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JsotoTRSaga 23-11-20 17:37


Originally Posted by TrustyBow (Post 8254828)
Dual pistols.



And they say SE doesn't listen to the fans. Psshh

Maybe SE does but CD doesn't.
Either way it is definitely not enough since this is a mobile game and the requests fans made were for main games moving forward.

Chamayoo 23-11-20 17:38


Originally Posted by Tomb Raidering (Post 8254816)
It really is interesting.

Let’s hope this is just the beginning.

It could really be, remember the 20th anniversary. We had Relic Run and Go before more big stuff like the anniversary content for Rise.
I don't think Rise new content was the ultimate and perfect thing for an anniversary, don't get me wrong but... the same strategy could apply. Little projects before the bigger.
The year hasn't began, a lot could happen. Or maybe nothing. Imagine of this game will be abandoned like Reflections to begin with haha.
I'm not defeatist, 2021 bring it on !

Felipe 23-11-20 17:39

Can we just take a second to appreciate that beautiful throwback of a logo.

Tombraider95 23-11-20 17:41


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8254824)
You may be right. The title should have been more explicit I guess ?
"Tomb Raider Reloaded - New mobile game"

The dislikes would still be there because people want more for classic Tomb Raider, not just stuck in a free mobile game. The trailer does look awesome though, but could be misleading. We'll see!


Originally Posted by Felipe (Post 8254833)
Can we just take a second to appreciate that beautiful throwback of a logo.

The logo does look great!

Mikky 23-11-20 17:42


Originally Posted by SnatchingEdges (Post 8254820)
You don't have to throw hate to a game you haven't played just because it's not the one you convinced yourself it was gonna be. Stop acting like a brat y'all!

Uh-oh, the thought police has arrived. Well, let's not like anything about the game either, since no-one here has played it, after all. We'll all remain 100% neutral until we get our hands on it.

To be fair, I don't think anyone here is "hating" yet, just remaining cautious and/or skeptical, and rightfully so. I also don't think the TR fanbase in general is quite used to the idea of
TR mobile games just yet.

VictorXD 23-11-20 17:42

I loved that trailer, the art style is really cute and the sounds, enemies, the Scion... that was all pure nostalgia.

I'm really curious to see more of this, and while I am getting kind of tired of classic Lara only being side lined to small/mobile games whose gameplay is nothing like classic TR, it is still appreciated that they are doing this. I am worried about it being free to play though...

Also, why is everyone assuming this is a TR1 reimagining? Is it just because of the Scion?

Raider8 23-11-20 17:44

Wowh...I'm so glad!!! finally some form of acknowledgement from Square. And it having the iconic classic lara. Just loved how it started with the duals. This makes me think things are being cooked for the 25th anniversary. OMG YASSS. :D

Chamayoo 23-11-20 17:46


Originally Posted by Tombraider95 (Post 8254834)
The dislikes would still be there because people want more for classic Tomb Raider, not just stuck in a free mobile game. The trailer does look awesome though, but could be misleading. We'll see!

I hope people would ignore if so. I know TRF, some people will say : "such bad publicity, the classic legacy is ruined, no one cares about classics except the fanbase !!"
Hope I'm wrong but I have popcorns by any chance. 🍿

Yuna´s Wish 23-11-20 17:47


Originally Posted by Raider8 (Post 8254838)
Just loved how it started with the duals. This makes me think things are being cooked for the 25th anniversary.

Same thought. As if the duals opening the teaser had a higher purpose.

JsotoTRSaga 23-11-20 17:48


Originally Posted by Chamayoo (Post 8254839)
I hope people would ignore if so. I know TRF, some people will say : "such bad publicity, the classic legacy is ruined, no one cares about classics except the fanbase !!"
Hope I'm wrong but I have popcorns by any chance. ��

Oh yes the reboot cultists always use these incredibly weak arguments. Hopefully they are ignored.

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