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Lukass 03-05-12 19:36


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6147431)

Tomb Raider is the largest one on that E3 banner. :)

I'm so pumped right now!

Mikky 03-05-12 19:37


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6147431)

Tomb Raider is the largest one on that E3 banner. :)

OMG, stop the presses.

just*raidin*tomb 03-05-12 19:37


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6147433)
WQT Erhg


iT'S A NEW FREAKING rendar! :eek:

jk every1.

Whe- oh white text.

Gamd1011 03-05-12 19:42


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6147433)

It really is sad that I knew it was a lie right away...:(

larafan25 03-05-12 19:44


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6147458)
It really is sad that I knew it was a lie right away...:(

Me too. :(

But soon we'll have giant new renders from E3. I think...

xLara_Nathanx 03-05-12 19:45

So uh... QUESTION!!1!1

Do we actually know where TR will get shown? I mean, the E3 press conferences. Sony or Microsoft? Or what?

The1andOnlyTR 03-05-12 19:50

If TOMB RAIDER doesn't own E3 I'm gonna cry.. Hahaha.

NRO. 03-05-12 19:52

If they don't reveal the VA before E3 I'm going to slap Karl and steal Darrell from his other half.

larafan25 03-05-12 19:53

So...we expect the combat system to be different right?

I mean...stealth...manual aim...

I expect people to be surprised.

Mikky 03-05-12 19:59

^ I doubt it will be anything we haven't seen before in any other game.


Originally Posted by NRO. (Post 6147513)
If they don't reveal the VA before E3 I'm going to slap Karl and steal Darrell from his other half.

I think it would be a bit stupid of them to reveal it at E3 because people would just be so focused on other stuff about the game, but at the same time I can't imagine them revealing it any other way. Either way, I think they've milked this whole VA thing too much already and I've kinda stopped caring.

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