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Vinkula 27-05-13 09:20


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6800419)
No, I mean, there are some moments when I was like "old Lara! " but she doesn't have that fierce look on her face. Maybe it's because she's all innocent and everything but she still has a baby face, no matter how hardened she becomes it will still be there!

Should be she look like a dryed skeleton like in Underworld? >_>* xDDD
(tho Underworld Lara is dayuuum aswell imo xD)

*no triangle bewbz for ya.

LNSNHGTDS 27-05-13 09:23


Originally Posted by Vinkula (Post 6800420)
Should be she look like a dryed skeleton like in Underworld? >_>* xDDD
(tho Underworld Lara is dayuuum aswell imo xD)

*no triangle bewbz for ya.

I always found Legend Lara the most beautiful, followed by Underworld Lara and (don't kill me people) AoD Lara.

To me, the "true" Lara is Legend Lara with the Classic outfit on.

Vinkula 27-05-13 09:25


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6800422)
I always found Legend Lara the most beautiful, followed by Underworld Lara and (don't kill me people) AoD Lara.

To me, the "true" Lara is Legend Lara with the Classic outfit on.

Yusss, Legend Lara <33 What a sexy chic :P

hayden 27-05-13 10:04


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6800422)
I always found Legend Lara the most beautiful, followed by Underworld Lara and (don't kill me people) AoD Lara.

To me, the "true" Lara is Legend Lara with the Classic outfit on.

AoD Lara <3

Caesum 27-05-13 10:50

Underworld Lara doesn't count as classic Lara. She counts as one of thralls though.

And I pretty much liked the look of the newest Lara. She indeed did lack that fierce look, but it can be forgiven as it's her first adventure. Let's hope her new "I'mtoomentallyweaktodothingsIlikesoI'lljustfindan excusetoridetombs" behaviour will change that some day.

spyrostr 27-05-13 12:27

Outline of Results Briefing by SQUARE ENIX HOLDINGS held on May 13, 2013
page 4 and 5

In the fiscal year ended March 2013, we released the major titles including "SleepingDogs," "Hitman," and "Tomb Raider." These titles were lauded by the industry from a creative perspective, achieved very high levels of quality, and I believe that we achieved our primary goal of both reinvigorating existing IPs and creating new IPs.
However,from the perspective of profitability,there was tremendous competition from many other strong titles, and with the diverse amount of entertainment options available, customers have become more selective,resulting in this disappointing outcome.
As a result, as explained earlier with respect to the Income
Statement,the 'Provision for Allowance for Sales Returns' and 'Advertising Expenses' increased, and even though development expenses were covered,these titles did not sufficiently contribute to profits. I believe that this situation is not a one‐time event for the fiscal year ended March 2013, but is a structural issue within the packaged product sales model. As a result, I believe it is difficult to guarantee an appropriate return on our investments within the revenue model of purely packaged
In particular, net sales to customers is a critical metric (net sales being the actual number of units sold at the retail level beyond the number of sales to the distribution network), and we have seen significant degradation in results. In the packaged sales business, very strong competition in the
market place has resulted in pricing methods such as price protection (costs incurred to maintain pricing) and back‐end rebates(sales incentives) growing in increased importance, and creating a critical increase in pricing method costs.
Furthermore, in the Western markets, while it was assumed that products could be sold across relatively long‐term horizons, as a glut of major titles came into the market,sales opportunities and periods tightened, and this caused a critical increase in advertisement spend to lift initial shipments.
page 9

Of course, we will continue to investin flagship titles that showcase our technological prowess, pursuing high‐end game quality, and which can earn profits on a global basis. Regarding a number of these types of titles, we will share information with everyone atthis year's E3
Our strategy of
selling AAA titles of 10 IPs around the globe has implicitly assumed Hollywood‐style cinematic major games centered on single‐player experiences.Going forward, I think it is necessary to review the definition of "AAA Title," and we need to pursue a new type of blockbuster title, in addition to the
conventional‐type of blockbusters.
We have only just started reforming along the three points I mentioned above,so at this point, I can't speak about specific titles. But we are determined to solidly implement these initiatives.

tomee 27-05-13 16:43

So having got the last achievement in MP, I finally started my second playthrough yesterday and I'm still loving the game a lot.

A lot of people said how they didn't enjoy the game for the second time, and I was afraid I wouldn't either, but I really do. But now I have to study stupid Physics. T_T

Melonie Tomb Raider 27-05-13 16:47


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6800409)
No it's not a joke because she is the main reason Lara looks like a teenage boy and a monkey!

She doesn't look like a boy or a monkey. If anything she may be a little too pretty!

Do you remember what classic Lara looked like? Much more boyish :p

Which isn't bad. I don't want Lara to be too glamorous. They over did her glamor in TRL and TRU imo, especially in TRU where she looked like she was addicted to plastic surgery :S

LNSNHGTDS 27-05-13 16:49


Originally Posted by Melonie Tomb Raider (Post 6800635)
She doesn't look like a boy or a monkey. If anything she may be a little too pretty!

Do you remember what classic Lara looked like? Much more boyish :p

Which isn't bad. I don't want Lara to be too glamorous. They over did her glamor in TRL and TRU imo, especially in TRU where she looked like she was addicted to plastic surgery :S

Well, I don't see it that way :p , and I don't really think Classic Lara looked boyish, she looked feminine.

SKing 27-05-13 17:39

So I watched Pokemon movie the other day (is a great film, don't judge me :p) and I realized:

Is similar to


The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.
Something random :p

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