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Lukass 06-03-12 09:16

^ I don't mind the waiting (I do, but not THAT much). All I want is them to confirm or deny if they're showing TR at GDC. Looks like there are more important things than give the fans clear information. For example playing games.

Charlie91 06-03-12 09:39


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6019749)
^ I don't mind the waiting (I do, but not THAT much). All I want is them to confirm or deny if they're showing TR at GDC. Looks like there are more important things than give the fans clear information. For example playing games.

I think they will show something but maybe not for all watchers. I'm unsure about what they are doing there, I couldn't find them in the list of exhibitors but they tweeted that they will go there. At least I saw on twitter that M.M. is going to met there with Katie Fleming (and I hope we will hear something from her...).

Lukass 06-03-12 09:46

It would be nice, indeed. But I doubt she's allowed to share anything with us :wve:

Charlie91 06-03-12 10:08


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6019810)
It would be nice, indeed. But I doubt she's allowed to share anything with us :wve:

That's what I'm afraid of.

tampi 06-03-12 10:28

Apple has a quite secretive marketing strategy and its success can not be questioned.
I keep reading a lot of messages against the strategy CD are following in this game.
We should wait to see how this is planned. We all have nerves and we want to know things about the new game, obviously but I'm sure CD are the most forward have to show it. Is their work! Do you think that they have no desire to show what they are doing?

Well, just a thought.:p

Lukass 06-03-12 10:41


Originally Posted by tampi (Post 6019864)
Do you think that they have no desire to show what they are doing?

If they had, they would show us something ;)

Also just a thought :p

tampi 06-03-12 10:47

What for? To get an image burned ten months before we can play it?
I do not see the need.

Lukass 06-03-12 10:49

Why some of you keep thinking that revealing some images or info would mean spoiling the game? :confused:
If they'd show us 3-4 screenshots from unseen area, it wouldn't hurt them.

leglion 06-03-12 10:55

I'll wait until their ready. Otherwise well have people bitching when the pretty flower doesn't make it into the game. :rolleyes:

tampi 06-03-12 10:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6019892)
Why some of you keep thinking that revealing some images or info would mean spoiling the game? :confused:
If they'd show us 3-4 screenshots from unseen area, it wouldn't hurt them.

There may be many reasons.
For example. We know that she "grows" during this adventure. If they show a more advanced stage of the game, inevitably we will see how the process affects her. Then the surprise of her evolution is lost.

I must go out

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