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Richard_Croft 12-01-13 09:51

^... About the cover: I've said this before, but I prefer this one!

Originally Posted by FearEffect (Post 6601462)

Hm, ok. Maybe they got inspiration from TRIII:LA :p

TippingWater 12-01-13 09:53


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6601484)
^... About the cover: I've said this before, but I prefer this one!

Hm, ok. Maybe they got inspiration from TRIII:LA :p

^_^ I wouldn't mind if that was actually true :D.

Richard_Croft 12-01-13 09:55

Who knows? :mis:

Bomb Fighter 12-01-13 09:58


Originally Posted by nevillet (Post 6601468)
What the [insert expletive here]? That necklace is terrible!
Wrong shape, too symmetrical, wrong colour, looks like a tiddlywink with a few punched holes. Total crap imo. :mad:

Can I say, though, that I love the cover art selection - I think this is the single most iconic and involving piece of art I've seen. Strength, weakness, pain, determination, grit and fire. Love it!

I totally agree with you! The cover is amazing and the necklace looks just...wrong. Mine and other hand-made ones I´ve seen here look much better.

danny.rex 12-01-13 09:59


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6601461)
Ugh, thank God I made my own necklace. That looks nothing like hers D: - Here see this!

Have you guys seen this before?

Where did that came from? I mean the map

And yes, the "official" necklace replica looks awful honestly

Richard_Croft 12-01-13 10:01

^Pre-order bonus -Here!

daventry 12-01-13 10:03

Do we know if the Necklace is part of the Story in the Game, or is it just some pretty thing like the Earrings she is wearing.

danny.rex 12-01-13 10:04


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6601490)
^Pre-order bonus -Here!

oh cool, nice since that's where I'm buying it


M1chae1a 12-01-13 10:10


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6601433)

Looks pretty sweet! :D

Awesome video! I like the fact that they play as Sam. In the rest of the multiplayer videos I have seen they just play as guys. Go Sam! :jmp: (Though where was the orange?)

Richard_Croft 12-01-13 10:22

@danny.rex: No problem :)

Originally Posted by daventry (Post 6601495)
Do we know if the Necklace is part of the Story in the Game, or is it just some pretty thing like the Earrings she is wearing.

Actually, Crystal commented on this subject. I can't remember exactly what they said, but it has some sort of mystery around it! Not part of the story

brand.seph 12-01-13 10:49

Since we're talking about necklaces, here's one that my friend gave me this Christmas. He knows how much of Tomb Raider fan I was but of course he couldnt make one, so he found one that looks kind of (not really) like the one lara's wearing. Close Enough. xD


Richard_Croft 12-01-13 11:50

Here's the one I made last year! IMO, this one is closest to Lara's than the one that comes with the Strategy Guide :p

Poke Warrior 12-01-13 12:17


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6601553)
Here's the one I made last year! IMO, this one is closest to Lara's than the one that comes with the Strategy Guide :p

Where can I get this guide if it comes with Lara's necklace??!

Bomb Fighter 12-01-13 12:19

^ amazon or gamestop so far

@Richard_Croft: Great job! :tmb: maybe you could add few black lines like Lara's.
Imma make a new one, smaller for daily wearing, because the big one (like in renders) is a little too big.

Poke Warrior 12-01-13 12:23


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6601572)
^ amazon or gamestop so far

Thanks :) Just found it :D 3 Tomb Raider things preordered so far. Collectors edition, Guide and controller :D Am I missing anything? XD

Richard_Croft 12-01-13 12:33


Originally Posted by Bomb Fighter (Post 6601572)
@Richard_Croft: Great job! :tmb: maybe you could add few black lines like Lara's.
Imma make a new one, smaller for daily wearing, because the big one (like in renders) is a little too big.

Thank you :hug:
Yeah, maybe! I still have to varnish it to give it that glossy look... And mine is quite big tbh :p

lcroft_lc 12-01-13 12:35

Richard_Croft 12-01-13 12:37

^Meh, I'd love a skin for Lara tbh :ohn:

CBS_TombRaider 12-01-13 12:37


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6601594)

Why does this remind me so much of Assasin's Creed? :pi: Is this official?

Poke Warrior 12-01-13 12:38


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6601597)
Why does this remind me so much of Assasin's Creed? :pi: Is this official?

It is. I think...

Richard_Croft 12-01-13 12:39


Originally Posted by CBS_TombRaider (Post 6601597)
Is this official?

Yes it is! This is the skin that comes with the controller

lcroft_lc 12-01-13 12:44


Originally Posted by **LARA LOVER** (Post 6601253)
Anyone see this yet? [IMG]http://i48.************/2vkb6yo.jpg[/IMG]

Tomb Raider Limited Edition Official Strategy Guide by BradyGames

Looks like we are finally going to be able to have a replica of Lara's necklace! :jmp:

Here's a link!

WOW! So it will come 1 week before game release! Spoilers!!

Lukass 12-01-13 12:45

Why is that pendant SO different?

Richard_Croft 12-01-13 12:48

^I wonder the same thing :whi:

mikesamillion2 12-01-13 13:34


Hey guys! I'm gonna cosplay as Alex :D

daventry 12-01-13 14:11

How does one Visit Crystal Dynamics/Eidos, i mean how did Melonie get Invited, can you go there as a Tourist and meet Karl and Meagen, or must you do something specific.

TippingWater 12-01-13 14:23


Originally Posted by mikesamillion2 (Post 6601650)

Hey guys! I'm gonna cosplay as Alex :D


Lukass 12-01-13 14:27


Originally Posted by mikesamillion2 (Post 6601650)

Hey guys! I'm gonna cosplay as Alex :D

You look lovely! :p

Richard_Croft 12-01-13 14:35

LNSNHGTDS 12-01-13 14:35

:eek: Creepy Lara on the wall!


Richard_Croft 12-01-13 14:37


Lukass 12-01-13 16:06

She's like "soon"....

trfanX34 12-01-13 16:10


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6601823)
She's like "soon"....


Richard_Croft 12-01-13 16:23


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6601823)
She's like "soon"....

IKR? :vlol:

Bomb Fighter 12-01-13 16:27

The poster interests me much more than all the controlers, tbh

Only TR lover 12-01-13 16:55


Originally Posted by mikesamillion2 (Post 6601650)

Hey guys! I'm gonna cosplay as Alex :D


ItIsOkBro 12-01-13 16:57


Originally Posted by mikesamillion2 (Post 6601650)

Hey guys! I'm gonna cosplay as Alex :D

The shirt is quite long :pi:

TheShadowOfMe 12-01-13 17:33


Originally Posted by **LARA LOVER** (Post 6601253)
Anyone see this yet? [IMG]http://i48.************/2vkb6yo.jpg[/IMG]

Tomb Raider Limited Edition Official Strategy Guide by BradyGames

Looks like we are finally going to be able to have a replica of Lara's necklace! :jmp:

Here's a link!

And just when I made necklace, they had to change it! :@ Oh, well, I'll make another one... :D *you_can_find_it_in_this_thread_i_guess* :D :/

lance6439 12-01-13 17:42

Wheres the multi player video?

mikesamillion2 12-01-13 17:42


Originally Posted by ItIsOkBro (Post 6601925)
The shirt is quite long :pi:

I know I had to get an XL because the large would have been too tight round my arms and shoulders :P

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