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larafan25 15-02-12 18:21

Daniel Neuberger.

lcroft_lc 15-02-12 18:39

TR Facebook page:

The Tomb Raider branded Xbox 360s just arrived in the office! We’ll have them out to trivia winners this week. Aren’t they beautiful?

Sorry, these aren’t for sale, but we’ll offer up a few more as prizes throughout the year. :)

larafan25 15-02-12 18:42

Those should be for sale, I'd buy one, and the TRU DLC. :cool:

skylark1121 15-02-12 18:43

I need one of those. :_)

jhs270694 15-02-12 19:06

wow, ubisoft just announced they will release ACIII October 30th (dunno if its worldwide release date or regional), they work pretty fast considering they only released AC Revelations a couple of months ago. i feel like they rush the AC series but the games they release feel so polished IMO. it's hard to believe they have been making ACIII for 3 years while simultaneously building Brotherhood and Revelations respectively, they must work overtime LOL.

I wish CD would work at least as competent as them (karl needs to lay of a few beers LOL). dont get me wrong i Love CD, but their pace is slower than turtles these days that's its almost frustrating. :pi:

Linoshi Croft 15-02-12 19:11


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5978262)
but the games they release feel so polished IMO.

Did you play Revelations :eek:

jhs270694 15-02-12 19:13

yep, on the xbox though (if that makes a difference). lol im not stating a matter of fact, just opinion :)

Linoshi Croft 15-02-12 19:14


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5978281)
yep, on the xbox though

...Yes, I played it on the xbox also and it was completely unpolished and glithchy IMO :/ I fell through the map on numerous occasions.

jhs270694 15-02-12 19:16

no game is perfect, its bound to have one flaw or another. tbh i came across one but it was the last one. i got stuck in a bush on masyaf (first level) lmao i couldnt get out ezio just kept floating. AC isnt really known to have significant glitches. AC1 had hilarious glitches though LOL

i remember playing tomb raider underworld, lara was just invisible. she was there but i couldnt see her lol. the mission was when lara wants to get back the first of thors gauntlets from that ship which amanda was on (while laras in the tomb). i cant remember proper now, havnt played for a long time.

Rai 15-02-12 19:39

Those Xbox 360s look amazing.

Edit: (took me a while to take this in) Finally the 'fun info', whoo! Probably. :p

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