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LarasFan 09-02-13 18:21


Originally Posted by Evan C. (Post 6643076)
I don't like it at all, it's really cheesy.

:pi: I can't find the white text....

Underhoe 09-02-13 18:27


Originally Posted by LarasFan (Post 6643204)
:pi: I can't find the white text....

I agree with him, it's not very good.

LarasFan 09-02-13 18:29


Originally Posted by Underhoe (Post 6643216)
I agree with him, it's not very good.

It's really good... The only flaw I see is the fact that it kina looks like some fans did it, and not professionals. But other than that, it's pretty much amazing, such as the game :)

GUMI 09-02-13 19:08

I hope Camilla Luddington will voice Lara in TR2.
I love her voice :cln:

Mikky 09-02-13 19:22


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6643286)
I hope Camilla Luddington will voice Lara in TR2.
I love her voice :cln:

Karl said they plan to keep her for a long time. Unfortunately.

GUMI 09-02-13 19:25


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6643307)
Karl said they plan to keep her for a long time. Unfortunately.

Asdfghj YEAH!
Link for proof please?

Rai 09-02-13 19:26


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6643286)
I hope Camilla Luddington will voice Lara in TR2.
I love her voice :cln:

Karl said they plan on keeping her for a long time. Fortunately. :p

I guess this means for the next few games. She's doing a great job so far, so why change and especially as it keeps it consistent. .

I can't remember where I saw that, it may have been heard in a podcast though.

Mikky 09-02-13 19:26

^ Your post contradicts with my opinion. You shall die now.

Just kidding.

I'm really not impressed with her at all so far, to be honest. I'm hoping I will change my mind when I play the game, though.


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6643310)
Asdfghj YEAH!
Link for proof please?

IDK. I think it was said on one of the podcasts or some random interview. I can't remember everything. :p

GUMI 09-02-13 19:45

I looked up on bermuda triangel and found this:

USS Cyclops
Main article: USS Cyclops (AC-4)

The incident resulting in the single largest loss of life in the history of the US Navy not related to combat occurred when USS Cyclops, under the command of Lt Cdr G.W. Worley, went missing without a trace with a crew of 309 sometime after March 4, 1918, after departing the island of Barbados.

Look at that date :eek:

BinRaider 09-02-13 19:47

Darling, it's the Dragon's Triangle.

GUMI 09-02-13 19:50


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6643349)
Darling, it's the Dragon's Triangle.

Darling, i was in a wikipedia page called "Bermuda Triangel"

BinRaider 09-02-13 19:54


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6643359)
Darling, i was in a wikipedia page called "Bermuda Triangel"

Darling, you were looking for the wrong triangle.

Phlip 09-02-13 19:59

Hasn't ghetto speak become a reportable offence on here?

nevillet 09-02-13 20:28

Man that was a good belly-laugh. You gurlz!

Anyhoo, February 5th was pretty quiet for the one-month-before pre-anniversary.

I could really do with a little more Meagan, Noah or Brian about now...

EDIT: Totally unrelated, when do I lose this "student" nonsense next to my name? How come I can't be an Explorer like GUMI or Professor like Binraider.

Kudos to Phlp/Mikky on "Legend" tho...

Mikky 09-02-13 20:30


Originally Posted by nevillet (Post 6643443)
I could really do with a little more Meagan, Noah or Brian about now...

That sounds so... dirty. :p

new_beginnings 09-02-13 20:31


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6643384)
Hasn't ghetto speak become a reportable offence on here?

If not, it should be. :p

ItIsOkBro 09-02-13 20:37


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6643125)
You're a gurl? Too bad then, you can't play, it's for men only :ohn: .


TR's a game for real, man. :pi:

BinRaider 09-02-13 20:38


Originally Posted by new_beginnings (Post 6643446)
If not, it should be. :p

Ummmm no.

Rai 09-02-13 20:46

Three posts with ghetto talk or quoted ghetto talk deleted. Please remember to talk in English. This is so that non English speakers will have a better chance of understanding the conversation.

BinRaider 09-02-13 20:51


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6643470)
Three posts with ghetto talk or quoted ghetto talk deleted. Please remember to talk in English. This is so that non English speakers will have a better chance of understanding the conversation.

I'm sorry for being so audacious as to question a mod but if this is the case then shouldn't really posh words be banned as well to let non English speakers have a better chance of understanding the conversation? /justasking.

Mikky 09-02-13 20:53


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6643470)
Three posts with ghetto talk or quoted ghetto talk deleted. Please remember to talk in English. This is so that non English speakers will have a better chance of understanding the conversation.

Wow, seriously? I actually thought Philip was joking. :vlol: I understand having it as a casual etiquette, but having it as a rule is rather harsh, imo.

But this is not the place to discuss such things. Shutting up now.


Originally Posted by nevillet (Post 6643443)
EDIT: Totally unrelated, when do I lose this "student" nonsense next to my name? How come I can't be an Explorer like GUMI or Professor like Binraider.

Kudos to Phlp/Mikky on "Legend" tho...

It depends on your post count. The higher it is, the better your "rank".

January_Snow* 09-02-13 20:56


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6643476)
I'm sorry for being so audacious as to question a mod but if this is the case then shouldn't really posh words be banned as well to let non English speakers have a better chance of understanding the conversation? /justasking.

No because "posh" words are actual English worlds.

BinRaider 09-02-13 21:01


Originally Posted by January_Snow* (Post 6643487)
No because "posh" words are actual English worlds.

But the reasoning behind it is so that non-English speaking people can understand a conversation. Obviously many don't understand many posh English words but they're still allowed. Plus, most of the ghetto words are probably in the Oxford English Dictionary anyway because it adds ridiculous amounts of words in every edition so technically they might very well be English words.

Rai 09-02-13 21:02


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6643476)
I'm sorry for being so audacious as to question a mod but if this is the case then shouldn't really posh words be banned as well to let non English speakers have a better chance of understanding the conversation? /justasking.

Let me clarify: As long as a member posts using English to the best of their ability (we realise that English is not everyone's first language and so may struggle a bit at times, we don't expect perfect English), then that's fine. As long as the post is understandable. Ghetto talk is not proper English and even some English speakers have trouble with it, which is why we stopped allowing it.

BinRaider 09-02-13 21:10


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6643508)
Posh words? Examples? Let me clarify: As long as a member posts using English to the best of their ability (we realise that English is not everyone's first language and so may struggle a bit at times, we don't expect perfect English), then that's fine. As long as the post is understandable. Ghetto talk is not proper English and even some English speakers have trouble with it, which is why we stopped allowing it.

I mean "posh" as in words used most of the time by some people on this forum with really big egos to try and make other people feel inferior and stupid.

Well no, let's be real. Ya'll stopped it cos people (for the most part English speaking people) were getting butthurt over people using it because it's not particularly to their liking and then jumped on the bandwagon about how non-English people might find it hard to understand that the mods made up even though there was barely a handful of non-English people complaining. I actually find that more non-English speaking people use ghetto lingo than English speaking people :vlol:

You can go ahead and delete this post for being "off topic" if you like, idc.

new_beginnings 09-02-13 21:17

Anyway... is anyone else excited about the game? :D

Ivy Valentine 09-02-13 21:18


Originally Posted by new_beginnings (Post 6643530)
Anyway... is anyone else excited about the game? :D

I am!!! :jmp::jmp::jmp:

Ward Dragon 09-02-13 21:28


Originally Posted by BinRaider (Post 6643476)
I'm sorry for being so audacious as to question a mod but if this is the case then shouldn't really posh words be banned as well to let non English speakers have a better chance of understanding the conversation? /justasking.

Learning more sophisticated words is a good thing. It'll help people read more advanced books or understand intellectual shows or papers. There's nothing wrong with people posting proper English including advanced vocabulary words.

On the other hand, learning "ghetto talk" helps with what? Understanding "ghetto talk" posts? :p

Girafarig32 09-02-13 21:33

I hope there's no one-outfit Lara (not that it really devastates me).

Just think: Evening unripped dress. :vlol:

Zebra 09-02-13 21:35


Originally Posted by Ward Dragon (Post 6643549)
Learning more sophisticated words is a good thing. It'll help people read more advanced books or understand intellectual shows or papers. There's nothing wrong with people posting proper English including advanced vocabulary words.

On the other hand, learning "ghetto talk" helps with what? Understanding "ghetto talk" posts? :p

You could arguee that it helps you understand certain characters in TV shows and movies you use that kind of language :p.

GUMI 09-02-13 21:35

I need that aviatrix skin in my life ;-;

Alister's_Brain 09-02-13 21:35

I just read that (spoilers)Lara Likes Jaffa Cakes.

Are those really that good?

BinRaider 09-02-13 21:37


Originally Posted by Ward Dragon (Post 6643549)
Learning more sophisticated words is a good thing. It'll help people read more advanced books or understand intellectual shows or papers. There's nothing wrong with people posting proper English including advanced vocabulary words.

On the other hand, learning "ghetto talk" helps with what? Understanding "ghetto talk" posts? :p

Well it might not be helpful to you, personally, and even if it is pointless, which it isn't for many reasons, it doesn't mean it should be banned. If that is the case then most of the threads in GC should be banned. Even if learning posh words is a good thing it doesn't hide the fact that non-English speaking people don't know them. This is the only defence you have for ghetto lingo being banned but is it so hard for people who don't understand them to either ignore it or ask what it means? They do the same for posh words.

Tonyrobinson 09-02-13 21:39


Originally Posted by Alister's_Brain (Post 6643571)
I just read that (spoilers)Lara Likes...

Are those really that good?

They are like Christmas in a box. :cln:

CBS_TombRaider 09-02-13 21:39


Originally Posted by Alister's_Brain (Post 6643571)
I just read that (spoilers)Lara Likes Jaffa Cakes.

Are those really that good?

They're alright. I don't eat them that often, but they taste pretty good. I prefer waffles though :p

GUMI 09-02-13 21:41


Originally Posted by Alister's_Brain (Post 6643571)
I just read that (spoilers)Lara Likes Jaffa Cakes.

Are those really that good?

Sounds like thoose drug brownies :pi:
Yes Its good :pi:

Girafarig32 09-02-13 21:44

We should stay on topic for now on ;)

As for Tomb Raider, I might get it for PS3. Only problem: I don't have one. :(

GUMI 09-02-13 21:46

I have a PS3 :3

Girafarig32 09-02-13 21:48

Is multiplayer only for PS3?

GUMI 09-02-13 21:49


Originally Posted by Girafarig32 (Post 6643599)
Is multiplayer only for PS3?

Hun, Its for all platforms.

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