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Lukass 29-04-12 18:18


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6139571)
A trailer is enough for me.

I'd be happy with just the trailer too, I was just wondering...perhaps the VA...?

Stevo505 29-04-12 18:27


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6139119)
Jason Graves said on his Facebook:

When I asked which game it is then he replied:

Still chance Jason Graves to be the composer of Tomb Raider. :D

It sounds like it's him... :D

SpyrosMonster 29-04-12 18:33


Originally Posted by tomee (Post 6139540)
That 8 minutes thing was just in some people's head.

That 8 minutes thing was in Karl's head.

klona 29-04-12 18:34


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6139608)
That 8 minutes thing was in Karl's head.

Don't expect that, lol.
That was Karl's idea for the CGI trailer last year.

Rai 29-04-12 18:35


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6139563)
Why is there so many peculear fan art of Tomb Raider in DeviantART fantasy section? :confused:

Like what? Can you link examples?

@klona, that is what spyrosMonster was referring to :p

Phlip 29-04-12 18:35


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6139257)
He's just sound designer or something like that. CD said they will reveal the composer later. Probably around E3. :D


Have they fired him before they even gave him a chance or something?

Lukass 29-04-12 18:37


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6139592)
It sounds like it's him... :D

It seriously could be him :D

Listen to the bit at 1:25

and then listen to this at 0:17 - 0:30

It's very similar style...:tmb:

lcroft_lc 29-04-12 18:38


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6139612)
Like what? Can you link examples?

Go DeviantART and then search Tomb Raider and sort them by 'Newest'. There's a lot of them on April 29, 2012. :D


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6139615)

Have they fired him before they even gave him a chance or something?

He probably did some sample on Turning Point but CD said they will reveal the real/main composer later.

SpyrosMonster 29-04-12 18:38


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6139611)
Don't expect that, lol.
That was Karl's idea for the CGI trailer last year.

Uhmmm that's what I'm talking about!... :pi:

Lukass 29-04-12 18:39


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6139615)

Have they fired him before they even gave him a chance or something?

He composed the first track we've heard, the piano depressing music, and then they decided not to use it and found someone else to compose the soundtrack for the game.

tomee 29-04-12 18:46


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6139566)
It would just be out of interest, and wouldn't randomly mean we couldn't have anything else.

I mean the time they'd hypothetically spend on putting together those pieces could be spent on preparing something new.

Lukass 29-04-12 18:48


Originally Posted by Karl Stewart @twitter
Were delighted to have such an esteemed composer working with us on our first major #tombraider asset. Which is due to drop very soon
:vlol: :vlol: :vlol:!!!! :/

Phlip 29-04-12 18:59


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6139622)
He composed the first track we've heard, the piano depressing music, and then they decided not to use it and found someone else to compose the soundtrack for the game.


Wonder why the fired him. =/

Bomb Fighter 29-04-12 19:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6139636)
:vlol: :vlol: :vlol:!!!! :/

How old is that tweet? Like year or more? I´m lost in all those SOONs.

Lukass 29-04-12 19:02


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6139658)
Wonder why the fired him. =/

I also remember him asking us here on TRF not to presenting him as a composer of the soundtrack and when we asked him why, he said that such things sometimes happens. I dunno why they fired him, though.


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6139665)
How old is that tweet? Like year or more? I´m lost in all those SOONs.

That's actually shocking, because it was posted 27. 12. 2010! :eek: :vlol:!

Bomb Fighter 29-04-12 19:07


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6139667)
That's actually shocking, because it was posted 27. 12. 2010! :eek: :vlol:!

Right, very soon...I don´t believe Karl lives in our universe anymore, he must have his own language. We should get him a expository dictionary so he can find the true meaning of SOON.

larafan25 29-04-12 19:08

That soon was for the content which dropped featuring the compoer's music, which was probably the trailer or something.

Bomb Fighter 29-04-12 19:10


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6139676)
That soon was for the content which dropped featuring the compoer's music, which was probably the trailer or something.

Which was still almost 6 months later...

larafan25 29-04-12 19:11


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6139679)
Which was still almost 6 months later...

Oh true...


But there was the making of the cover which featured music, I think.

Lukass 29-04-12 19:14


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6139683)
Oh true...


But there was the making of the cover which featured music, I think.

No. He certainly wasn't talking about the making of the cover lawl

Bomb Fighter 29-04-12 19:14


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6139683)
Oh true...


But there was the making of the cover which featured music, I think.

Yes, I think you´re right.

EDIT: Or no? I don´t know. Looks like Karl really speaks in different language :pi:

Stevo505 29-04-12 19:16

They only hired that Alexander guy to do the trailer, not the soundtrack... but he wasn't used in the trailer anyway. I'm glad though.. that music sounded way too depressing. I like the adventure-ish sound it has now.

larafan25 29-04-12 19:26


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6139690)
No. He certainly wasn't talking about the making of the cover lawl

I think he was and I remember people decided that is what he meant by the dropping of the next big asset.

xLara_Nathanx 29-04-12 19:28

Karl should, from now on, write SOON(tm)

motoleo 29-04-12 20:04

The only problem with the previous title music is
  • You have to listen to the whole thing before you really get into it.
  • It's a long piece.

The new one...
  • Sounds like the Tomb Raider theme we've always hear.
  • You can get into it after about 5 seconds.

TRexbait 29-04-12 20:15

Guys, my body is ready for a brand new trailer.... but we have to wait until June.... Dx

Whatever, I have exams and finals to worry about in the meantime. Wake me up when the trailer gets here. Y-Y

SpyrosMonster 29-04-12 20:37

Luckily or maybe not... My exams last only 1 and a half week actually 8 days! :ton:

larafan25 29-04-12 20:41

All of my exams are in class exams so when school it done, I'm done. Not extra formal exam schedules. Though that will still be after E3. :/

SpyrosMonster 29-04-12 20:44


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6139852)
All of my exams are in class exams so when school it done, I'm done. Not extra formal exam schedules. Though that will still be after E3. :/

we finish school in 2 weeks... then we take a one week break and then we write All the week days... and then Monday,Wednesday and Friday and that's it :p

larafan25 29-04-12 20:50


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6139863)
we finish school in 2 weeks... then we take a one week break and then we write All the week days... and then Monday,Wednesday and Friday and that's it :p

I am so incredibly jealous.

SpyrosMonster 29-04-12 22:19


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6139881)
I am so incredibly jealous.

No. :pi: we write 2 subjects some days... and its extremely stressful to write all the school subs in just 8 days with no breaks for revision :(

Stevo505 29-04-12 22:21

Poor larafan... your school sucks D:

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 22:22

Gosh it does. All the way to June? D:

I would just skip class and stay in the library on a computer during e3 okay? :pi:

/horrible influence

Stevo505 29-04-12 22:26

If his school is anything like mine, everything unrelated to school is blocked :rolleyes:

Stupid school. Graduation is almost here :D

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 22:29


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6140076)
If his school is anything like mine, everything unrelated to school is blocked :rolleyes:

Stupid school. Graduation is almost here :D

There are ways around that you know. :pi:

Happy graduation! :wve: Dunno why I'm waving but its seems appropriate somehow.

Stevo505 29-04-12 22:31


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6140082)
There are ways around that you know. :pi:

Happy graduation! :wve: Dunno why I'm waving but its seems appropriate somehow.

They block all the proxy sites :vlol:

And thanks. Waving is indeed appropriate. Kiss that school goodbye forever :D

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 22:36

Life after high school is 100x better. The only part of high school I miss is marching band. :vlol:

I remember my mother telling me "these are the best the best years of your life." EL Oh EL just kill me now then.

Okay this isn't really relevant to tomb raider but there.

Stevo505 29-04-12 22:37


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6140100)
Life after high school is 100x better. The only part of high school I miss is marching band. :vlol:

I remember my mother telling me "these are the best the best years of your life." EL Oh EL just kill me now then.

Okay this isn't really relevant to tomb raider but there.

Yeah high school was fun, but not THAT fun... the good part about college is I get to continue marching band (though not competitively but still) so I am looking forward to that ...

Yeah, back to Tomb Raider lol.

Lukass 29-04-12 22:46

Sick! :eek: Tomb Raider island!

just*raidin*tomb 29-04-12 22:47

What????? Is that photoshopped? Cool.

I almost forgot about this, but I had a dream about Tomb Raider and it had a stagering 308 hours worth in gameplay in total if you included all the side quests, treasures, puzzles. D:

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