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TRexbait 02-02-12 02:04

The jacket isn't comfort. You WILL die without one of the temperature is below freezing.

Lukass 02-02-12 02:07

Right, I'm not arguing anymore.

larafan25 02-02-12 02:08

I'll never understand this forum .

Lukass 02-02-12 02:09


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950438)
I'll never understand this forum .


larafan25 02-02-12 02:11


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950441)

I just,'s one of the many mysteries to me spawned by my time spent on this forum...

Why aren't you arguing anymore? Why does it need to be said that way?

Was anyone going to win or was there even a place to be won?

Lukass 02-02-12 02:14


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950442)
I just,'s one of the many mysteries to me spawned by my time spent on this forum...

Why aren't you arguing anymore? Why does it need to be said that way?

Was anyone going to win or was there even a place to be won?

You're right. I would like to discuss. But..

1) My English is still rubbish and I just can't express myself as well as I would like to.

2) I know this forum well and I also know that almost every discussion ends as a pointless argument (over ****) of people who should be friends as we are all TR fan and looking forward the new game and desperately need news. News always makes us all friends again.

larafan25 02-02-12 02:17


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950446)
You're right. I would like to discuss. But..

1) My English is still rubbish and I just can't express myself as well as I would like to.

2) I know this forum well and I also know that almost every discussion ends as a pointless argument (over ****) of people who should be friends as we are all TR fan and looking forward the new game and desperately need news. News always makes us all friends again.

Disagreements shouldn't ruin any sense of friendship, it's only the mean stuff or the rude stuff which should.

You can always treat someone (in general not you specifically) nicely while arguing with them, no matter how stubborn the point seems.

And TBH I've been told and it's been implied that my English is **** (lol that's the only language I know, so I'm clearly doomed) yet I can still understand what everyone here says and for that reason I often forget that others may not have English as a first language.

Lukass 02-02-12 02:23


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950447)
Disagreements shouldn't ruin any sense of friendship, it's only the mean stuff or the rude stuff which should.

You can always treat someone (in general not you specifically) nicely while arguing with them, no matter how stubborn the point seems.

And TBH I've been told and it's been implied that my English is **** (lol that's the only language I know, so I'm clearly doomed) yet I can still understand what everyone here says and for that reason I often forget that others may not have English as a first language.

Even if we were discussing whether she needs the jacket or not it would be endless discussion because none of us want to change opinion. I said I'd like to see her wearing shorts and warm clothes but it doesn't fit in the game story etc. I'm not against it, I just don't see it happen.

larafan25 02-02-12 02:26


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950457)
Even if we were discussing whether she needs the jacket or not it would be endless discussion because none of us want to change opinion. I said I'd like to see her wearing shorts and warm clothes but it doesn't fit in the game story etc. I'm not against it, I just don't see it happen.

I'm not against her wearing a jacket or not, I don't give a crap really.

But it seems like a fact that in order to survive cold temperatures, you'd need a jacket. Therefore an argument stating the game is about survival and not comfort doesn't make much sense when the jacket is realistically the key to her survival and not just a luxury.

But of course for CD to not give the opportunity of a jacket, that would lend itself to a more emotional display of Lara freezing (regardless of how realistic the scenario may be) and would simply play up on her emotions and how we feel for the character.

Lukass 02-02-12 02:31


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950464)
I'm not against her wearing a jacket or not, I don't give a crap really.

But it seems like a fact that in order to survive cold temperatures, you'd need a jacket. Therefore an argument stating the game is about survival and not comfort doesn't make much sense when the jacket is realistically the key to her survival and not just a luxury.

But of course for CD to not give the opportunity of a jacket, that would lend itself to a more emotional display of Lara freezing (regardless of how realistic the scenario may be) and would simply play up on her emotions and how we feel for the character.

I remember Karl said that her clothes will be changing during the gameplay. I'm not sure if he meant like the main outfit will be dirty, wet, ripped or if she'll also wear something else and not just the main outfit. It's hard to tell because he's always speaking "between the lines".

larafan25 02-02-12 02:36


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950472)
I remember Karl said that her clothes will be changing during the gameplay. I'm not sure if he meant like the main outfit will be dirty, wet, ripped or if she'll also wear something else and not just the main outfit. It's hard to tell because he's always speaking "between the lines".

I don't think he's purposely speaking between the lines, I just think he has more important things to think about and TBH we're the only ones trying to dig to the bottom of every word he says.

We know Lara's outfit will evolve over the course of the story as in wounds will heal (story wounds) and some may have a permanent appearance or may last longer than other. We know she'll get muddy, wet, and bloody in gameplay and that some will wash off and others will not. We know that she'll look different by the end of the game, having all of her tools attached to her.

I don't think it's news that Lara may wear a jacket at some point, because that's just random **** you find out when you play the game, like most of the stuff TR fans are accustomed to hearing about before release. Something new is the fact that CD don't want to just tell us about stuff, no matter how insignificant it may seem to us, because it's all part of the game and it's all somewhat valuable and therefore is considered a spoiler. We should just wait and see.

Lukass 02-02-12 02:41


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950479)
I don't think he's purposely speaking between the lines, I just think he has more important things to think about and TBH we're the only ones trying to dig to the bottom of every word he says.

We know Lara's outfit will evolve over the course of the story as in wounds will heal (story wounds) and some may have a permanent appearance or may last longer than other. We know she'll get muddy, wet, and bloody in gameplay and that some will wash off and others will not. We know that she'll look different by the end of the game, having all of her tools attached to her.

I don't think it's news that Lara may wear a jacket at some point, because that's just random **** you find out when you play the game, like most of the stuff TR fans are accustomed to hearing about before release. Something new is the fact that CD don't want to just tell us about stuff, no matter how insignificant it may seem to us, because it's all part of the game and it's all somewhat valuable and therefore is considered a spoiler. We should just wait and see.

I refuse to think that if they said something about enemies or show us two three screens from unseen area that it would be a spoiler. It is the highest time to start promoting the game with news, real news and I hope that what's coming this month is not something stupid and silly. Yes, we still will see something at GDC, but c'mon it's over a year since we got proper info. :-/

larafan25 02-02-12 02:43


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950488)
I refuse to think that if they said something about enemies or show us two three screens from unseen area that it would be a spoiler. It is the highest time to start promoting the game with news, real news and I hope that what's coming this month is not something stupid and silly. Yes, we still will see something at GDC, but c'mon it's over a year since we got proper info. :-/

I don't think we'll see something at GDC.

Lukass 02-02-12 02:44


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950491)
I don't think we'll see something at GDC.

Why? :-/

Spong 02-02-12 02:45


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950488)
I refuse to think that if they said something about enemies or show us two three screens from unseen area that it would be a spoiler. It is the highest time to start promoting the game with news, real news and I hope that what's coming this month is not something stupid and silly. Yes, we still will see something at GDC, but c'mon it's over a year since we got proper info. :-/

I like you. You make me chuckle :tmb::D

larafan25 02-02-12 02:45


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950492)
Why? :-/

Because in the last podcast it really seemed as though they're GDC priority was going to be hiring for new IP, and maybe (if I recall it was a maybe) showing TR behind closed doors.

just*raidin*tomb 02-02-12 02:47


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950488)
I refuse to think that if they said something about enemies or show us two three screens from unseen area that it would be a spoiler. It is the highest time to start promoting the game with news, real news and I hope that what's coming this month is not something stupid and silly. Yes, we still will see something at GDC, but c'mon it's over a year since we got proper info. :-/

I honestly don't think we will want be getting anything substantial until perhaps a week or two before E3.

Lukass 02-02-12 02:48


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950494)
Because in the last podcast it really seemed as though they're GDC priority was going to be hiring for new IP, and maybe (if I recall it was a maybe) showing TR behind closed doors.

Behind closed doors? It's ridiculous! We are 8-9 moths from the game release. :-/ That just won't happen!

larafan25 02-02-12 02:50


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 5950500)
I honestly don't think we will want be getting anything substantial until perhaps a week or two before E3.

I feel like we'll open E3 with a gameplay trailer (lol of course the early 2012 gamemplay trailer) and then have a demo of combat.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950503)
Behind closed doors? It's ridiculous! We are 8-9 moths from the game release. :-/ That just won't happen!

I'll re-listen to the podcast and find out what exactly was said.

Lukass 02-02-12 02:52

Didn't they say they'll reveal the gameplay trailer in early 2012? Or is it just me? :confused:

larafan25 02-02-12 02:54


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950507)
Didn't they say they'll reveal the gameplay trailer in early 2012? Or is it just me? :confused:

Yes I believe it was said to be a gameplay trailer early this year.

1st by Karl in an interview as a response to the leaked hub footage, I think.

2nd from someone who went to the Germany meeting.

Lukass 02-02-12 02:55

Yay then I guess.

larafan25 02-02-12 02:57

But I don't see it happening.


Although CD could just be lying about tons of **** on purpose so they don't spoil stuff.

Lukass 02-02-12 02:59

Why you don't see it happening? Isn't now the best time for it?

Spong 02-02-12 03:00


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950514)
Although CD could just be lying about tons of **** on purpose so they don't spoil stuff.

Like they did with Underworld, except that wasn't Crystal trying to not spoil stuff, they actually meant it. Day & night cycles, dynamic weather effecting gameplay, only 50% explored on first playthough. I could go on...


Lukass 02-02-12 03:01

So true :-/

larafan25 02-02-12 03:01


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950516)
Why you don't see it happening? Isn't now the best time for it?

I'm sorry I'm dying laughing right now...

Karl's mention of Uncharted in the podcast is soo awkward and sticks out like a swore thumb.../death....

But TBH...I would love a trailer now, but I think right before E3 would be good too.

Although I really want one now (as in March) that we can dissect until E3.


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5950517)
Like they did with Underworld, except that wasn't Crystal trying to not spoil stuff, they actually meant it. Day & night cycles, dynamic weather effecting gameplay, only 50% explored on first playthough. I could go on...


Day and night cycles? You could go on but not prove it too well. Not to mention dynamic weather is a matter of actual name or description. The changing weather conditions throughout the game and in Mexico would evoke "dynamic" regardless of it actually being a dynamic system.

Spong 02-02-12 03:05

^Crystal screwed up the PR for Underworld with a load of out-and-out BS and, to top it off, the game sucked anyway. Get over it, stop trying to defend it or Crystal :ton:


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950520)
But TBH...I would love a trailer now, but I think right before E3 would be better.

It makes more sense to release a trailer when there's generally more buzz in the gaming world. Chatter about E3 goes on for a long while after the show's over, and TR could ride that wave quite happily. Releasing a trailer now would make a splash, but in a fortnight no one (except us nerds) will really remember it.

larafan25 02-02-12 03:07


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5950523)
^Crystal screwed up the PR for Underworld with a load of out-and-out BS and, to top it off, the game sucked anyway. Get over it :ton:

It makes more sense to release a trailer when there's generally more buzz in the gaming world. Chatter about E3 goes on for a long while after the show's over, and TR could ride that wave quite happily. Releasing a trailer now would make a splash, but in a fortnight no one (except us nerds) will really remember it.

GDC is in March and it's big enough for trailer releases, sooo...

Spong 02-02-12 03:10


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950525)
GDC is in March and it's big enough for trailer releases, sooo...

But that's a conference, not a show. I imagine anything happening there will be low-key and on a corporate level, nothing really for the general public. We might get a bit of written info or maybe some screens, but I don't think a new trailer will happen until E3.

larafan25 02-02-12 03:12


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 5950527)
But that's a conference, not a show. I imagine anything happening there will be low-key and on a corporate level, nothing really for the general public. We might get a bit of written info or maybe some screens, but I don't think a new trailer will happen until E3.


I still want it now though, and that doesn't stop other people from launching trailers there.

Spong 02-02-12 03:16


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950530)
I still want it now though...

Bless :p


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950530)
...that doesn't stop other people from launching trailers there.

It's all down to the individual developers/publishers and how much they feel they need to push their titles. I think SquEnix/Crystal/TR9 can afford to not really chase attention at the conference. They could, but I don't think they need to.

larafan25 02-02-12 03:24

^Well if they needed attention it would probably best to just go with showing a trailer before E3, and go out with a bang instead of a fizzle.



"Our primary outlet for GDC is going to be recruiting hardcore." - Meagan Marie

Spong 02-02-12 03:25


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950541)
"Our primary outlet for GDC is going to be recruiting hardcore." - Meagan Marie

Does she mean porn? :confused:

larafan25 02-02-12 03:25

No. :/

Lukass 02-02-12 03:28


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5950541)

"Our primary outlet for GDC is going to be recruiting hardcore." - Meagan Marie

Good to know! I'm going to PrintScreen this as an evidence she said it, just in case they would say that anything like that was said. :p

larafan25 02-02-12 03:30


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950546)
Good to know! I'm going to PrintScreen this as an evidence she said it, just in case they would say that anything like that was said. :p

"We miight be showing something behind closed doors" - Karl Stewart speaking about PAX.

Whenever and whatever the **** that is. :/

edit: PAX Prime is usually on Labour Day weekend which is apparently in ****ing March bitches! Chances of leleaks!

Lukass 02-02-12 03:31

****! :-/

larafan25 02-02-12 03:33


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5950548)
****! :-/

PAX is in March though, so maybe something will leak and maybe it will be soon. :pi:

Lukass 02-02-12 03:37

Doubt anything will leak again. I bet they are extra careful now.

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