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Lukass 28-02-12 18:47



larafan25 28-02-12 18:52


Originally Posted by Sir Croft (Post 6005344)
Every fan base will assume things, doesn't mean they should post whatever they want.
When he tweets about the new website being delivered, no one will ever think that he would tweet about something as irrelevant as the website being done but not ready to go live. Nobody wants to know about that ****.
But now we know that Karl tweets about irrelevant stuff, so... that's a lesson.

Yes it is, a lesson.

Never ever...just...

no, information is pointless until it's information...yes.


Lukass 28-02-12 18:53


Stevo505 28-02-12 22:55


Originally Posted by Sir Croft (Post 6005344)
Every fan base will assume things, doesn't mean they should post whatever they want.
When he tweets about the new website being delivered, no one will ever think that he would tweet about something as irrelevant as the website being done but not ready to go live. Nobody wants to know about that ****.
But now we know that Karl tweets about irrelevant stuff, so... that's a lesson.

Oh please. It doesn't have to be relevant to us when it's posted on Karl's account. That's HIS twitter, not Tomb Raider's.

Sir Croft 29-02-12 02:20


Originally Posted by Stevo505 (Post 6005944)
Oh please. It doesn't have to be relevant to us when it's posted on Karl's account. That's HIS twitter, not Tomb Raider's.

The momment he uses HIS twitter account to relay information about the game, your argument ceases to be valid.

larafan25 29-02-12 03:06

^Good point, also, didn't he address Tomb Raider fans?

edit: Nope, he didn't...:/

lcroft_lc 29-02-12 13:01

Posted these two question on official forum for March Q&A session, though I am pretty much sure they will not be picked up. :o


Question 1: Could this Tomb Raider engine last long and compete with the next-gen game in near future?

Question 2: Will there be any innovative genre-defining elements in Tomb Raider?

Lukass 29-02-12 13:09

This is my question and I'm 100% sure it will not be picked up neither ;____;


I'd like to know whether we'll be able to see Lara's whole body during the gameplay like in previous games or just half of her body like most of the time in the E3 demo? I'm asking, because it's hard for me (and not only for me I believe) to make a jump when I can't see the character's feet and I think it's odd to change camera view angle before every jump.

lcroft_lc 29-02-12 13:12

I wish I could write good English like you. :o :(

just*raidin*tomb 29-02-12 18:08

You're all crazy. :/

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