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Gamd1011 21-11-12 01:51


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6531075)
That was just one quote, from a tweet (I believe). It has also been said they'd be showing more content by the end of this year.

I hope so.

Originally Posted by Steven_1379 (Post 6531138)
ONE hub as big TR:Underworld
oh imwaaaaaiting to see that

hubs include gameplay maybe on the and anyways ill see whats become of LARA CROFT from a physical look perspective

I'm not getting my hopes up, that's a pretty huge claim. When they show me proof I'll believe it.

TheShadowOfMe 21-11-12 03:03

They could show us just a little part of night hub... :s
But.... Polished... :p

Mikky 21-11-12 18:31


Originally Posted by Steven_1379 (Post 6531138)
ONE hub as big TR:Underworld
oh imwaaaaaiting to see that

You guys are still entertaining the possibilty that this could be true? No way. D:

klona 21-11-12 18:48


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6531756)
You guys are still entertaining the possibilty that this could be true? No way. D:

I know, it was probably an exaggeration. :p
But IF it ends up being true, that's something else. :rolleyes:

nevillet 21-11-12 19:09

It's the secret underground hub - a maze of old lava tubes, mining tunnels and WW2 bunkers that stretches underneath the entire island.

One set of tunnels takes you up to the snowy mountains, where you fight dwarves. And another set takes you to the WW2 submarine, where you fight zombie nazis protecting the ark of the covenant.

Love2Raid 21-11-12 19:19

^ :vlol:!

tomee 21-11-12 19:30


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6529574)
Yep. They even said we'd see more about combat before this year ends.

I predict that the end of November/early December is when we'll get more coverage.

I thought the earliest time was late December. :confused:

BeauGarcon 21-11-12 19:34

Guys look at this

Speaking with GamesIndustry, Smith argued that “channel-wide” pre-order incentives would actually benefit everyone.

Gamers would no longer miss out on content by placing their orders with one retailer or another; publishers wouldn’t have to manufacture and distribute multiple SKUs; and even retailers could benefit from simpler messaging and reduced chance of losing regular customers to competition with “better” exclusives.

“It’s a sensitive game, but it’s one I think we can play. The retailers have been very receptive to the fact that something channel-wide doesn’t really take anything away from them,” Smith said.

“It kind of puts the ball in their court. The more they can do to bring awareness to their particular customer base about the offer, the better they’ll do. As long as it’s a good incentive, it’s not so bad that’s it’s not fully exclusive.”

Smith said Square Enix is already planning channel-wide pre-order bonuses for Tomb Raider, its next major retail release due in early 2013 – although some retailers have already announced exclusive deals, including Amazon and GameStop.
No more exclusive DLC's :jmp:

leglion 21-11-12 19:51


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6531756)
You guys are still entertaining the possibilty that this could be true? No way. D:

Well, there's no reason not to believe it.

just*raidin*tomb 21-11-12 20:50

There's reason to doubt it though. :D

leglion 21-11-12 20:53


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6531925)
There's reason to doubt it though. :D


Mikky 21-11-12 21:06


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6531857)
Well, there's no reason not to believe it.

Yes there is - game developers lie and exaggerate, especially CD. That's reason enough for me. :D

just*raidin*tomb 21-11-12 21:11


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6531933)

You're holding it right there. :p

leglion 21-11-12 21:22


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6531975)
You're holding it right there. :p


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6531964)
Yes there is - game developers lie and exaggerate, especially CD. That's reason enough for me. :D

True but that was when they had restraints on them with what they could and couldn't do because of money and playing it safe. Now they have big suga' daddy, Squeenix.

tombstone 21-11-12 22:38


Originally Posted by Mikky (Post 6531964)
Yes there is - game developers lie and exaggerate, especially CD. That's reason enough for me. :D

Too true :/

Peep Show 21-11-12 23:02

leglion gurl I lurve u <3.


Weemanply109 22-11-12 00:07

CD lied a lot with Underworld, but the team has had big changes since then and they're under new management or whatever, so I'm not sure if I should believe their statements now or not. :o

leglion 22-11-12 00:14


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6532115)
leglion gurl I lurve u <3.


Who doesn't booboo? ~Cocky~


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6532188)
CD lied a lot with Underworld, but the team has had big changes since then and they're under new management or whatever, so I'm not sure if I should believe their statements now or not. :o

The only thing I remember was the camera the rest were bad assumptions by us fans tbh. But legend, that's another story.

Weemanply109 22-11-12 00:17


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6532200)
The only thing I remember was the camera the rest were bad assumptions by us fans tbh. But legend, that's another story.

The game's slogan was a huge lie. :vlol: "Explore everything, stop at nothing" and they kept calling it "Epic", but I guess that's a matter of opinion and that depended on our expectations, but they knew that game was a rushed mess and they still released it. :vlol:

leglion 22-11-12 00:22


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6532205)
The game's slogan was a huge lie. :vlol: "Explore everything, stop at nothing" and they kept calling it "Epic", but I guess that's a matter of opinion and that depended on our expectations, but they knew that game was a rushed mess and they still released it. :vlol:

All slogans lie. They're meant to sell the product and be EPIC(no pun intended). Even TR9's slogan is a lie. "A survivor is born". Not a survival game.

Peep Show 22-11-12 00:52


Originally Posted by leglion (Post 6532200)
Who doesn't booboo? ~Cocky~.

I love your cockiness <3.

Love2Raid 22-11-12 01:26


Originally Posted by Weemanply109 (Post 6532205)
The game's slogan was a huge lie. :vlol: "Explore everything, stop at nothing" and they kept calling it "Epic", but I guess that's a matter of opinion and that depended on our expectations, but they knew that game was a rushed mess and they still released it. :vlol:

I'm sure I'm not the first one saying this, but it was more like 'explore nothing, stop at everything', lol. :p
Nah, there was some exploration, but most of it felt very limited, unfortunately. You could climb things and go to places that were mandatory for completing the level, or contained jars with treasure, but other than that there was nothing. It felt very 'designed', especially with the symmetry going on etc. The underwater areas were better though, especially in the Arctic Sea level. That area felt really big and open and I loved it.

Mod Edit: Inappropriate quote removed.

Peep Show 22-11-12 01:27


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6532288)

IKR? Just like my fave <3.

leglion 22-11-12 01:33


Originally Posted by Love2Raid (Post 6532288)
I'm sure I'm not the first one saying this, but it was more like 'explore nothing, stop at everything', lol. :p
Nah, there was some exploration, but most of it felt very limited, unfortunately. You could climb things and go to places that were mandatory for completing the level, or contained jars with treasure, but other than that there was nothing. It felt very 'designed', especially with the symmetry going on etc. The underwater areas were better though, especially in the Arctic Sea level. That area felt really big and open and I loved it.


In CD's defense, those types of places tend to be symmetrical in real life.

Stevo505 22-11-12 05:09

I went on the preorder page, and the CE is showing the survival pouches, even in the USA. Is this a mistake?

Polar 23-11-12 07:54

I just pre-ordered the PC Collector's Edition, I seriously can not wait for this game.

klona 23-11-12 07:56

I pre-ordered the CE. :D
I did that last night and woke up and thought it was a dream... but it wasn't! xD

Evermore 23-11-12 08:32

I loooove the excitement coming from TRF members right now. :D Doing well with that hype, haha!

Lukass 23-11-12 16:09

^ What excitement are you talking about? It's completely dead here :vlol:

Spong 23-11-12 16:11


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6533795)
^ What excitement are you talking about? It's completely dead here :vlol:

IKR? It's been bliss :p
It'd be the perfect time for Justin to introduce an 18+ age restriction :tmb:

Evan C. 23-11-12 16:36

Probably on the upcoming weeks new info will come out, but the game is around the corner so :)

JsotoTRSaga 23-11-12 17:33


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6533795)
^ What excitement are you talking about? It's completely dead here :vlol:

I'm quite excited myself, not as much as i would be if we had gotten something new to discuss about but since the game's release is around the corner just like Evan (:cln:) said we may have some new interesting media and/or details to discuss about before the game finally releases. I'm excited for 2013 only bc of TR & GTA5. More for TR tbh.;)

klona 23-11-12 18:11


Originally Posted by Spong (Post 6533797)
IKR? It's been bliss :p
It'd be the perfect time for Justin to introduce an 18+ age restriction :tmb:

I'm still 17. ;-;
Can I have a special pass if that happened, though? :p

LNSNHGTDS 23-11-12 18:12

Why have an 18+ restriction anyway, most adult memmbers on TRF are boring -_- !

JsotoTRSaga 23-11-12 18:14

But it won't happen^, it wold be pathetic to have an age restriction in this forum it's not like the new TR is a ''XXX'' Rated A+ for Adults only game... and even if it was it is pointless since that won't prevent people from talking about the game anywhere else or here even.

LNSNHGTDS 23-11-12 18:18


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6533923)
But it won't happen^, it wold be pathetic to have an age restriction in this forum it's not like the new TR is a ''XXX'' Rated A+ for Adults only game... and even if it was it is pointless since that won't prevent people from talking about the game anywhere else or here even.

Exactly. To be honest I can't even see why the game is 18+ , because of blood? The classics had bloo too. Because of the "rape" :rolleyes: ? (I don't think I need to comment on that! ) . Because Lara gets injured on everything she find in her way? Cartoons get more damage.

There might be something we haven't seen yet though...

JsotoTRSaga 23-11-12 18:22


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6533927)
Exactly. To be honest I can't even see why the game is 18+ , because of blood? The classics had bloo too. Because of the "rape" :rolleyes: ? (I don't think I need to comment on that! ) . Because Lara gets injured on everything she find in her way? Cartoons get more damage.

There might be something we haven't seen yet though...

Yeah, but i doubt that what we have not seen can make the game's rating change significantly if it's an M rated game then good at least you can send your parents or brother/sister to buy it for you :p but age restrictions on a PUBLIC FORUM about a VIDEO GAME FRANCHISE that is followed by fans of multiple ages is just pointless and ridiculous. The fanbase is big and diverse enough.

vinnyvis 23-11-12 18:23


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6533927)
Exactly. To be honest I can't even see why the game is 18+ , because of blood? The classics had bloo too. Because of the "rape" :rolleyes: ? (I don't think I need to comment on that! ) . Because Lara gets injured on everything she find in her way? Cartoons get more damage.

There might be something we haven't seen yet though...

Partial nudity.

We'll probally see some nude dead bodies... wich isn't that weird after all, but the gaming rules are very scrict these days.

JsotoTRSaga 23-11-12 18:27


Originally Posted by vinnyvis (Post 6533933)
Partial nudity.

We'll probally see some nude dead bodies... wich isn't that weird after all, but the gaming rules are very scrict these days.

Wasn't the sleeper naked in TRAOD? Wasn't there some nude ancient paintings in TR4 in the Catacombs levels? I doubt there may be nude corpses but if they are knowing CD they won't be as graphical as those of L.A Noire to make this forum change drastically and turn into a lame 18+ only forum. Visits to this forum will be lower also everyone will go to the Eidos Board :rolleyes: so i'm afraid that it should be taken like what it is a FICTIONAL VIDEO GAME made by PIXELS and DRAWINGS.

LNSNHGTDS 23-11-12 18:28


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6533930)
Yeah, but i doubt that what we have not seen can make the game's rating change significantly if it's an M rated game then good at least you can send your parents or brother/sister to buy it for you :p but age restrictions on a PUBLIC FORUMabout a VIDEO GAME FRANCHISE that is followed by fans of multiple ages is just pointless and ridiculous.

Yeah definatey, but we should wait and see. If the ban is to be put on this section (which I doubt) it will propably be after release. As for buying I shouldn't worry, I live in Greece, no one pays attention to that except over protective parents. I know it sounds kinda sad but it's true :p .

Well certain people take this forum WAAAY more seriously than they should, so it would honest;y not surprise me at all.

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