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Lukass 05-09-12 21:09


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6419145)



italibabee 05-09-12 21:10


Originally Posted by Lukass (Post 6419143)
Oh go away :vlol:

Dx Go away?!
Aww ok byeee!

lmfao jk!

Tabuu 05-09-12 21:11

LOL :vlol::vlol::vlol::vlol::vlol::vlol::vlol::vlol::v lol::vlol:

trfanX34 05-09-12 21:37


Originally Posted by italibabee (Post 6419134)
The skull is obviously..........



Tabuu 05-09-12 21:37 what do you think of this the link says disabled and i just found it on yt so discuss

trfanX34 05-09-12 21:40


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6419197) what do you think of this the link says disabled and i just found it on yt so discuss

Please don't tell me you actually believe that.

Tabuu 05-09-12 21:43


Originally Posted by trfanX34 (Post 6419202)
Please don't tell me you actually believe that.

nope just asking most of your onions opinions**

trfanX34 05-09-12 22:07


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6419206)
nope just asking most of your onions opinions**

Oh :p All of these videos and sites are always a hoax.

Peep Show 05-09-12 23:11

Yeah i'm sure the full game leaked before it even hit beta. :vlol:

Tabuu 05-09-12 23:13


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6419275)
Yeah i'm sure the full game leaked before it even hit beta. :vlol:

:p rofl i didnt even notice he meant the full game :vlol:

Richard_Croft 05-09-12 23:17


Originally Posted by Peep Show (Post 6419275)
Yeah i'm sure the full game leaked before it even hit beta. :vlol:


Originally Posted by Tabuu (Post 6419277)
:p rofl i didnt even notice he meant the full game :vlol:


Tabuu 05-09-12 23:23


Originally Posted by Richard_Croft (Post 6419282)

Tabuu 06-09-12 01:33

ugh so bored anyway when they do a final hours of tr let me know i need to kno or im going to have to :cen: you up :D

larafan25 06-09-12 01:34

Will do. Should be some time next month. :cool:

Rai 06-09-12 01:36

Haven't they been editing it, for like, ages? Meagan said they were almost done. Shouldn't it be this month?

@Tabuu, I'm sure someone will post it in a thread, so you won't miss it :)

Tabuu 06-09-12 01:36


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6419448)
Will do. Should be some time next month. :cool:

gracias senior :D

just*raidin*tomb 06-09-12 02:07


Originally Posted by larafan25 (Post 6419448)
Will do. Should be some time next month. :cool:

As in October? Lame. The last one was in July wasn't it?

larafan25 06-09-12 02:08


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6419483)
As in October? Lame. The last one was in July wasn't it?

Woops. This month.

Keep thinking it's August.

Tabuu 06-09-12 02:08


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6419483)
As in October? Lame. The last one was in July wasn't it?

lemme check yea it was last month check yt

Gamd1011 06-09-12 03:53

Who's the dude that saves Lara from drowning in Turning Point again?

just*raidin*tomb 06-09-12 03:54


Originally Posted by Gamd1011 (Post 6419580)
Who's the dude that saves Lara from drowning in Turning Point again?

That big black dude I think...I forgot his name. Or do we even know it?

Gamd1011 06-09-12 03:57


Originally Posted by just*raidin*tomb (Post 6419581)
That big black dude I think...I forgot his name. Or do we even know it?

I thought we did?:confused:

larafan25 06-09-12 04:02

I can never remember his name.

It's like...I always want to say Jonas.

OH Jona, I think, give or takre an h.


Bomb Fighter 06-09-12 09:46

Is this article new?

The author seems pretty sure about multiplayer. He's gonna be disappointed...

JsotoTRSaga 06-09-12 09:48

^Never seen this article before, hopefully the author will be completely disappointed.

Rai 06-09-12 11:31

That's the article that lcroft lc has a thread on. His 'source' is Larafan25 and don't you deny it LF :pi:

:p j/k

It's not a reliable article anyhoo, what with his talk on 'open world'

lcroft_lc 06-09-12 11:57


Originally Posted by Rai (Post 6419961)
That's the article that lcroft lc has a thread on. His 'source' is Larafan25 and don't you deny it LF :pi:

:p j/k

It's not a reliable article anyhoo, what with his talk on 'open world'

Wait I didn't say LF25 was my source, I said this:

Larafan25 will be pleased to read the last line of the article. :p

Rai 06-09-12 12:00

No. I meant LF25 was the article writers source :p

JsotoTRSaga 06-09-12 12:02

@lcroft_lc Rai wasn't referring to you :ton:, he is saying that LF25 was the one interviewed by the author and the press meaning that he was the source of that misled article :p

lcroft_lc 06-09-12 12:13


Originally Posted by JsotoTRSaga (Post 6419998)
@lcroft_lc Rai wasn't referring to you :ton:, he is saying that LF25 was the one interviewed by the author and the press meaning that he was the source of that misled article :p

Oh sorry, my poor English understandability. :o:o:o

JsotoTRSaga 06-09-12 12:24


Originally Posted by lcroft_lc (Post 6420017)
Oh sorry, my poor English understandability. :o:o:o

It's ok if your 1st language isn't english, it has happened to me before (since Spanish is my 1st language and it ain't English either) iv'e even got as far as calling people names when misreading something :p for caution i now read the long posts twice-Just in case ;)

Rai 06-09-12 12:48

An interview with Meagan:

Found it on the Eidos forums.

Lukass 06-09-12 12:51

^ She's so lovely...

Thanks for posting, Rai :hug:

JsotoTRSaga 06-09-12 12:54

Nothing new in it but it was interesting, saw it myself in the Eidos forums but I thought i had seen it b4 which i did not.
Thanks for sharing RAI :wve:

Lara_Fan1 06-09-12 13:20

Thank you Rai :)

Tabuu 06-09-12 21:33

Rai is da best :hug:

Lio123 06-09-12 21:38

Lara is the new Mona Lisa.

Mikky 06-09-12 21:40

That's so bad. :/

Lio123 06-09-12 21:43

I know i don't like it that much either.

larafan25 06-09-12 21:44


Originally Posted by Lio123 (Post 6421006)

That is actually quite, quite, and quite decent and I've been inspired.

Golly shoot! D:

I have ideas now!

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