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lcroft_lc 01-05-12 14:03


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6143248)
But Crystal Dynamics are in San Francisco, love :D And from SF to LA it's 6 hours and 26 mins by a car.

Its in Redwood City, California.



Headquarters Redwood City, California, U.S.


Crystal Dynamics is a leading developer of interactive entertainment based in Redwood City, California.

Rai 01-05-12 14:08

Redwood City is in (or very near) San Francisco. Part of the Californian state. ??

lcroft_lc 01-05-12 14:11

I thought California is in Los Angeles! :o

Lukass 01-05-12 14:11


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6143309)

That's what I said. The offices are in San Francisco.

Rai 01-05-12 14:12


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6143315)
I thought California is in Los Angeles! :o

Other way around :p

Lukass 01-05-12 14:15


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6143302)
Don't worry things like that are one of the last ones to be ironed out, but they will eventually get fixed along with the bow's rope and her clothes & hair.

I was hoping to see the game 100% polished at E3. :confused: :(

lcroft_lc 01-05-12 14:18


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6143321)
I was hoping to see the game 100% polished at E3. :confused: :(

I guess the part we will see will be 90% polished at least. It might not be fully polished before reaching Gold.

Stevo505 01-05-12 14:18


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6143315)
I thought California is in Los Angeles! :o

Los Angeles is in California :p

Lukass 01-05-12 14:22


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6143324)
I guess the part we will see will be 90% polished at least. It might not be fully polished before reaching Gold.

What exactly makes you think so? I mean, what would be the problem to polish it for 100%? Why just 90?

NRO. 01-05-12 14:27


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6143305)
I swear all of the close-ups of Lara she has a weird facial expression like she's just had a really effective spliff.


Okay, I need to study nao. Slap me if I come online again.

Lukass 01-05-12 14:27

^ I see so many flaws! My eyes hurts! ;___;

Rai 01-05-12 14:47


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6143332)
What exactly makes you think so? I mean, what would be the problem to polish it for 100%? Why just 90?

Surely if it is polished 100%, it would mean it's ready for Gold? From June until October/November is 4/5 months. What would be the wait from Gold to release? I'm sure CD have been working hard to get it as polished as possible for E3, but I doubt it's 100% ready to go.

lcroft_lc 01-05-12 15:00


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6143332)
What exactly makes you think so? I mean, what would be the problem to polish it for 100%? Why just 90?

I don't believe it will be 100% polished it by the time at E3. It probably 4/5 months before the release date. And if they have times they supposed to polish it more and bug free. :)

Exclusive dev Q&A session #4 - May 2012 is now live on official board.

TippingWater 01-05-12 16:02

Ooo I thought that the answered were already published :D. Lukass, Lara to me she looks perfect :D.

Lukass 01-05-12 16:17


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6143565)
Ooo I thought that the answered were already published :D. Lukass, Lara to me she looks perfect :D.

She does. But her hair, the pendant, the strap going through the top...ew.

klona 01-05-12 16:30


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6143407)
Exclusive dev Q&A session #4 - May 2012 is now live on official board.

Hmm, I wonder what kind of stupid questions should I ask this time...?
-posts the unanswered old ones-

TippingWater 01-05-12 16:51


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6143603)
She does. But her hair, the pendant, the strap going through the top...ew.

Those are just nit-picks, don't worry they will be sorted in time. I do not think that the rigid fringe of Anniversary or Legend will ever make a return or that the buggy hair of Underworld will ever be a problem :). I really do believe that the game will be polished, they cannot afford to screw it up. They know how picky, we the Tomb Raider fans are :D. I cannot wait to see the bones in her fringe finally move in the opening cocoon sequence :D :whi:.

Richard_Croft 01-05-12 17:01


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6143683)
Those are just nit-picks, don't worry they will be sorted in time. I do not think that the rigid fringe of Anniversary or Legend will ever make a return or that the buggy hair of Underworld will ever be a problem :). I really do believe that the game will be polished, they cannot afford to screw it up. They know how picky, we the Tomb Raider fans are :D. I cannot wait to see the bones in her fringe finally move in the opening cocoon sequence :D :whi:.


larafan25 01-05-12 17:05


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6143638)
Hmm, I wonder what kind of stupid questions should I ask this time...?
-posts the unanswered old ones-

Didn't we get an answer to one of your questions in the last segment? :pi:

About finding artifacts/ relics? :p

lcroft_lc 01-05-12 17:09


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6143638)
Hmm, I wonder what kind of stupid questions should I ask this time...?
-posts the unanswered old ones-

Ask if Karl saw the "Pink Pony riding Karl" picture by NRO. :p

Mikky 01-05-12 17:31

I asked some questions for the first time. Nothing too fancy, but it would be nice if they got answered. :p

klona 01-05-12 18:09


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6143728)
Ask if Karl saw the "Pink Pony riding Karl" picture by NRO. :p

You do that. :p


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6143715)
Didn't we get an answer to one of your questions in the last segment? :pi:

About finding artifacts/ relics? :p

I asked if we get things if we collect them, not useless like in TRU.

NRO. 01-05-12 18:13


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6143728)
Ask if Karl saw the "Pink Pony riding Karl" picture by NRO. :p

This gives me a new idea.

klona 01-05-12 18:19


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6143949)
This gives me a new idea.

Here we go... :p

Lukass 01-05-12 18:20

I have absolutely no idea what to ask. And seeing the last Q&A session thread had just two pages it seem like people don't know what to ask neither. I expect just one page (if only) of (dumb) questions this time.

NRO. 01-05-12 18:24

Ask them why their marketing campaign is so ****ty.

With reformulation and all.

Lukass 01-05-12 18:26

Well, people asked good questions actually, but they're from TRF (larafan25, Mikky etc.) so it's obvious the questions wouldn't be dumb, but oh my god almighty, look at this question :p


why actually call it "tomb raider" and not ad "the beginning" or " beginning of an era" or anything like this?
after all, we do have a "tomb raider".

It's just like in magic circle, there's no way out, people will never understand :vlol:


Mikky 01-05-12 18:30

^ Oh, my God. I have no words. :vlol:

klona 01-05-12 18:35


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6143968)
I have absolutely no idea what to ask. And seeing the last Q&A session thread had just two pages it seem like people don't know what to ask neither. I expect just one page (if only) of (dumb) questions this time.

It happened and It will happen again because of the lack of news. :p

Weemanply109 01-05-12 18:48

Pacepalm at the last question Lukass quoted. :vlol:


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6142626)



He's going to the island.



Originally Posted by Pietras (Post 6142705)
A riot should be Karl's last worry. This years E3 will be harder to compete for attention than the last one. Halo 4 full-out presentation, AssCreed 3 - the finale of the entire saga, the juggernaut that is GTAV, not to mention the return of BioShock Infinite (#1 game of E3 last year), potential Half Life 3 announcement/reveal or unexpected show-stealers. Whatever they ahve better be the best thing ever. This is TReboot's second E3 AND the fact that it disappeared for a year almost only makes it worst.

Gurl, preach.

HL3 will slay if it's there.


Originally Posted by Fan (Post 6143273)
is this avatar a new pic from the game?

Hun, yes. It's from the trailer.


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6143407)
I don't believe it will be 100% polished it by the time at E3. It probably 4/5 months before the release date. And if they have times they supposed to polish it more and bug free. :))

Games tend to be finished (Go "gold") a few months prior to release. Around E3, the game should be over 90% polished, otherwise a delay is in order.

SpyrosMonster 01-05-12 18:56


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6144000)
Games tend to be finished (Go "gold") a few months prior to release. Around E3, the game should be over 90% polished, otherwise a delay is in order.

Please don't say the "D" word! :o

slavo120 01-05-12 19:11

My dumb questions

1. in what stage is Tomb Raider now, do you reached beta stage?

2. what do you expect that people could be ask when we have the lack of news? my question therefore is what is CD strategy or marketing plan around this Tomb Raider game..I need know, like a Tomb Raider fan and big fan all what this new idea bringing. I feel that fans need know more about Tomb Raider strategy, something deeper like this works because in my eyes is really strange this silence ...Fall seems be realy full of AAA titles what have release date and people can pre-order these games and it seems strange because Fall is "at the door" and competittion/rivals doesn´t sleep ..where is some hype before E3 or some "breath of news"


tomee 01-05-12 19:13


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6143980)
It's just like in magic circle, there's no way out, people will never understand :vlol:


What the.. I can't even!

*self destructs*

tampi 01-05-12 19:28

We could ask again about the length of the game.
They spoke long ago about 10 hours.
Perhaps they have added something during this time and the length of the game has changed.

But I guess this is to spend another bullet. :pi:

Lukass 01-05-12 19:31


Originally Posted by slavo120 (Post 6144026)
My dumb questions

1. in what stage is Tomb Raider now, do you reached beta stage?

2. what do you expect that people could be ask when we have the lack of news? my question therefore is what is CD strategy or marketing plan around this Tomb Raider game..I need know, like a Tomb Raider fan and big fan all what this new idea bringing. I feel that fans need know more about Tomb Raider strategy, something deeper like this works because in my eyes is really strange this silence ...Fall seems be realy full of AAA titles what have release date and people can pre-order these games and it seems strange because Fall is "at the door" and competittion/rivals doesn´t sleep ..where is some hype before E3 or some "breath of news"


They're not dumb, but...

I can answer your first question right now - yes, they've reached beta stage.

And the second question is a bit complicated. You can put it easily - why is your marketing strategy so weird? (from fan point of view).

I doubt they would answer that question, though :p

larafan25 01-05-12 19:33

It's officially May 1st where I am.


30 days.

tombstone 01-05-12 19:40

i'm excited hoot hoot.:jmp:

Mikky 01-05-12 19:43


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6144066)
It's officially May 1st where I am.


30 days.

Don't think of it as 30 days, think of it as 4 weeks.

larafan25 01-05-12 19:43

^ :eek:

I can't believe just one month left...

Oh God.



I truly feel like this game is going to be my favorite TR game.

Weemanply109 01-05-12 19:44


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6144066)
It's officially May 1st where I am.

Hey, you're 20 hours late.


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