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Adrenaline 05-02-12 15:53


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 5957872)
Meagan, when we gonna get that fun new info! :pi:

Yeah!, WHEN!?!!!?!

Mikky 05-02-12 16:09

What does everyone think of having difficulty options? Like, Easy, Normal and Hard?

In the trilogy, to be completely honest, I could not tell the difference between the three; they all seemed like Easy to me. I would prefer if there were no options at all and CD put everything into consideration and at the same time make a challenging game. But if they were to put difficulty options, I would like there to be noticeable and distinguishable differences in the game's difficulty as opposed to just the enemies having a bigger health gauge and Lara being a teeny bit weaker.

So, I came up with system that might work, if CD are bothered to do it, which they won't be, but it's nice to dream. ^_^

Easy Mode: Lara is stronger and enemies are weaker, but noticeably so compared to other modes. Same for the other modes - noticeable differences is the key. The QTEs take hardly any effort and time to complete. "Puzzles" (I use quotations because apparently puzzles won't be traditional and involve the environment and all that) are easier to do compared to the other modes, as in they will be modified and less challenging - for the casual gamer who just wants to enjoy the game and get on with it. Even if the puzzles involve the level itself and everything around it, modifying something in a room or two can be done. Just look at GoL with the single and 2 player mode - single player puzzles were modified to fit just one player. I know it's not eaxctly the same thing, but it shows that, if CD are bothered, it can be done.
The Survival Instinct is an option.

Normal Mode: For a casual gamer who wants a challenge. This mode would kinda be like the "norm"; what you'd expect from a normal mode in game. Lara is weaker than Easy but stronger than Hard, the enemies will be average; they're challenging but not too challenging to defeat, the QTEs will be more challenging than easy, but not too hard etc. You get the idea.
But they'd really need to get the puzzles right on this - make them challenging but not so that the player will get frustrated. But getting stuck once or twice is okay because SI will also be an option.

Hard Mode: The ultimate mode for the hard-core gamer. Lara's is weaker and takes more damage from hits, enemies will be harder and take longer to defeat. QTEs are challenging and take effort. Since this mode would really be for the ultimate TR fan and hard core gamer, the puzzles will be really hard and take a lot of thinking and time. If you can't go hard, then go home. And Survival Instinct won't be an option. :D

So, that's my idea. But like I said, I would prefer it if there weren't difficulty options, but if there were, this is how it should be. :D

klona 05-02-12 16:22

^ I want that.

Mikky 05-02-12 16:23


Besides, it would add a loooot of reply value. :D

Phlip 05-02-12 16:24

I always thought Normal mode was pointless and made the differences indistinguishable. This is how it should be:

Hard: Collectable limited save crystals, stronger enemies, health packs restore health at a lower rate, the camera does not show you what door you opened after pulling a lever.

Casual: None of the above.

Mikky 05-02-12 16:26

lol, Save Crystals. Stop living in the past. :ton:

That thing you said about the camera, I think it should be like TRU - you can skip that little sequence by pressing the cancel button.

Phlip 05-02-12 16:29


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5957945)
lol, Save Crystals. Stop living in the past. :ton:

That thing you said about the camera, I think it should be like TRU - you can skip that little sequence by pressing the cancel button.

It's not about living in the past, it would add difficulty. :confused: just because it's used before doesn't mean I'm living in the past by suggesting it again.

Yes you could just skip it but you'd still see it, and have the option, so hard mode should remove it completely.

Mikky 05-02-12 16:33


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 5957951)
It's not about living in the past, it would add difficulty. :confused: just because it's used before doesn't mean I'm living in the past by suggesting it again.

Living. In. The. Past. :pi:


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 5957951)
Yes you could just skip it but you'd still see it, and have the option, so hard mode should remove it completely.

I agree with you to some extent, but there might be cases that a lever opens a door far away and if the camera doesn't show you where, you could just wonder around aimlessly having no idea what happened. :p

Rai 05-02-12 16:39

@Mikky, I can't imagine how those modes could work in a game with gear gating and with Lara being weak[ish] in the beginning of the game and getting stronger/more 'survival' savvy as the game progresses. Isn't the idea of the hint icons/survival instinct meant to be geared more for the beginning of the game (and also the QTE's to some point) and will be a, switch off-able and b, less needed and visible as the game progresses. I like the idea behind different difficulty levels, I just can't see how they're workable in the game as it is. Especially with the idea of hard mode being for 'the ultimate TR' when we're supposed to be following Lara's progress, so to speak.

leglion 05-02-12 16:41

^ Same as always, On harder modes you get hurt more whether it be through environmental injury or enemy injury.

Mikky 05-02-12 16:50


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 5957979)
@Mikky, I can't imagine how those modes could work in a game with gear gating and with Lara being weak[ish] in the beginning of the game and getting stronger/more 'survival' savvy as the game progresses. Isn't the idea of the hint icons/survival instinct meant to be geared more for the beginning of the game (and also the QTE's to some point) and will be a, switch off-able and b, less needed and visible as the game progresses. I like the idea behind different difficulty levels, I just can't see how they're workable in the game as it is. Especially with the idea of hard mode being for 'the ultimate TR' when we're supposed to be following Lara's progress, so to speak.

I see what you mean, but just imagine that in Hard mode you'd have to work harder to progress. The puzzles and enemies don't have to super super hard at the beginning of the game, just harder than the Easy and Normal versions. Then as you continue, the puzzles and the game itself get more challenging. But in Easy mode, they can also get more challenging but not as much as the ones in Hard mode. I hope you understand what I'm saying. :p

Lukass 05-02-12 17:21


Originally Posted by TRexbait (Post 5957872)
Meagan, when we gonna get that fun new info! :pi:


larafan25 05-02-12 17:22

Oh, I forgot to mention that Meagan is at some sort of convention mid February for cosplay.

Mikky 05-02-12 17:23


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 5958089)
Oh, I forgot to mention that Meagan is at some sort of convention mid February for cosplay.

Aaaaaaaaand? :p

lcroft_lc 05-02-12 18:05


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5958091)
Aaaaaaaaand? :p

We are going to see more cosplay photo of her. :p

JsotoTRSaga 05-02-12 18:11

I wonder if she is the new VA.. or the new Lara for the Movie lol :p since she has done soo much Cosplays i wouldn't be Surprised. :p

Rai 05-02-12 18:15


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 5958197)
I wonder if she is the new VA.. or the new Lara for the Movie lol :p since she has done soo much Cosplays i wouldn't be Surprised. :p

She isn't the new VA, this is confirmed, besides which she's not British and it's confirmed the VA is. As for acting - I mean no disrespect to Meagan as she is a great cosplayer, but there's a big stretch going from being a cosplyer to being able to act the part in a movie.

Mikky 05-02-12 18:29


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5958182)
We are going to see more cosplay photo of her. :p

I don't see how that's related to TR2012, unless she's going to dress up as Lara. :p

Phlip 05-02-12 18:29

Will she be in LC cosplay?

larafan25 05-02-12 18:30


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 5958235)
Will she be in LC cosplay?


lcroft_lc 05-02-12 18:41


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5958234)
I don't see how that's related to TR2012, unless she's going to dress up as Lara. :p

Maybe she will announce Tomb Raider is going to be the Game of The Year this year. :jmp:

Here is her latest tweet-

Photo: Joining in on the Valentine’s Day fun, here is a card I made for my nerdy brethren last year. Click...

Mikky 05-02-12 18:50


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 5958274)
Maybe she will announce Tomb Raider is going to be the Game of The Year this year. :jmp:

Here is her latest tweet-

Wow, look at this picture of her:

She's smoking hawt. :cln:

But... *cough* back on topic. :pi:

Linoshi Croft 05-02-12 18:53

I want her ;___; ...I mean

jhs270694 05-02-12 19:01

Does lara like cats? hahahahaha what a pointless question. i couldn't resist because we just recently bought one 2 days ago. :D

Mikky 05-02-12 19:02

Well, according to Pierre, Lara's more of a dog person. :vlol:

JsotoTRSaga 05-02-12 19:03

Lol^, Let's not forget that Pierre is a Litter bug...__OMG Meagan's Picture, She surely is Hot and Sexy with all respect i say though. BTW What i said about Meagan being the VA or Lara in the movie was just a thought not Actually literal... it's just that CD have such an Ambitious Silence campaign that really makes me wonder and i just say... CD seriously... needs to come up with news this February 14th they Better do :mis: lol not even Core kept their mouth's shut for so much time :p

jhs270694 05-02-12 19:11


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5957901)
What does everyone think of having difficulty options? Like, Easy, Normal and Hard?

In the trilogy, to be completely honest, I could not tell the difference between the three; they all seemed like Easy to me. I would prefer if there were no options at all and CD put everything into consideration and at the same time make a challenging game. But if they were to put difficulty options, I would like there to be noticeable and distinguishable differences in the game's difficulty as opposed to just the enemies having a bigger health gauge and Lara being a teeny bit weaker.

So, I came up with system that might work, if CD are bothered to do it, which they won't be, but it's nice to dream. ^_^

Easy Mode: Lara is stronger and enemies are weaker, but noticeably so compared to other modes. Same for the other modes - noticeable differences is the key. The QTEs take hardly any effort and time to complete. "Puzzles" (I use quotations because apparently puzzles won't be traditional and involve the environment and all that) are easier to do compared to the other modes, as in they will be modified and less challenging - for the casual gamer who just wants to enjoy the game and get on with it. Even if the puzzles involve the level itself and everything around it, modifying something in a room or two can be done. Just look at GoL with the single and 2 player mode - single player puzzles were modified to fit just one player. I know it's not eaxctly the same thing, but it shows that, if CD are bothered, it can be done.
The Survival Instinct is an option.

Normal Mode: For a casual gamer who wants a challenge. This mode would kinda be like the "norm"; what you'd expect from a normal mode in game. Lara is weaker than Easy but stronger than Hard, the enemies will be average; they're challenging but not too challenging to defeat, the QTEs will be more challenging than easy, but not too hard etc. You get the idea.
But they'd really need to get the puzzles right on this - make them challenging but not so that the player will get frustrated. But getting stuck once or twice is okay because SI will also be an option.

Hard Mode: The ultimate mode for the hard-core gamer. Lara's is weaker and takes more damage from hits, enemies will be harder and take longer to defeat. QTEs are challenging and take effort. Since this mode would really be for the ultimate TR fan and hard core gamer, the puzzles will be really hard and take a lot of thinking and time. If you can't go hard, then go home. And Survival Instinct won't be an option. :D

So, that's my idea. But like I said, I would prefer it if there weren't difficulty options, but if there were, this is how it should be. :D

I prefer they did have an option TBH, and the way you described how the difficulty should effect the game mechanics is very relevant IMO. i can see the Xbox 360/PS3 having achievements/trophies for completing the story on hard mode as well, not that i care because i game mostly on my pc than my Xbox.

i don't want tomb raider turning into gta or assassins creed (both dont have any difficulty settings) although both games are great they get pretty boring if you want to redo the story. Having an option is better than having non imo, it doesn't really harm the experience. i love a challange, imagine ammo being scarce, food harder to find, the need to find water more often etc. it works for me.

One of the worst difficulty options of any campaign in a game was COD. OMG you got shot out of nowhere and in two bullets you were dead. your first reaction is frustration then your like WTF killed me or where did he come from? i agree a game should be 'Hard' but to an extent where you dont have to repeat a certian sequence atleast 10 times to pass through, the chances are your already fed up. have you guys notices in some games you could stream through the story on hard difficulty but at a certain area of the campaign it took you hours just to continue. COD is a perfect example of that.

Lukass 05-02-12 19:12


Originally Posted by jhs270694 (Post 5958325)
Does lara like cats? hahahahaha what a pointless question. i couldn't resist because we just recently bought one 2 days ago. :D

She certainly does. Look behind her right shoulder ;)

LOL the cat is like "soon" :vlol:

jhs270694 05-02-12 19:12


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5958328)
Well, according to Pierre, Lara's more of a dog person. :vlol:


Mikky 05-02-12 19:13

@Lukass I can't believe you noticed that picture, lol. :p

jhs270694 05-02-12 19:56


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5958339)
She certainly does. Look behind her right shoulder ;)

LOL the cat is like "soon" :vlol:

haha she actually has two posters of cats, the second one is next to her right hand side ear. it's hard to tell :ton:

Adrenaline 05-02-12 21:47


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5958339)
She certainly does. Look behind her right shoulder ;)

LOL the cat is like "soon" :vlol:

Soon? What you mean? XD

Lukass 05-02-12 22:18


Originally Posted by Adrenaline (Post 5958602)
Soon? What you mean? XD

Adrenaline 05-02-12 22:21


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5958339)
She certainly does. Look behind her right shoulder ;)

LOL the cat is like "soon" :vlol:


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 5958638)


Mikky 05-02-12 22:24

I know this is going to seem like an odd and seemingly pointless question, but what color is Lara's shirt exactly? It's something that's been bugging me for a while but since we have a TR general thread, I thought I might ask. :p

In-game, it looks like a purplish-gray:

But in the CGI trailer, it clearly has a hint of green:

So, is it just gray and CD made it green just for the trailer or what? I know, weird question, but I wanna know! :p

Rai 05-02-12 22:26

It's officially grey, but Karl mentioned that as a nod to the classic top, it can appear blue/green or whatever in different light, when wet etc.

leglion 05-02-12 22:26

It's grey but changes colour under different lighting.

Mikky 05-02-12 22:29

Is it some kind of magical shirt or what? :vlol: What kind of shirt has a drastic color change in different lighting? :p

_Awestruck_ 05-02-12 22:31


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5958662)
Is it some kind of magical shirt or what? :vlol: What kind of shirt has a drastic color change in different lighting? :p

Most things appear to change in color depending on the lighting. Her shirt doesn't literally turn to purple if she's in a darker area. :p

leglion 05-02-12 22:31


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 5958662)
Is it some kind of magical shirt or what? :vlol: What kind of shirt has a drastic color change in different lighting? :p

Well lighter coloured shirts tend to reflect stronger colours so i guess CD just amped that up as a tribute to the classics.

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