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Lukass 28-04-12 21:15

^ I don't get it.

Weemanply109 28-04-12 21:22

Tbh, over the past year I haven't really been excited for Tomb Raider, I never really thought about it. I had other things to care about, tbh and the lack of media and the crappy discussions in this sub-forum wasn't really enticing, so I strayed away from this sub-forum and just got on with it, but recently I've been more excited than I was previously, just because I've realised how close it all is.

Hopefully this **** is worth the wait.

Let's talk about, stuff...

NRO. 28-04-12 21:22

It just sounded dirty to me. Anyhow, I think I blinded Karl.


“@SoniaIm: @CrystalDKarl just wait till they dilate your pupils O_O”.......just did it!!!!! I'm blind.... Holding phone arms length to type

motoleo 28-04-12 21:31

It's like when they decide to make a movie. A small portion of the population knows and cares about the fact that the project was "green lighted" and that "it's in preproduction"...

But I think that of the news we've recieved so far is just general information not meant to span far out across the landscape. Why would you want the people who are spending money on this game wait this long? You wouldn't.

Suffice it to say that the current info we have is "for the tech geeks".

Journal 28-04-12 22:21


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6138001)
Tbh, over the past year I haven't really been excited for Tomb Raider, I never really thought about it. I had other things to care about, tbh and the lack of media and the crappy discussions in this sub-forum wasn't really enticing, so I strayed away from this sub-forum and just got on with it, but recently I've been more excited than I was previously, just because I've realised how close it all is.

Hopefully this **** is worth the wait.

Let's talk about, stuff...

I agree. I'm not sure what it is, but during the countdown for Underworld I would visit the forums everyday and the tiniest release of information would explode into a (good) discussion, and I'd just get excited counting down the days. I don't know why I haven't got as excited about the latest reboot, but it might help as the wait for Underworld was agonising, hopefully this game will pop up and be a pleasant surprise.

Tonyrobinson 29-04-12 00:44

Wow, there's gonna be a new Tomb Raider, I'd forgotten there for a minute. :rolleyes:

Lukass 29-04-12 00:57


Originally Posted by Tonyrobinson (Post 6138305)
Wow, there's gonna be a new Tomb Raider, I'd forgotten there for a minute. :rolleyes:

:vlol:! You're certainly not alone. There's a small bunch of people who know about the game, but the rest of the world probably forgot about it.

Rai 29-04-12 01:46

So, I just tweeted Karl with:

Do you think it'll work?

larafan25 29-04-12 01:50

I hope so! <3

princebenidere 29-04-12 02:02

time and days flies fast its 33 days to E3

of course its fast for me coz i have a life and a two job and some extra curricular activities that keep me going without hyping myself and creating overlapping to over copied thread title that lead to arguments etc

an hour is much more longer if you count it using seconds

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