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Bechmdetis 15-05-12 14:52


larafan25 15-05-12 14:53

Nope, not new, you might find some you haven't seen before here...

lcroft_lc 15-05-12 14:58


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6169272)
The astronomical winter (Northern Hemisphere) begins Friday, 21 December 2012, and ends Tuesday, 19 March 2013.

AAA titles don't release December or January. As Bioshock Infinite has February 26 release date, expect March release for Tomb Raider. Crysis 3 also scheduled for March/April 2013 release date. :)


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6169411)
So do you guys think these screens are from the demo we'll be seeing at E3?


Originally Posted by MeaganMarie (Post 6166633)
To take a bit of the edge off the delay, we decided to release a new screenshot hinting at content you’ll be seeing at E3.


klona 15-05-12 15:19

I want TReboot to release at February 14th.

lcroft_lc 15-05-12 15:49


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6169485)
I want TReboot to release at February 14th.

Its not Tuesday, neither its Lara's birthday anymore. :p

I want it on my birthday, February 19th which is happened to be a Tuesday. :D

lcroft_lc 15-05-12 16:09

GamesMaster reveal their cover which comes to May 22nd. The smoke gone and revealed BO2.

Where is the TR feature? Anyone can identify? :confused:

slavo120 15-05-12 16:20


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc
Where is the TR feature? Anyone can identify? :confused:

No TR before E3 ...........our only hope is 31.may GTTV ...but who knows :confused:
...only 3 week until E3 :cln:

just*raidin*tomb 15-05-12 16:35


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6169454)
I wonder what happens if you refuse to shoot Bambi. Does she just... die? :o

I think you'll able to make that choice for yourself. I can't imagine the game being like "no you haven't killed the deer, you cannot move forward until you kill the deer". :p

It's actually a full grown deer though. Not bambi and I'm pretty sure it has antlers.

TRPunk 15-05-12 16:51

Okay, how many new screenshots were release?? *put hands on head like psyduck*

NRO. 15-05-12 16:54


Originally Posted by TRPunk (Post 6169623)
Okay, how many new screenshots were release?? *put hands on head like psyduck*


TRPunk 15-05-12 16:56


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6169634)

So one then lol

NRO. 15-05-12 16:57


Originally Posted by TRPunk (Post 6169636)
So one then lol

Damnit I misread. We got 2. The Lara reaching for a bow and Lara holding a bow.

lcroft_lc 15-05-12 17:33


@RonanPrice sorry Ronan. It will be worth it. Promise. Means I get to head to Ireland now and give you a proper demo. :)
Karl is going to show the demo to someone in Ireland. Some people born as God damn lucky! :(

klona 15-05-12 17:33


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6169511)
Its not Tuesday, neither its Lara's birthday anymore. :p

I want it on my birthday, February 19th which is happened to be a Tuesday. :D

Does it have to be a Tuesday? :confused:

Mikky 15-05-12 17:35


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6169689)
Does it have to be a Tuesday? :confused:

Games in America usually get released on Tuesdays.

klona 15-05-12 17:36

^ What about countries in the Middle East?


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6169687)
Karl is going to show the demo to someone in Ireland. Some people born as God damn lucky! :(

Let's skin him and wear his head. :whi:
The one who wears it gets to record the demo.

Mikky 15-05-12 19:50

That 1 minute of waiting for that GIF to load was not worth it. >.>

Bechmdetis 15-05-12 21:03

I hope, upon displaced premiere, Crystal Dynamics give us at least Collector's Edition... Then I'll forgive them delay. :cln:

How do you think: CD issue for us this time Collector's Edition? I would like to find in the box with the game a Lara's necklance and for example pendrive (mini Lara). Ehh... Dreams. :p

Tonyrobinson 15-05-12 21:12

Wow you know I am quite glad Lara is getting delayed now because I won't feel as grubby having my affair with the DOA girls in the Fall. There will be no Pick me, Nooo Tony pick me! temptation about what to play. :pi:

Richard_Croft 15-05-12 21:18


Originally Posted by Bechmdetis (Post 6170080)
How do you think: CD issue for us this time Collector's Edition? I would like to find in the box with the game a Lara's necklance

And a Lara's statue :cln:

Bechmdetis 16-05-12 06:50


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6170099)
And a Lara's statue :cln:

Fantastic idea. I want figure with the "new" Lara Croft and full soundrack on CD. However, it is very unlikely so better not think about it, that we wouldn't disappointed - the only Collector's Edition (with additional exclusive materials), which we received from CD is probably TRA...

Although, as a comparison, TRA Collector's Edition of the game from hm... for example Blizzard's Diablo III and Naughty Dog's Uncharted becouse I can't call TRA Collector's Edition as a "Collector's Edition".

lcroft_lc 16-05-12 07:03


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6168467)
^ Silence.

Read it and weep, peeps. Read it and weep.

Where you find this? Fan made?

Still I watch Turning Point trailer each day and end of it, its still showing Fall 2012 release date. :( I wish CD would release a fixed TP trailer changing the release date.

Bomb Fighter 16-05-12 07:09


Will there be a Tomb Raider Collector’s Edition?

KS: “Of course! I love collector’s editions and personally designed sets for Batman: Arkham Asylum and Age of Conan. I’ve done loads and loads and I’m a big fan of them. So yes it’s on my list and I’ve already been doing a lot of exploration so I can say with certainty that there will be a collector’s edition. The editions may be unique to specific territories however, because some areas have restrictions and so on.” [Transcribed from Crystal Habit Podcast #1 (July 2011)]
If we can believe Karl, it looks like we will have a Collector's Edition. I hope it will be as good as Uncharted's or AC's. I want Lara statue, her necklace, art-book, soundtrack, bonus disc with promo material...and an good box art. Little too much?

Bechmdetis 16-05-12 07:13

@ Bomb Fighter
Of course not... I want have it too! :ton:

skylark1121 16-05-12 07:31

I'm pretty excited about the 2013 release, because I know that makes the chances for the game to be near flawless much higher. :D

But now, more than ever, I don't want the world to end in 2012. :vlol:

It won't happen! :ton:

Bomb Fighter 16-05-12 08:16


Originally Posted by Bechmdetis (Post 6170665)
Of course not... I want have it too! :ton:

Good, because I want it so bad :D I love special/collector's/deluxe editions!

Richard_Croft 16-05-12 08:27


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6170663)
I want Lara statue, her necklace, art-book, soundtrack, bonus disc with promo material...and an good box art.


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6170696)
I love special/collector's/deluxe editions!

Pretty much this :p

klona 16-05-12 11:47


Originally Posted by Lio123 (Post 6169949)

Calm down. :p


Originally Posted by klona (Post 6169272)
The astronomical winter (Northern Hemisphere) begins Friday, 21 December 2012, and ends Tuesday, 19 March 2013.

Richard_Croft 16-05-12 14:09

Nothing about TR in Portugal.
Though we certainly have something in E3 coverage next month :D

lcroft_lc 16-05-12 14:15

If they could give us a preview before E3 demo it would be nice.

Lukass 16-05-12 14:21


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6170977)
If they could give us a preview before E3 demo it would be nice.

It would be nice, but what would be the point? :) I don't want to know what exactly they are showing at E3. I don't want anyone to describe the scene/s that's gonna be shown. Let it be surprise :) We're getting magazines next month.

NRO. 16-05-12 14:23

Atleast a comparison screen. ._.

I wanna see a gif on the new hair.

lcroft_lc 16-05-12 14:27


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6170979)
It would be nice, but what would be the point? :) I don't want to know what exactly they are showing at E3. I don't want anyone to describe the scene/s that's gonna be shown. Let it be surprise :) We're getting magazines next month.

They can preview two or three places, we will be get to see only one, the other two will be shown behind closed doors. We can guess which one will be shown if they give us three previews. :)

Lukass 16-05-12 14:33


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6170981)
Atleast a comparison screen. ._.

I wanna see a gif on the new hair.

Oh, I can't wait to see her hair moving! It looks fab!


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6170982)
They can preview two or three places, we will be get to see only one, the other two will be shown behind closed doors. We can guess which one will be shown if they give us three previews. :)

And are you really that naive to think they would show a screen from any part of the game that is supposed to be shown behind closed doors? :) Doesn't make sense. I'm happy with the screenshot they gave us as an apology and now I'm hyped to see what they are showing at E3 :) There's gonna be a lot of Tomb Raider. This is their second and last E3 with TR, and now as it's been delayed, they must show BIG things to attract players (at least the new ones) to convince them the game is worth their money.

Richard_Croft 16-05-12 14:59


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6170985)
Oh, I can't wait to see her hair moving! It looks fab!
And are you really that naive to think they would show a screen from any part of the game that is supposed to be shown behind closed doors? :) Doesn't make sense. I'm happy with the screenshot they gave us as an apology and now I'm hyped to see what they are showing at E3 :) There's gonna be a lot of Tomb Raider. This is their second and last E3 with TR, and now as it's been delayed, they must show BIG things to attract players (at least the new ones) to convince them the game is worth their money.


lcroft_lc 16-05-12 15:51


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6170985)
And are you really that naive to think they would show a screen from any part of the game that is supposed to be shown behind closed doors? :) Doesn't make sense. I'm happy with the screenshot they gave us as an apology and now I'm hyped to see what they are showing at E3 :) There's gonna be a lot of Tomb Raider. This is their second and last E3 with TR, and now as it's been delayed, they must show BIG things to attract players (at least the new ones) to convince them the game is worth their money.

Glad to see you take delay news very positively. :hug:

OMG Crysis 3 bow is so damn beautiful-

Lukass 16-05-12 16:28

^ It was nicely designed but it's too hi-tech so to speak. I like the two bows we've seen so far, although I like the wooden one better than the one she'll get from that dead man.

SpyrosMonster 16-05-12 16:42

I hope this place calms down until E3! Not that there's many things to talk about [IMG]http://img191.**************/img191/3499/croynan.gif[/IMG] :p

Lukass 16-05-12 21:31

Mikky 16-05-12 21:31

We'll wake you up when E3 starts.

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