Originally Posted by Valentino
(Post 6634124)
Its so good to see Legend love. I'm playing it right now. And my god i've only just realised how beautiful the manor is. I've always thought it was nice. But in the courtyard I looked around and saw things I never noticed before. Like the pink sky and sunlight lighting up the manor roof. Gorgeous. And actualy I went back so many pages in the Legend section and laughed at how many people were saying they loved Zip and Alistar (even saying Alistar was the best character in the game) but then for no reason there were threads when Underworld came along to get rid of them.... we're so contradictive its annoying. Just waiting to see threads about people bashing characters in the new TR after it gets released.
Well it deserves it! And yeah I like to sit around and notice stuff, especially in the manor! Legend's manor was far the best, design-wise, but it was, unfortunately, not as nice as TR2 and TR3 manor, if it was more explorable I'd spent hours just running around the manor.
Haters will always exist, you can either choose to ignore them or give them death threats from the bottom of your heart. Personaally, I think that the first one is less painful for everyone :tmb: .
Originally Posted by Valentino
(Post 6634189)
Omg why would you that D: So you'r not going to wait to play the game yourself? I hope your not going to be one of the ones who say it was easy because you knew what to do already
They mean that they won't have the money by the time the game comes out, and to be honest....
Originally Posted by Mikky
(Post 6634198)
I actually might end up watching it on youtube. I may not even be able to play the game on my PC, and there's no way in hell I'm going to wait to get a PS3 or 360. :p
... I'll propably get the game at least three weeks after release and while I'll try to resist watching, I'll end up doing so anyway so yeah... :p , not to mention that I'm gonna be reading every single spoiler that is posted around here xD .
Originally Posted by Valentino
(Post 6634211)
In single player, we have skins right (how many have been confirmed and shown btw?) I'm wondering if CD are going down the root and letting us play as other characters seeing as they have the other character models for multiplayer.
I'd actually love it if they released the other characters for Single player, they HAVE to!
I was wondering, since the game will not contain seperate levels, will it be seperated in chapters or missions or what? Any ideas :) ?