I can't D':

larafan25 06-04-12 00:37


Originally Posted by King.Louie (Post 6086246)
Can you imagine how good its gonna look this E3!!!

No. Never.

Can you imagine we are seeing this game in a month and a half?


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6086247)
The colors are slightly different somehow...brighter.

Brighter, more vibrant, very crisp.

Rai 06-04-12 00:39

See the screen top right. imagine being able to jump across to that boat and walking in it. *dreams*

@King.Louis, it's gonna be just....can't imagine the awesomeness.

King.Louie 06-04-12 00:40

We're soooo close!! I can't wait to see some combat :cool: I wanna see Lara wedge that climbing axe in a bitches skull

Lukass 06-04-12 00:45


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6086249)
See the screen top right. imagine being able to jump across to that boat and walking in it. *dreams*

@King.Louis, it's gonna be just....can't imagine the awesomeness.

Not a dream, hopefully. Oh God, imagine if the beach we've seen on the screenshots and the E3 demo is just one and there are not THAT much of the ships. I can see two + there's probably a plane. I wish there are beaches with 10 ships or something...:'D And all of them MUST be explorable.

larafan25 06-04-12 00:49

I hope there is a jungle hub with no paths.

Spong 06-04-12 00:59


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6086256)
I hope there is a jungle hub with no paths.

How would you get to it? If it has no paths, that is.

larafan25 06-04-12 00:59


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6086268)
How would you get to it? If it has no paths, that is.

parachute in.

_Awestruck_ 06-04-12 01:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6085322)


Le memories D':

...oh wow. :vlol:

Spong 06-04-12 01:01


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6086269)
parachute in.

Technically, that's still a path. But okay.
And how would she get out again? Reverse parachute I suppose?

larafan25 06-04-12 01:02

^^So that the first time we had seen the cover of the magazine?


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6086272)
Technically, that's still a path. But okay.
And how would she get out again? Reverse parachute I suppose?

Okay, I want no obvious paths, no brick roads between the trees. Just trees upon trees blocking my way.

Lukass 06-04-12 01:04


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6086273)
^^So that the first time we had seen the cover of the magazine?

Yep :'D

larafan25 06-04-12 01:06


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6086276)
Yep :'D

Which was in April, right?

Lukass 06-04-12 01:12


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6086278)
Which was in April, right?


larafan25 06-04-12 01:13


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6086285)

It must have been because we had the Hobby Consolas scans in April (the 27th).

Lukass 06-04-12 01:30


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6086287)
It must have been because we had the Hobby Consolas scans in April (the 27th).

So April,'s been a year! I can't....

larafan25 06-04-12 01:31



Lukass 06-04-12 01:37


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6086315)


larafan25 06-04-12 01:38

Oh my. lol which video is this from and what is that symbol again? :p

aussie500 06-04-12 02:05


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6086195)
Which bit don't you understand?

It would be bizarre for PEGI to rate the game long before the final master, though.

And just because CD want an 18 rating doesn't mean PEGI will just give it to them...

Considering Crystal Dynamics failed to keep the 12+ rating and ended up with a +16 PEGI rating, for what was basically almost kiddie safe Tomb Raider games with very toned down violence, I do not see any problem with the reboot getting an 18+ rating. Hopefully Australia manages to get an adult rating for games soon, I would hate to miss out because our idiot bureaucrats think only kids should be playing games. Crystal Dynamics might be aiming to try and get it past our censors on a MA15+ rating, or planning a toned down version just in case they need one for the aussie fans. I have to play a toned down version some politician is going to be in my sights. :mad:

Lukass 06-04-12 02:27

Uhmeigawd I totally seen a question in the Q&A #3 thread if they'll make remakes of classics and AoD.

I. JUST. CAN'T. A-N-Y-M-O-R-E ;___;

Phlip 06-04-12 02:29


Originally Posted by aussie500 (Post 6086380)
Considering Crystal Dynamics failed to keep the 12+ rating and ended up with a +16 PEGI rating, for what was basically almost kiddie safe Tomb Raider games with very toned down violence, I do not see any problem with the reboot getting an 18+ rating.

It wasn't CD's fault that between Legend being released and the Platinum version being released, PEGI upped their standards. Plus what you're saying is that CD are guessing what PEGI will rate it, and stole the voice saying "PEGI 18" from some other video (since if it wasn't officially rated, where else would they get it?).

JsotoTRSaga 06-04-12 02:33


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6086337)

:vlol: I wonder if Karl will drop the SOON word anytime SOON :/

**LARA LOVER** 06-04-12 03:05

Not sure if any of you guys will care about this but Stella just posted this picture on her facebook with this caption.......


Just got this from international woman of mystery Meagan Marie at Crystal Dynamics. I could tell she wanted to say more, but for now all we know is this has something to do with another contest they'll be announcing soon. I don't know about you, but my curiosity is piqued. What do you guys think it is?


Its obviously a new render of Lara but other than that I have no idea! Anyways I thought it was interesting and exciting! :D

Evan C. 06-04-12 03:13

Seems like the render we have seen so far of her. Another contest.

JsotoTRSaga 06-04-12 03:18

I guess that it's a Picture of Lara without any Wounds or Scars. ;) If not then I have no idea.. perhaps it's Lara's new mother or something.

_Awestruck_ 06-04-12 03:33

Interesting. It's obviously a new render, but it doesn't look too different than the first one we saw.

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