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LNSNHGTDS 24-01-13 22:44


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6620364)
Bui teh Jupunase vursion boi.

Meh, I don't know. Have a game shipped all the way from Japan just for teh voice acting :p ? I'll still have Godmilla but I just hope Yuko Godess will be on all versions.

TheRCroft 24-01-13 22:44


Originally Posted by Vinkula (Post 6620368)
No, not for me anyway xD It made no sense to me lol. :D Thanks for clearing.

Yeah I hate dubs too. Especially Finnish ones.

Sorry then, I guess I should have worded it better :p Yeah, Portuguese ones aren't so great either :p

Btw, I found the post:

Mikky 24-01-13 22:44

I bet you'll be able to pick whatever language you want.

Vinkula 24-01-13 22:45


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6620375)
Sorry then, I guess I should have worded it better :p Yeah, Portuguese ones aren't so great either :p

Btw, I found the post:

:p it's okay. Well I haven't heard many games in portuguese, only Uncharted 2 and 3 :D They were actually quite good.

ermahgerd that post.

TheRCroft 24-01-13 22:45

^ Really? Humm, I have to check that out! D:


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6620371)
My life = Ruined

Don't fret just yet :p Karl apparently said that you won't be able to switch voices, but probably he only meant while playing the game. I guess at the beggining of the game you will be able to pick whatever language you want.

LNSNHGTDS 24-01-13 22:45


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6620375)
Sorry then, I guess I should have worded it better :p Yeah, Portuguese ones aren't so great either :p

Btw, I found the post:

I remember that, but it makes absolutely no sense D: .

And Karl has a tendency to... "distort the truth" so let's just hope that he's lying once more :p !

GUMI 24-01-13 22:45


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6620373)
Meh, I don't know. Have a game shipped all the way from Japan just for teh voice acting :p ? I'll still have Godmilla but I just hope Yuko Godess will be on all versions.

I just hope that Camilla is on all versions here in Norway :eek:

Ronack 24-01-13 22:46


Originally Posted by TheRCroft (Post 6620367)
What I heard someone saying, I think it was MyRaider4Life, was that you couldn't change the language, what made some people wonder whether some editions of the game (the Nordic edition, the Benelux edition) only allow you to choose your native language or not.

Well, I'll be danged, that sure would be one of the more stupid business decisions I have heard this year. And boy, have corporations been trying already!

LNSNHGTDS 24-01-13 22:48


Originally Posted by GUMI (Post 6620382)
I just hope that Camilla is on all versions here in Norway :eek:

There are only three voice actresses left, there will definately be a Spanish one, propably a Chinese one and maybe an Italian one so I guess you'll have Godmilla ;) .

GUMI 24-01-13 22:48


Originally Posted by Ronack (Post 6620385)
Well, I'll be danged, that sure would be one of the more stupid business decisions I have heard this year. And boy, have corporations been trying already!

Welcome to the forums! :wve:
And i agree with you.

TheRCroft 24-01-13 22:48


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6620381)
I remember that, but it makes absolutely no sense D: .

And Karl has a tendency to... "distort the truth" so let's just hope that he's lying once more :p !

Yeah, it must be the only time when I'm hoping he's lying. Or that he only means switching voices in-game.

Originally Posted by Ronack (Post 6620385)
Well, I'll be danged, that sure would be one of the more stupid business decisions I have heard this year. And boy, have corporations been trying already!

Nothing business-related can really surprise me now, I think we've already seen a lot of stupid decisions, so this one would just be another one to add to the list. Can't say it wouldn't bother me a bit, though.

Welcome to the forums, btw!

Ronack 24-01-13 22:53

Thanks, peeps ^^ Also, yeh, there have been a boatload of bad decisions over the passed few years. I think I'm starting to get desensitized to stupidity.

lcroft_lc 25-01-13 06:13

Shark_Blade 25-01-13 06:31

^So she had sex with Roth.

Phlip 25-01-13 09:29

What famous explorer would that be? Classic Lara?

Steven_1379 25-01-13 10:03

Richard croft obviously :p
the one explorer Roth was always jealous of wat...:pi:

Shark_Blade 25-01-13 10:08


Originally Posted by Phlip (Post 6620857)
What famous explorer would that be? Classic Lara?

That must be it. :vlol:

Now that I thought about it, it's funny that they never revealed said "famous explorer". How can he/she be famous when no one knows his/her name?

*CD meeting boardroom*

Staff1: I made up a cool quote, but then who should I put it to? Afonso de Albuquerque? Francis Drake?

Staff2: No, no, don't put it on any renown explorers. The tr fans will see through our bull**** in mere seconds. You don't know how thorough their investigations are. They'll dig everything up to the grave.

Staff1: File it under an anonymous name then. Problem settled.

Staff2: Genius! Why didn't I think of that? I'll put it under "a famous explorer".

Karl: Batman. James Bond. Soon..

Meagan: ...

Ronack 25-01-13 10:10


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6620775)

Nathan Drake? Indiana Jones? :P

Phlip 25-01-13 10:22

Werner Von Croy?

BeauGarcon 25-01-13 10:38

Someone already posted who he was :ton: I don't remember the name but what I do remember is that he was somehow connected with climbing high mountains...

Soul 25-01-13 11:17

What counts is that the explorer Lara mentions exists in the TR-universe, as LARA mentions him, so I don't understand this discussion here at all.
I always thought she meant Roth btw. as he seems to be famous IN THIS GAME.

Scilli 25-01-13 11:26


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6620775)

and i say its the opposite! Forever!

TippingWater 25-01-13 11:27

Ronack 25-01-13 11:31

Lara vs Chtulu. I can dig it.

TippingWater 25-01-13 11:35

Epic! ^_^

Jami393 25-01-13 12:04


Originally Posted by TippingWater (Post 6620937)

What the heck is that creature?

Shark_Blade 25-01-13 12:07


Ronack 25-01-13 12:08

Well, it's either Cthulhu or The Kraken.

Jami393 25-01-13 12:17


Originally Posted by Shark_Blade (Post 6620980)

What the heck is an Underpus? The only thing I found on Google Images is the Kraken from Tomb Raider Underworld, and that doesn't look like the Kraken.


Originally Posted by Ronack (Post 6620981)
Well, it's either Cthulhu or The Kraken.

I just Googled Cthulhu, and that has wings which in that pic it doesn't look like it has wings. Also it doesn't look like a giant octopus, so I'm dismissing that it is the Kraken.

LNSNHGTDS 25-01-13 12:25


Originally Posted by BeauGarcon (Post 6620913)
Someone already posted who he was :ton: I don't remember the name but what I do remember is that he was somehow connected with climbing high mountains...

Oh, maybe it was the guy who climbed Everest first then... whoever that was, lol :p ...!

anotherAODfan 25-01-13 12:27


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6620991)
Oh, maybe it was the guy who climbed Everest first then... whoever that was, lol :p ...!

It was Edmund Hillary. You should have known that :smk:

LNSNHGTDS 25-01-13 12:31


Originally Posted by anotherAODfan (Post 6620992)
It was Edmund Hillary. You should have known that :smk:

As if I actually care *sigh* :rolleyes: ...!

And anyway, he climbed a mountain, good for him, but why should I even care :confused: .

lcroft_lc 25-01-13 12:46


Originally Posted by Ronack (Post 6620885)
Nathan Drake? Indiana Jones? :P

Karl previously said its Lara Croft herself.

LNSNHGTDS 25-01-13 12:46


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6621010)
Karl previously said its Lara Croft herself.

When did she even said that, lol :p ?

Sounds way too classy for something Classic Lara would have said and way too sophisticated for something AoD Lara or TRilogy Lara would have said :p ...!

TippingWater 25-01-13 13:42


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6621010)
Karl previously said its Lara Croft herself.

I wonder if the game will end will Lara making a press statement like this!?:tmb:

Tonyrobinson 25-01-13 13:45

It isn't a real quote it is a play on words and paraphrasing from a quote of another explorer called Edmund Hillary. It doesn't have to be a real quote it's a fictional piece of work based in a fictional realm. :rolleyes:

Rai 25-01-13 13:50


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6621010)
Karl previously said its Lara Croft herself.

When? And why would she talk about herself in the the third person and call herself a 'famous explorer', when she clearly isn't - yet? :p. Karl also said it was a paraphrased quote from a RL explorer.

LNSNHGTDS 25-01-13 13:50


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6621059)
When? and why would she talk about herself in the the third person and call herself a 'famous explorer', when she clearly isn't - yet? :p. Karl also said it was a paraphrased quote from a RL explorer.

They meant it was saomething former Lara said, which I doubt because I guess I would remember it :confused: .

Rai 25-01-13 13:56


Originally Posted by LNSNHGTDS (Post 6621060)
They meant it was saomething former Lara said, which I doubt because I guess I would remember it :confused: .

I don't remember that either. Plus it doesn't even make sense, in the context of the trailer. Young Lara talking about a 'famous explorer' who is [technically] herself in the future: it's a time paradox. Quick someone call Doctor Who :vlol:. I think maybe lcroft_lc has misunderstood a quote of Karl's somewhere. I suppose it could be something old Lara could have said, but not in the context of the trailer with Lara saying what she does. I mean, the 'famous explorer' part could of course, refer to 'old' Lara. But this Lara is clearly talking about some other well known explorer.

Shark_Blade 25-01-13 13:57

Wow, a former Lara in a reboot TR? Actually being canon?

Yeah right. Never gonna happen.:/ :rolleyes:

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