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TippingWater 12-11-12 03:44

*le lulz :D

leglion 12-11-12 03:50

They so ratchet! I love it! :')

TippingWater 12-11-12 04:02


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6520237)
They so ratchet! I love it! :')


LNSNHGTDS 12-11-12 12:30

Honestly, I don't think that such figure should cost that much! It's not that detailed, Underworld's figure was a lot better and a lot cheaper!

TippingWater 12-11-12 14:58

lol :D

FearEffect 12-11-12 17:09

Digital tracks , or a CD ?

Bomb Fighter 12-11-12 17:14


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6520399)
Honestly, I don't think that such figure should cost that much! It's not that detailed, Underworld's figure was a lot better and a lot cheaper!

:ohn: I donīt know about yours but my TRU figure looks pretty horrible :/
The new one looks next to it like a piece of art.

And OMG that Lithograph!!!

LNSNHGTDS 12-11-12 17:19


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6520660)
:ohn: I donīt know about yours but my TRU figure looks pretty horrible :/
The new one looks next to it like a piece of art.

And OMG that Lithograph!!!

Mine is perfectly fine, well it would be if my brother hadn't ****ed it up but it's definately better than the new one, she looks like an Action Man, to begin with :p !

I really hate to criticize TR-related stuff and I usually try to avoid it but I just can't help but notice! I wouldn't mind if it had a lower price but it's way too much for such a figure imo.

Evan C. 12-11-12 17:30


Originally Posted by feareffect (Post 6520646)

omg the box omg omgomg

Rai 12-11-12 17:40


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6520646)

It's really nice to finally see the visuals on what's on offer. The blog also reveals the Survival and Collector's additions for Europe.

TippingWater 12-11-12 20:42

Lovely! :D

sierra xb 12-11-12 20:55


Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6520646)


DEFINITELY getting that one :jmp:

Stevo505 12-11-12 20:58


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6521003)

High ponytail??

January_Snow* 12-11-12 21:00


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6521003)

Wow good for you :D

SpyrosMonster 12-11-12 21:11

How can they not hit beta by now? It's somehow odd.

Linoshi Croft 12-11-12 21:20


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6521034)
How can they not hit beta by now? It's somehow odd.

I've not really known developer to announce things like that any more to be honest.

Gamd1011 12-11-12 21:24

Bad News: :o

The PC edition will be digital download only in North America. That being said, details on a digital collector's edition will come at a later date.

Valentino 12-11-12 21:41

I'm actualy reallly stunned by the low price of the collectors edition. In the UK Play arts figures are up to Ģ50. And a new game on PS3 is usualy about 39.99 and then along side all this we get the other goodys. Thats so cool of Crystal. I'm still baffled why the figure looks so meh concidering its a Play arts figure. Might look better in person.

Rai 12-11-12 21:42

I really want to see the back cover of the box art.

Love2Raid 12-11-12 21:45


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6521110)
I really want to see the back cover of the box art.

Me too, but that's probably too spoilerific to show now. :p

multiplayer :pi:

leglion 12-11-12 21:47

Wait where's the deer hub....

Weemanply109 12-11-12 21:58

Wait, what does pre-ordering on Steam offer that the physical Collectors edition does?

The1andOnlyTR 13-11-12 07:41

Considering I caved last time, I've asked Justin to block my IP address so that I can't come on here until March 5th.
No more spoils for me!
Adios TRFers! :D :hug:

Evermore 13-11-12 09:07


Originally Posted by The1andOnlyTR (Post 6521532)
Considering I caved last time, I've asked Justin to block my IP address so that I can't come on here until March 5th.
No more spoils for me!
Adios TRFers! :D :hug:

:vlol: Bye for now!

I'm not bothered about spoilers tbh. :o I just want to know everything. ^_^

tampi 13-11-12 09:19

I thank the white text on spoilers, but my curiosity has no barriers and often I have no brakes.

Billy959 13-11-12 13:21


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6521133)
Wait, what does pre-ordering on Steam offer that the physical Collectors edition does?

I read that it includes the challenge tomb DLC and a DLC that alows you to play on endurance! Don't know if they meant if this is for CE or are just ad-ing future DLcs

SpyrosMonster 14-11-12 05:27

I can't breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :vlol:

NCFirebolt21 14-11-12 05:47

I do hope that in due time SE will release the complete soundtrack for Tomb Raider. They've mentioned 10 tracks with over 60 minutes of music, but I've known games like the Batman Arkham series (because I extracted and made my own custom mixes) to have at least 3 hours of music minimum (which includes installation menus, cutscenes, additional challenge map and trailer music).
Fingers crossed, I hope I can pre-order that Limited Collector's Edition for the PC when I pick up Hitman on Tuesday...

MyRaider4Life 14-11-12 05:51

Guys, should I pre-purchase TR on Steam now or just wait until it's closer to launch? Money is no real problem, but idk...


just*raidin*tomb 14-11-12 05:54

Just wait...

LNSNHGTDS 14-11-12 05:59


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6522527)
I can't breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :vlol:

WTF :vlol: ?!!?!?

Shark_Blade 14-11-12 06:59

^ :vlol:

alycroft 14-11-12 07:00

I was going to go preorder but i kind of want to see what it really will come with and stuff im defnitly buying it but i just want to make sure nothing more will come out before i jump the gun

Lukass 14-11-12 19:07

I can't believe, how dead it is here. I have to wait two more days for lovely larafan25. This is hilarious! xD

Edit: The pic isn't funny.

klona 14-11-12 19:11

Jill Edition.

Evan C. 14-11-12 19:17


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6522527)
I can't breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :vlol:


Richard_Croft 14-11-12 19:36


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6522527)
I can't breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :vlol:

What the... :vlol:

trfanX34 14-11-12 19:38


Weemanply109 14-11-12 21:37


Originally Posted by MyRaider4Life (Post 6522532)
Guys, should I pre-purchase TR on Steam now or just wait until it's closer to launch? Money is no real problem, but idk...


Wait, tbh. Who knows what other editions or pre-order incentives other stores might come up with CD are unpredictable, tbh.


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6523088)
I can't believe, how dead it is here. I have to wait two more days for lovely larafan25. This is hilarious! xD

Edit: The pic isn't funny.

Why was the Kween banished from his kingdom?


Originally Posted by SpyrosMonster (Post 6522527)
I can't breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :vlol:

The pads really don't surprise me. :vlol: Especially on TRF.

Evan C. 14-11-12 23:17

Tampons, where? :p

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